Is this a mental illness if so what.
Im 27 year old male,and i been dealing with a lot of problems in my life with family and friends and everything even best friends and best family member's and due to all this nagetivity in my life for over 10 years i just developed social anxiety ,I don't talk to no one at all i keep to my self 100%,even if someone try to be nice to me are try to help me i just reject them and leave them.
now,why i do this is because i want nothing to do with people either good are bad and i want nothing from them in order them not to hurt me.
and i think people want are trying to hurt me by trying to figure me out and use what they know to blackmale me and control me.
the only reason why i think and feel this way cause this is what my family and friends did to me for years.
just use me and i try to show them love but they turn it back on me and now i cant stop thinking this way towards others
and its hard to move on cause the people that did me wrong i was close to in the beginning.
this been going on sence i was 15yr.
and women done the worst to me from my friend to my girl friend to my sister now i cant even talk to women even if they like me.women done the worst thing in my life.
so i think if i do nothing to people and they do nothing to me then that's the best way we both dont get hurt.
i feel hopeless and dead inside like i dont belong here i'm a mistake my heart is to kind and good to belong in such a evil world with evil and selfish people. and sometimes i feel just do it.
i find it so hard to help my self im just lazy in bed all day and night.
i was diagnosis with schizophrenia and social phobia and also schizoaffective disorder.