Is this how normal friends behave?

I got close friends with a guy he some how turns a little protective over me like saying I should do this I shouldn't do should only wear that.and anything concering my health or education or life they don't seem that into it .as if they got it all figured out saying it will be ok.I know I like caring but is this something normal friend s tend to be?

should not talk to them 3
break up 5
talking 10
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Ellenna

    That's not about being caring or protective, that's about control so unless you don't have a mind of your own you need to find friends who like you as you are and not as they want you to be

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  • TrustMeImLying

    Why don't you think of whatever he says you "should do" as just mere suggestions? Instead of like... commands? I have a buddy who I'm close with and have known for over a decade, and he's like that too. Only difference is there are only 2-3 topics where he gets overbearing like that. Other topics he doesn't bother

    It doesn't bother me because 1) in certain areas he has the right/knowledge to say what I should be doing, and so I have no issues/ego to prevent me from doing them 2) in the end no matter what he says it's up to me to decide which "suggestions" I adopt, and which I dismiss in lighthearted/serious/joking ways.

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