Is this a evil thing to do or am i just brilliant?

You know how every store gives you are reset for what you had just purchased? I had a thought that if I could buy all this stuff and keep it till I am done with it and return it with out breaking the package I could save a ton of money. Is this wrong? Am I a bad person for wanting to do this?

You are very smart 25
You are the worst kind of person 16
This is clever but immoral 36
You fiend! 12
No you are evil 12
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Comments ( 68 )
  • charli.m

    There's usually a limit on how long you after purchase you can return it, and I doubt you'd be able to return it in perfectly resaleable condition.

    Your poll needs an option for us to vote that you're a bit of a moron.

    And it's "receipt" not "reset".

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    • I also wanted to vote that its a stupid idea but there was no option for that. If you do decide to do this, make sure you put rocks or something in the box so it doesnt feel empty.

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    • nAt2017

      That reset-receipt thing had me really confused...

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      • charli.m

        Yeah, it took me a few seconds hah. I've found I have somewhat of a talent for deciphering IIN misspellings. You should check out the IIN Misspelt Words Poll ;)

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    • I am not a moron. Also I have seen people perfectly reseal something and put it back and you can not tell they did anything. It is not a hard trick.

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      • PumpkinKate

        That's not what makes you a moron. It's more "Guys, I just discovered grass is green. AM I BRILLIANT OR WHAT???" that does.

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        • RaNdOmPoPcOrN


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      • charli.m

        ...If I could still edit my post, I would remove the "a bit of" from it.

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      • davesumba

        you know you aren't the first person to do that. people have online vids where they have bought ipods, taken it out, replaced some weight, shrunk wrap it, and returned it to the store for a full refund.
        or they buy some expensive things, then report their credit card stolen the next day for a full refund(can't do that one too often though)

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  • LesserKnownCharacter

    Firstly, you're way behind in discovering this idea. Secondly, being so far behind in discovering this idea, you fail to realize there are procedures and policies in place to thwart people like you.

    Larger stores typically scan your ID when you return something. They keep track of you, bub. Both large and small stores will notice, one way or another, if you are returning tons of things and when it gets to a suspicious point you will probably be banned from the store.

    Electronics like CD's, DVD's and video games usually have certain kinds of stickers or tape on them that once you pull it off, there's no putting it back on and most stores don't refund cash for opened electronics anyway. They usually will only replace the product with the same product. Ah, and before you get excited and say you'll just return the new, unopened product...wait, they OPEN the replacement before giving it to you so you can't do that. They caught onto that eons ago. So you're back to square one.

    There's far better ways to save money than this. You, sir, ARE a moron. If for nothing else than you thought this was an original, new idea. Let alone the scumbaggedry of it all.

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    • I have tried legitimately returning damaged goods before and they refused to give me a refund or another item.

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    • charli.m


      I like it :D

      Can I steal it from you?

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      • LesserKnownCharacter

        By all means!

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        • charli.m

          I like you :)

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  • PumpkinKate

    So I just had this idea, and I'm either brilliant or evil! Either way I'm a genius!! So, 2 friends are being held in a jail cell, and one could pretend to be sick. Now (brace yourself) when the guard opens the cell to check on him...

    (ready for it?)
    They jump him and take the keys & escape!!

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  • VioletTrees

    Tacky people have been doing this for decades.

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  • You are a intelligent person. But there is a sadness to your wisdom.

    Regardless, hat's off to you my good sir.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Behavior like this is what creates the policies everyone hates. People abuse the idea of reasonable accommodation and it ruins truly good return policies. Many stores will only issue store credit because of it. At some point you will realize that there is no brilliance in being a cheat. Maybe not.

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  • dude_Jones

    You are a master of the obvious. You may be too dumb to realize that mastery of the obvious is in fact dumb.

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  • Bmitch32

    I buy a whole new outfit before I go out every weekend and return it after. Works like a charm and I always have fresh gear :)

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  • sega31098

    You are bound for failure. One of these days you are going to break/damage it. If you watched the new episodes of The Simpsons you would know what would happen.

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    • I missed it so what happened?

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      • sega31098

        It was a conversation on member chat.

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    • chewy

      Are you new here?

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      • sega31098

        No, I've been here for 10 months.

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  • Moonbow

    If you were as "brilliant" as you THINK you are, you would know it's "AN evil thing," not "A evil thing."

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  • naughtiness , i had a cat called naughtiness it was black, some fool shot it

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    • IwantYou

      Yeah, that happens ALOT in my area as well a fw cats got shot in the bum with a bb gun. :(

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  • Mazlow

    if it works for you and you get what you want?
    Hell yeah you on point. save yourself the cash. If people want to be angry at con artists then hate the Illuminati.

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  • RockerRoseanne

    Intelligent but Immoral. I still say do it.

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  • rhythmness93

    Lol a genius would know how to spell simple things in this post that you however do not.

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  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    whoa do you have a brain

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  • dirtybirdy

    Its neither

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I work in a place like Ross, and we check everything toake sure it hasn't been used yet. There is also a limit on how long you can have it. But nice try.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    That will only make everything more expensive for everybody else. It's the same with cheating your insurance or stealing from supermarkets.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Brilliant? shaking my head....

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  • Darkoil

    Well you definitely are not brilliant. To be honest you actually sound a bit simple, no offence like.

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  • Preacher

    I knew someone who "bought" a suit for a wedding, wore it for the event, took it to the cleaners and returned it the following day.

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    • Why did he not just rent it?

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      • Obviously because you still have to pay to rent something.

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        • Preacher

          Precisely. It was a pretty expensive suit so he probably thought it more convenient and cheaper to have it cleaned instead of renting it.
          I think that you have to be at least shameless to pull this kind of stuff. I couldn't. I'm not a survivor.

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  • Maykittens

    You are definitely the opposite of brilliant. This is such a stupid plan and I can tell you that millions and millions of people before you have thought of it, and millions of people after you will try it.

    DOES NOT WORK. Trust me, Walmart is smarter than an idiot like you will ever be. xD I agree with Darkoil, you sound really simple. Kinda like you were hit with stupid branches on the way down the tree.

    And what the hell is a reset, stupid? You're poll doesn't have an option for us to call you a stupid dumbass. So I just wont vote at all. (:

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  • Please repent of your sin my child.

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    • rhythmness93

      Nobody is your child. Stop.

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      • Bubbles-for-life

        You made me laugh so freakin hard you Violet and child dude LMAO IM STILL LAUGHING LMAO

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      • sega31098

        Except his actual child (if he has one).

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      • VioletTrees

        Oh good, I'm not the only one who finds this creepy.

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        • I think he might be a priest or a religious figure of that type. Why are you all so bothered by it? This seems typical if they are some kind of religious figure.

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          • VioletTrees

            Talking that way to other people of your religion is one thing. Talking to everybody that way comes across as pushy and condescending to me. It's rude to assume that strangers are the same religion as you, and given that being called "my child" by strangers makes some people really uncomfortable, it's kind of inconsiderate to keep doing it anyway.

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            • rhythmness93

              It's just disturbing that someone in some sort of "religious position of power" actually believes that they can talk down to someone like that. NO, I am not your child. NO, I am not related to you in any way. NO, I do not believe you are at all influential; to be quite honest I think you have been brainwashed at a very young age and I pity you.

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            • No I am not saying same religion. I am saying some religious people talk that way because how they see things. Like mothers of age 40 referring to anyone 20 and down as a child. It is a point of view. I am very use to this since I know religious people who speak in this manner. So I do not find it strange.
              Child is like those you are teaching. Sister is like Sister Mary and Father is what you call a catholic priest. This manner sounds Catholic.

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      • We are all in the family of almighty God. I assume that I am older than most here so I call them child. Or son or daughter if I know there gender. People that are my age I call brother or sister.

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        • VioletTrees

          Personally, I wouldn't be comfortable with being called "sister" either, to be honest. It implies a level of emotional intimacy that I don't have with strangers and acquaintances. When somebody who I'm not close to calls me something like that, I don't feel that my boundaries are being respected.

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          • I'm sorry that you feel that way. I will try to remember not to call you that if you don't like it. God Bless.

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        • rhythmness93

          Some people have very different thoughts than you so don't go around preaching anonymously like you are right now. Yes, it's a condscending way to act and someone that is in the apparent position you are should realize that.

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          • So you are free to have your opinion and I am not?

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            • rhythmness93

              That's not what I'm saying. You're free to believe in whatever you'd like; but there's a big difference between openly "pushing it" on people and keeping it to yourself. Some people may not like the whole "brother, sister, son, daughter" just comes off a little too personal.

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        • what if they are much older than you?

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          • Most people that are much older than me have already passed away.

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