Is this imagination normal?

I imagine a dark, gothic streets with houses on them all of them abandoned and the sounds of the winds blowing silently. Shops with loads of cobwebs and asbestos in them. Graveyards destroyed and desecrated by people who once lived in the streets.

The streets where rubbish is thrown everywhere, the place I imagine to be is a ghost town a ghost town that was once where people had once lived but they seemed to vanish from the face of the earth.

School buildings abandoned all their paperwork and bags were left behind.

Electronic stores that had unsold computers and game consoles the signs destroyed.

In the streets I also imagine cars left behind with the car keys inside. The parks had been partly destroyed in my imagination, the playground was smashed to pieces.

I walked in my imagination and said " The streets have been left behind and they haven't come back ".

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • YE

    Then you started to hear light footsteps behind you. But saw no one behind you when you turned to look back, only to hear a few whispers around you coming from different direction s, from not so distant sources. When your gaze returned to the direction of the street you were heading to, you noticed a faintly tall dark figure standing at the far end of the street...

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    sounds pretty cool tbh. Sounds like a cool movie setting.

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    • Somenormie

      Yeah it is kinda cool.

      I could turn this imagination into a story.

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  • Rayyded

    thats not your imagination mate, thats just stevenage

    search it up, you'll understand

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    • Somenormie

      Apparently its a place but I'm still convinced I'm in my imagination of abandoned places considering I've been watching abandoned places on YouTube.

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