Is this a good score?

I beat F.E.A.R with a score of 400,000 points. How is this? Yeah I died alot and replayed the game once half way through, but I just saw a walkthrough and the guys end score with no death was 42,000. Does this mean it took me ten times as fucking long to beat the game?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • megadriver

    Never heard of FEAR, but let me tell you this... Play the game for enjoyment. Don't turn games into tests. Don't get bogged down with useless numbers. Scores only matter when you go for specific achievements, or you're playing a racing game.

    I hate how every shooter has to put meaningless numbers, multipliers, kill streaks and other garbage to make the game more annoying! If you're a no lifer who breathes mountain dew and is a 360-no-scope god, you get to brag with your big score.
    If you're not ^that^, you think your score sucks and you suck at the game.

    I can admit that I suck at shooters. I've been in the army, I own guns and I am a fairly good shot in real life (target practice and hunting kills), but in real life nobody judges your coolness and gives you points for it. You see the target, you take the shot.

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    • olderdude-xx

      and in real life its a lot harder to hit the target than in video games. Accuracy in shooting fast and under pressure is actually a very rare skill; usually the bullets (or arrows, bolts, etc.) go all over the place in the general direction of the target and the vast majority of them miss the specific target you are aiming at.

      Video games are so unrealistic.

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      • LloydAsher

        I perfer to play games that are just stupid levels of fun. I dont need realism to have fun. Titanfall 2 my favorite shooter. The default movement is running, all surfaces can be used for parkour. As well as have giant mechs to shoot and pilot. Is it realistic to have a mech that uses a sword and can teleport? Nope but god damn is it fun.

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