Is this a violation of your rights?

So, yesterday, I was in Walmart,walking out carrying a case of very expensive Bounty paper towels. The security guard asked to see my receipt for the Bounty, which I showed him, mostly just out of tiredness. I usually fight with them about showing my receipt. I think it's a ridiculous policy and it shows Walmart can't trust an average customer.

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30% Normal
Based on 10 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    just readin this poorly written post makes me not trust you

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the average customer at Walmart is still likely to steal from it. They lose product every day. They have to hire people to pretend to be customers and just watch over the store.

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  • ibrokemyds

    What right do you think they’re violating? I’m assuming you’re joking here but just in case you’re not, this is not a violation. This is just loss prevention doing their job

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  • RoyyRogers

    They do this because a lot of people who go to Walmart are poor. A lot of people who go apperently also can't afford the Walmart prices either and so steal. So Walmart has to check people.

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  • normal-rebellious

    I don't see what's funny about this, some of the humour overseas or in America doesn't look funny to me.

    It's normal and no, it's not a violation of your rights, I suppose you're going to bust me because I said something that violated your toxic sadness, well if you need me, I'll be in the lounge room here where I'm at worried about how my hectic life isn't getting all the stuff needed to carry on after buying a decaf soy latte, it's currently 11:18pm here, what time would that be in the USA? That's right, my life has nothing to do with other people, I don't get worried about you, I care about nobody.

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  • malaparte

    Rights are whatever the government in your country will allow. If the government allows a (trashy) private business to examine your receipts, then you sadly do not possess a right otherwise.

    A while back, I went to a Walmart to buy some black shirts. I got two of different brands, and when I went to the self-check, one was missing a tag. The girl that was working near self-check told me to just scan the other shirt twice, so I did. The black shirt had the wrong barcode on it, so it scanned as "pink tanktop" on the thing. I did this twice and got two work shirts for about 8 bucks. When I was exiting the self-check station, some old guy with only one good eye stared blankly at my receipt for a moment and passed me on.

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    • LloydAsher

      Ok then as a customer you can choose not to shop at stores that violate your customer "rights"

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      • malaparte

        Really not sure what you're blathering about. "Rights" are whatever the state will allow of you and others within its boundaries. If the state allows for a business to examine your receipts at the exit after purchasing goods, you don't really have the "right" to say no at the point of request.

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  • LloydAsher

    If people just stopped stealing they wouldnt need to exist.

    Stores wouldnt hire security if they didnt need to.

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    • ospry

      Hiring security is understandable. What isn't understandable is pulling all of employees off the register making self-checkout the only option, and then having employees who normally would be working the registers treat you as if the store EXPECTS you to be stealing, even though they're forcing you to do self-checkout

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      • LloydAsher

        It's in a companies best intrest to while saving money on cashiers to be overly pessimistic about the ability of the customers to work a kiosk/making sure they dont steal shit.

        That being said I have bought 3 avocados for the price of 2 and fudged the numbers.

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        • ospry

          Regardless of whether it's in the company's best interest, when you treat your customers as if they're the enemy, you'd best be prepared to lose all your customers

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          • LloydAsher

            Hey I'm not apart of walmart big brain plays. Just inputting a why into the scenario. So it's not just a circle jerk of robbin hood and capitalism bad think.

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            • ospry

              It's not a statement on capitalism, it just seems really dickish to antagonize the people giving you money. It's like those hardcore radicalized vegans who try to "convert" people to veganism by starting the conversation off with "you're a piece of shit murderer for eating meat!" You're not gonna make people happy or win them over by starting with the basis that you're begrudgingly interacting with people you assume are scumbags

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    • malaparte

      Stealing is permissible and morally virtuous. You are deeply unserious.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Security has the right to do their job and not put up with some towel carrying tool.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It ain't nuthin but a thing. 🤠

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  • jethro

    Well you don't have to go there anymore. By the way, it isn't a violation of your rights. Suck it up buttercup.

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  • kikilizzo

    Ive never experienced someone demanding to do this. Must be an american thing.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I just show my receipt like a good white man and then shake my head at the black ppl raging and callin it racist at the store.

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  • olderdude-xx

    They have the right to ask.

    Key though is that they cannot stop you if you don't want to stop and show it to you. Stopping you would be a violation of your rights in the USA (if you have paid for it).

    The items are legally yours once you have paid for it (tittle has transferred to you) - and they cannot interfere if you don't want them too (or they will loose big time in court if it gets there - lots of legal case history on this).

    I Just usually ignore the request or just say it's been paid for and keep on walking.

    Note that "wholesale" shopping clubs like Cosco have you sign your rights away as part of membership - and they can stop you and ask to see the receipt.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore


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