Is this normal....animal

Most animal shelters piss me off due to the fact that the euthanize animals for no reason. They claim that there aren't enough homes but there are also unwanted children and they dont euthanize them. Just because we are human doesn't mean that we are any better then other species. They have a right to live just as humans!

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Comments ( 103 )
  • xsavealifex

    Ok. Pits aren't bad. I have 2 with me laying right here and they're he best things ever. So sweet and would give their lives for me. It's the owners, not the dogs. It's how they were raised. Yes, maybe a dog would eat a chicken, but that's why a responsible dog owner doesn't leave the dog with the high prey drive alone with the small animal. Duh. Common sense! I say open your shelter. They're always needed!

    Also, if you make a blanket statement to the effect of "all pits are mean and bad", isn't that basically the same as saying, "all black people are bad."

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  • aussiewolf

    now with regard to you saying about fish dying. they are all dying because of the polution and rubbish being pumped into the ocean and global warming. the water warming up kills all the bacteria who are at the bottom of the food chain so the fish who feed on them die because there isnt any food and the fish who feed on those fish die etc. etc. you have no fucking idea how bad things could get if we dont get up off our fucking asses and help the god damn planet. i am going to be doing my bit, help animals, plant a fuck load of trees, breed bees, plant lots and lots of flowers, grow my own food, live off this wonderful planet that we call home and not rape the shit out of it. come on people you need to wake up and smell the roses while they are still there!

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    • Moonbow

      All the things you mention harm the planet, however, scientists have proven that in most cities, dog waste accounts for more than 30% of water pollution.

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  • aussiewolf

    yeah it annoys me too and i totally agree with you 100%. i am looking at buying acerage and setting up an animal shelter. maybe that is something you should consider since you are so passionate about this too?

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    • Ryuhei

      Yea, i plan to do that. i also plan to open up a shelter for ex fighting dogs because it also pisses me off to no end that they are mostly always killed by their owners or killed by animal shelters when they can be rehabilitated. michael vicks pit bulls are proof of it.

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  • katyd

    I think more people should be spayed and neutered or pass tests before they reproduce save us all some money

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  • loopoo


    KILL KIDS! I hate kids!

    7 billion people in the world? Too many KILL THE KIDS.

    Unwanted kids, only grow up being fucked up anyway

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • Crudhouse

    I wonder whether all these bleeding hearts are vegans (or even vegetarians)...or if they clean their houses (cause then you're bound to kill thousands of animals)

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  • theytookthisone

    You're right, we should euthanize the unwanted children

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  • themanofmw2

    From^***^ And^^^*****^^^

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  • themanofmw2

    Aussie wolf you and kellstar are right And to you animal haters were mammals and descend ftom apes so shutup Were here to help the less intellectual species..... Amd aussiewolf and kellstar im a huge fan

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  • aussiewolf

    Mayfair - well how can two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STRANGERS talk about the SAME SITUATION in SO MUCH DETAIL and TALKING ABOUT WHAT THEIR GRANDMA TOLD THEM. i agree with ladymantoloveyoulongtime, you are all one of the same - moonbow, klondikesam, Mayfair and sweetadeline. for someone to have so many accounts to try to win an argument is so very pathetic. grow up.

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    oh and moonbow / klondikesam, how do you like this for copy and paste......

    The Australian Dingo is an ancient, free roaming, primitive canine unique to the continent of Australia. Its original ancestors are thought to have arrived with humans from southeast Asia thousands of years ago, when dogs were still relatively undomesticated and closer to their wild Asian Gray Wolf parent species, Canis lupus. Since that time, living largely apart from people and other dogs, together with the demands of Australian ecology, has caused them to develop features and instincts that distinguish them from all other canines. Australian Dingoes have maintained ancient characteristics that unite them, along with other primitive dogs, into a taxon named after them, Canis lupus dingo, and has separated them from the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris.

    so if you want to keep copying and pasting crap then at least find a reputable site to do that from.

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    wow you have to scrape the barrel to pick on me because of my nickname on here, thats very pathetic. overall you are a pathetic excuse for a human being. i thought you may have been a challenge and actually had an exciting argument / debate with you but turns out you are so not worth it.

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  • aussiewolf

    klondiksam - are you that retarded that you didnt realise that you answered a question under a different log in name? stop looking up crap on the internet, that doesnt make you smart. you actually look more and more of a fool when you quote things off the internet. you were in the navy?? wow that is so hard to believe. and why are you not still in the navy? did you get cought having a homosexual relationship with one of your fellow crew members? your just a child. and i dont believe that you have "friends" here in australia. what is the name of the "station" that you visited here? and dont look up one on the internet and say that is the one you visited.

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    • Ryuhei

      Ouch, nice one. ;)

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    • Mayfair

      I've answered questions that were asked to other people, and so do others. If everyone who answered another person's question is the same person, then that means about 90 percent of the people on this site are all the same person.

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  • Mutt22

    A dingo is a semi-wild breed of dog. But yeah is it not possible to have a decent debate without people insulting each other or claiming the other doesn't know what they're talking about?

    I know this is a pretty heated topic but seriously 5 year olds have more mature conversations then some of you people.

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  • aussiewolf

    oh and you cant blame the dog for taking the baby because the parents were irresponsible and didnt watch over their child. stop blaming innocent animals for what is the humans fault.

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  • aussiewolf

    moonbow - why are you having a conversation with yourself, pretending that klondiksam is a different person and vice versa? are you really that mentally unstable? why would anyone want to agree with someone who has split personality? maybe instead of trying to get people to agree with your hateful attitude, you should spend your time seeking professional help.
    oh and a dingo is NOT A DOG. just like a wolf IS NOT A DOG.
    so what if an animal kills lambs to survive. that is what life is all about. stop trying to keep the argument going just because you crave the attention.
    like i said, seek help because you really need it.

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    • KlondikeSam

      aussiePUSS, the definition of dingo is a "wolflike yellowish-brown wild DOG of Australia." You don't know shit about your own fuckin' country!

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    • KlondikeSam

      I do not know moonbow any more than I know you. But if any two people on this site are the same person, it is YOU and Ryuhei!

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    ugh, another idiot to contend with. anichole - if HUMANS DID NOT BREED THESE ANIMALS THEN WE WOULD NOT NEED THE SHELTERS. why do i bother trying to explain to these morons how the world works. when you get older you will understand. its so hard to explain things to children.

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    • KlondikeSam

      Unwanted pets are not "bred" by humans, they multiply on their own. True, if pet owneres were responsible and had their animals spayed and neutered, we wouldn't have the problem. But the majority of pet owners are NOT responsible, we do have a problem, and there are not enough resources in the world to feed and care for every stray cat and dog! Why is it so difficult for you and some of the others to get that through your thick skulls?

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      • Ryuhei

        Why don't you get it through your head that there are unwanted children all over the world and we don't kill them. There are homeless people all over the world and we don't kill them. So tell me why is it ok that we do it to animals but it's not ok to do it to humans? Just because we are humans does not automatically give us the right to live. Euthanasia is not a soulution. It hasn't helped pet over population. It's pointless and wrong.

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        • Mayfair

          Animals and humans are not the same and when you say things like why not kill children the same as animals, it makes you look really stupid. If animals had the same rights as humans, then we wouldn't use them for food or force them to race in horse races, or keep them as pets.

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  • anichole

    MAIN POSTER: If animals were not put to sleep then the world would be over populated by them. We would have wild dogs and cats everywhere and people would be getting attacked. If we continued to just build new shelters for animals that people do not want instead of putting them to sleep then whose going to pay for it??? If you don't put them to sleep them MORE ANIMALS AND PEOPLE WILL SUFFER. Instead of being put to sleep, they would be getting run over by cars and people would be attacked coming out of their homes. More wrecks would happen due to dodging these animals. We have domesticated certain animals therefore in order to keep them "domesticated" we must keep them off the streets.

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    • NorthernStar

      anichole - you are the voice of reason! I have tried not to take sides in this, but the people who keep saying that animals have the same "rights" as humans, etc., are so dumb that I am beginning to understand why others have become frustrated andstarted calling them names, etc.

      One person asked a very sensible question about getting permits, etc. for the animal shelter that aussiewolf (who claims he/she is so rich) is going to build. But aussiewolf never answered and instead, the person was attacked just for asking the question.

      There is not enough food in the world to feed every human being, let alone stray domestic animals. If domestic animals were not euthanized every day, there would be so many they would overrun the earth and the streets would be full of dead animals who died from starvation. You'd think people like aussiewolf, Ryuhei and the ladyMAN would realize that being "put down" is preferable to starvation, but I really think they have some kind of disability that prevents them from comprehending the obvious.

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      • Mutt22

        So if euthanasia really is the best solution then starving to death why isn't this an option for the surplus of starving humans all over the globe? I know it sounds stupid but I understand the arguments of Ryuhei and the others who want to give animals the same living rights as humans, not the "rights" actually made up by humans but living "rights" for every living being,there is a difference.What I don't understand however is what gives humans the right to put themselves on such a high pedastal above all other animals where we can decide which animals can live and which animals need to die.Yes there is an overpopulation of stray animals,yet there is also an overpopulation of unwanted/starving humans and in places where they die of starvation everyday,even left to lay where they die.

        Like you said there's not enough food to feed every starving human nor is there enough to feed every stray animal but there will never be an option to euthanize said starving/unwanted human,who is suffering just like the starving animal,but hey lets kill the starving non-human animal just because its a non-human animal.

        I understand that there is sometimes a need to euthanize a domesticated animal when it is too sick to have a decent life or too aggressive for the safety of humans and other animals but when a perfectly good dog with great potential is put down because no one wants it or because there's simply too many of them it just seems to me like a waste of life. And a life is a life no matter what form it takes.

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    • Ryuhei

      yea so the world is over populated with people why dont we just put some homeless people to sleep? Because it's WRONG! Just like its WRONG to do it to animals.

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    klondiksam - the fact that you believe those stories just shows how much of a fool you are. you dont live here so you dont know the truth of how the "outback" works and how dingos are really treated. i am guessing you are just reading stuff from the internet and people like you believe that everything on the internet is real. so when you actually live here and experience the wildlife in reality then you dont have the right to comment. i know you are just trying to get attention which is really sad that you have to go to such lengths to get attention from strangers on the internet. didnt your parents love you enough? or did your daddy butt rape you and your mum didnt believe you? your attitude just shows how hateful you really are and that you get off on trying to razz people up which again is very sad. its no wonder that you like coming on here to hurt people because you obviously dont have any friend in real life. you are just a kid so why dont you go build some lego or do some finger painting.

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    • KlondikeSam

      Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! I spent time in Australia when I was in the Navy and I have friends who have a station in th "outback" which I have visited, most recently in 2007.

      Before you start accusing others of being butt raped and unloved by their mommy, you should try a little SELF-evaluation. No NORMAL person would call themselves LADYMAN!!! What are you, a fuckin' hermaphrodite?!?

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      • Ryuhei

        Hey Klondike you may have VISITED Austrailia but Aussiewolf LIVES there. So STFU, she knows more about her country/continent then you do.

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        • Mayfair

          I'm still not taking sides in this silly discussion, but aussiewolf doesn't seem to knwo very much about Australia. He did say that dingoes were not dogs when they very definitely are dogs. Even I know that dingoes are a type of wild dog and I don't live in Australia and have never been there on a visit either.

          Aussiewolf also talks about the animal shelter that he is going to open but if he doesn't even know that a dingo is a wild dog, then he wouldn't be competent to operate an animal shelter. I mean, you need to know something about animals to open and operate a shelter.

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          • Ryuhei

            Technacally dingoes are wild dogs, but they aren't like your pet dogs. They have more in common with wolves.

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            • CraneyCrow

              Dingoes are dogs and they have no more in common with wolves than "your pet dogs."

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            • NorthernStar

              I don't know where you get your information, but dingoes ARE dogs and they don't have any more in common with wolves than other dogs.

              What is it about them that you think is more wolf than dog-like?

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            • Mayfair

              From what I've read, dingoes were dogs introduced to what is now Australia from China about 6000 years ago. They went wild and multiplied. One of the main differences between wolves and dogs is their mating habits and dingoes mate the same as dogs, not wolves.

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  • kellstar

    Ryuhei, I seriously would not even reply or comment back to KlondikeSam (or the others) as he/she is obviously an idiot who doesn't know much about anything. Let him/her hate, let him/her be a hater because by us replying to his/her negativity only makes us negative too. He/she is always forever sprouting off racial remarks towards us and hate towards dogs. He/she called me a jew niggah bitch and I'm a white Australian,by him calling people names only makes him/her look like a bigger racist looser than he/she already is.
    Someone posted that they think KlondikeSam is knowledgable and yet he states that 'A few years ago, a freakin' dingo even grabbed an infant out of a tent and killed it!' This incident happened in 1980, its now 2010 so it wasn't ' a few years ago'. It was NEVER proved that a dingo took the 10 week old baby Azaria and killed her. Although I don't personally believe the mother did it, it wasn't proved that the dingo did it either. It isn't anyones business how aussiewolf plans on affording her shelter or what colour our skins are or our religions.
    So to you Ryuhei I say, ignore them,I do now. As long as there are great loving caring people like you and aussiewolf and others out there the animals still have hope
    oh and don't worry about your spelling and grammar,its alot better than heaps of others Ive seen on here!!and I'd rather be you than the others anyday!!

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    • Moonbow

      "Few" is a relative term. When I say a "few years," I mean 3 or 4 years, but when my grandmother says something happened a "few years" ago, it could have happened 20 or 30 years ago. Besides, a dingo took another baby from a campground in 1998, which was only 12 years ago.

      In the "Dingo took my baby" case, the baby's top was later found buried and it had teeth marks on it. What do you think buried it if not a dingo? Do you think a serial killer grabbed the infant and carried it off in his teeth? Dingos carry off baby lambs and they usually weigh more than a human baby. Dogs CAN carry off babies. Last year, a dog in North Carolina grabbed an infant out of the bed and carried it outside before the parents could stop it.

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  • aussiewolf

    none of my comments are showing on this post so if you want to keep rambling over how uncaring you are then go for it, like i said in a previous post, i am done.

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    • SweetAdeline

      That's too bad, because I was really hoping that you would answer Mayfair's questions.

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  • aussiewolf

    like i have stated before NortherStar, none of these people are even worth responding to. all they are going to do is just pick, pick, pick like ladyman has stated.
    Mayfair obviously thinks i am so stupid that i didnt think of getting council approval and where to buy land and all that kind of thing but it may surprise them that i have ALREADY ORGANISED IT OTHERWISE I WOULDNT BE DOING IT.
    Obviously the rules are different in your country because your country doesnt give a toss about anything besides money and power and war and murdering people. our country actually cares about the environment and animals and the council was actually very pleased with my plans. i dont know about the people in the US but in australia, we dont care about barking dogs coming from shelters because we ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT ANIMALS and WE UNDERSTAND WHY THEY ARE THERE SO WE DONT COMPLAIN.
    so why should i be explaining myself to a bunch of pricks who are just going to put me down anyway and ladyman is completely right about Mayfair because all they have EVER DONE is PUT PEOPLE DOWN so what does that say about THEIR PERSONALITY.
    i understand that this site is predominately used by children so i am not going to say anything because they DONT KNOW ANYTHING BECAUSE THEY ARE KIDS.
    so unless you are going to say anything POSITIVE which you arent anyway then this "conversation" is over and i put conversation in quotes because i think that a conversation should consist of intelligence which not one person has been able to prove, especially with regard to this post.
    and why would i want to "guide" others into doing something similar when there is only ONE PERSON who is willing to do the same and they ALREADY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING so WHO SHOULD I BE GUIDING?
    yes others have said a lot worse but they arent stupid enough to think that i am at their low level of intelligence which Mayfair obviously does. or Mayfair thinks that i am 12 years old like the majority of people on this site. see what happens when you assume things?

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    • KlondikeSam

      aussiePUSS, all you've done is make vague comments about "council approval."

      I've got news for you PUSS, it takes a lot more than "council approval" to build the kind of facility you're talking about. Just because land is approved for a certain use does NOT mean you can just start building. There is a LOT more involved than "council approval," and if you were REALLY building such a facility, you would know that.

      That mega no-kill animal shelter you keep banging on about exists only in your doped-up brain. Just by the comments you make on this site, you've proven, beyond all doubt, that you don't have sense enough to pour piss out of a boot with a hole in the toe and the directions written on the heel! A major animal shelter where ALL animals are allowed to live! Right! Tell us another one, aussiePUSS!

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    • KlondikeSam

      aussiePUSS, all you've done is make vague comments about "council approval."

      I've got news for you PUSS, it takes a lot more than "council approval" to build the kind of facility you're talking about. Just because land is approved for a certain use does NOT mean you can just start building. There is a LOT more involved than "council approval," and if you were REALLY building such a facility, you would know that.

      That mega no-kill animal shelter you keep banging on about exists only in your doped-up brain. Just by the comments you make on this site, you've proven, beyond all doubt, that you don't have sense enough to pour piss out of a boat with a hole in the toe and the directions written on the heel! A major animal shelter where ALL animals are allowed to live! Right! Tell us another one, aussiePUSS!

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  • LagX

    I feel the same. How are animals any different than we are? They have to eat, sleep and everything else yet when they are homeless they are killed but when we are we are taken care of. Thats rascist. If icould i would take in every homeless animal i could and also all that are sick and on the streets, sadly i cant. I feel sad now.

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    Mayfair, instead of picking on Aussiewolf for doing the right thing, why dont you look within yourself and think, wow this chick really has her head screwed on. She actually cares about other things besides herself. She actually wants to make a difference in other things lives. But like all jealous people, they want to bring everyone down to their level. So why dont you spend your time actually doing something worthwhile and not being so god damn negative. Is that how your life is Mayfair? Full of negativity? Is that why you want to bring everyone into your negative world to make yourself feel normal or special? Or do you just love the attention? Why dont you just accept that there are really nice and helpful people out there who would gladly give their lives for other things. If I had to chose between a blowfly and your life Mayfair, I would chose the blowfly. At least the blowfly has a purpose. Whats your purpose besides dragging everyone down into your pitiful piece of crap life?

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    • SweetAdeline

      ladyman, YOU are the one who is being "so god damned negative"! Mayfair did not say one, hateful, negative thing! You, on the other hand, are doing nothing but spewing hate! Did your parents drop you on the head when you were a baby, or were they crazy, too?

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    • NorthernStar

      lady, you are way out of line. All Mayfair did was ask questions that anyone who is serious about opening an animal shelter should be able to answer. If aussiewolf would answer those questions instead of just making all kinds of claims, then maybe she could guide others who might do something similar.

      Others have said a lot worse on this topic than Mayfair did. You obviously have some very serious issues that you should be discussing with a counselor rather than lashing out at people who have not done anything or said anyting to you.

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      • Mayfair

        Thanks for coming to my defense. Considering all the racial slurs and vile language that people have used in this topic, I was shocked when "ladyman" attacked me, someone who hadn't done either and was just asking a question. Oh, well, it takes all kinds!

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  • Mayfair

    aussiewolf, instead of exchanging insults with Klondike and others, why don't you tell us what you're doing to found the shelter? There is so much to be done and even if you're a millionaire, you can't just turn a place into an animal shelter. You have to have the land and then there's zoning and permits and there have to be studies done to see if the water and sewer systems can handle something that big, plus it would have to be far away from people so that barking dogs wouldn't bother them, and environmental impact studies and all kinds of other things.

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  • aussiewolf

    thats it Ryuhei. dont worry about what everyone else thinks because they are just arrogant idiots that are uneducated and they dont even care about themselves, let alone anyone or anything else. i just wish there were more people like us around the world who are more than willing to do and not just talk about it.

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    KlondikeSam - wow you sound like such a great person. You think animals are inferior to you as well as "black" people so you are not only an animal hater but you are racist. i bet you think you are better than females too. thats alright though because "people" like you KlondikeSam will get what is coming to them. i would be so very ashamed to be your mother and i would probably be constantly thinking "what did i do wrong to bring up such a horrible child".

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  • aussiewolf

    thanks Ryuhei :) its great to know that there are still some nice people left in this world. i hope that you find the support you need to do the same :)

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    • Ryuhei

      You're welcome, I really plan on opening the shelter. It's so unfair that fighting dogs are put down. In most peoples eyes its "Aww poor dogs you lived a sad life, but unfortunatly we think you are too dangerous to live." Even though its been proven that ex fighters AREN'T dangerous, they DON'T want to fight and they CAN once rehabilitated be with other dogs.

      Like I said, we need more shelters, euthanasia is just plain laziness.

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  • aussiewolf

    aww thanks kellstar :) your an awesome chick too!!

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  • kellstar

    Shit is shit, no matter who or what did it

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  • kellstar

    Oh and like I said, it took me two minutes to find info and copy and paste, not hours as u suggested douchebag

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  • kellstar

    How are wild animals that live in a jungle meant to eat HUMAM faeces? If given half a chance they probably would an as for other animals . Take your dog hating arse off this site, you are an idiot

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  • kellstar

    **^ dogs

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  • kellstar

    U can read for yourself that digs ARE NOT the only animals to eat poo and if u think I just made that up, google it yourself!!

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    • KlondikeSam

      sweetadeline said: "Dogs are also the only animals on earth, except hogs, that will EAT HUMAN EXCREMENT and vomit." You just wasted probably hours copying and pasting information about animal POO! We're talking about HUMAN SHIT here, not animal POO!


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  • kellstar

    Also found on google**

    Pigs will eat the feces of herbivores that leave a significant amount of semi-digested matter. In certain cultures, it was common for poor families to collect horse feces to feed their pigs. Pigs are also known to eat their own feces and even human feces as well. However, domesticated pigs should not be allowed to eat any sort of feces, as this contributes to the risk of parasite infection.

    Capybara, rabbits, hamsters and other related species do not have a complex ruminant digestive system. Instead they extract more nutrition from grass by giving their food a second pass through the gut. Soft fecal pellets of partially digested food are excreted and generally consumed immediately. Consuming these cecotropes is important for adequate nutritional intake of Vitamin B12. They also produce normal droppings, which are not eaten.

    Young elephants, pandas, koalas, and hippos eat the feces of their mother to obtain the bacteria required to properly digest vegetation found on the savanna and in the jungle. When they are born, their intestines do not contain these bacteria (they are completely sterile). Without them, they would be unable to obtain any nutritional value from plants.

    Gorillas eat their own feces and the feces of other gorillas. Similar behavior has also been observed among Chimpanzees. Such behavior may serve to improve absorption of vitamins or of nutritive elements made available from the re-ingestion of seeds.

    Hamsters, guinea pigs and chinchillas eat their own droppings, which are thought to be a source of vitamins B and K, produced by bacteria in the gut. Apes have been observed eating horse feces for the salt content. Monkeys have been observed eating elephant feces. Coprophagia also has been observed in the naked mole rat.

    Cat mothers are known to eat the feces of their newborn kittens during the very earliest phase after birth, presumably to eliminate cues to potential predators and to keep the den clean. They also eat the placenta right after birth.

    Both domesticated and wild mammals are known to consume feces. In the wild they either bury or eat waste to protect their trail from predators. In species of cats, the dominant feline openly displays feces. In domesticated mammals, choosing not to offend the dominant owner, they eat or more prominently bury waste.

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    • Mayfair

      As I said, I have been reading this thread, and I think you're missing the point. The point the other person was making is that dogs will eat "human" feces. You didn't address that in all the info you copied and posted from the internet except that pigs will eat it and the other person said that in their post, only they called them hogs. Hogs and pigs are the same thing.

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  • kellstar

    How about u do some research before u sprout of rubbish u know nothing about, I found this on google and it took me two minutes. And just because we love all other animals doesn't mean we can't love dogs as u wrote, what a ridiculous and insane presumption!

    "Herre and his colleagues at the institute had come to the firm conclusion on the basis of a large number of skull measurements and examinations of the size and structure of the brain, blood factors, and numbers of chromosomes that all dogs, whether Pekingese, bulldogs or Alsatians, were descended solely from the wolf and not, as has often been assumed, from the wolf and the jackal. "The domesticated wolf is the dog". The Wolf, a Species in Danger, Dr. Erik Zimen, Delacorte Press, NY, ISBN 0-440-09619-7

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    • Mayfair

      I've been reading this thread and I can't believe how rude all of you are to each other. I'm not defending anyone, but no one should accept as fact what they find after a 2 minute Google search.

      Scientists are always making claims about something and then a few years later, another scientist will decide that the first claim was wrong. There is no way any scientist could have tested every dog in every country in the world and I'll bet if it was possible, they would find that some of them were descended from jackals.

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  • kellstar

    aussiewolf U r My hero!!!! Is it normal to love u when I havnt even met u?? Lol

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  • aussiewolf

    moonbow - you really need to do some research before putting it out there. you are talking about carbon footprints, well the scientists say that most of the carbon produced is actually from cows and there is only one reason why there are so many cows in the world for this to happen. do you know what that reason is? HUMANS. humans breed cows for food.
    it is not the animals who are causing the planet to die off. dinosaurs are massive creatures and they lasted millions of years and the only reason the majority of them have died off was because a meteor hit the planet and wiped most of them out. humans have been on this planet 20,000 years or something like that and we are already at the point of global warming and have you noticed that there are more devastating natural disasters? what do you think mother nature is trying to tell us? we are not gods, we cant keep raping the planet and killing everything just for our own selfishness.
    i believe that line in the Matrix, humans are a cancer of the planet. what good have humans ever really done?
    just look at how animals treat each other. they dont hate and kill each other because of the colour of their skin etc. do you see how elephants treat each other? they look out for one-another and care for each other and even in death, they feel it and they mourn. just because we invented the wheel, that doesnt make us intelligent. if humans really were that smart, we would have realised how stupid we really are and stop all this hate and competition and accept each other for who we are and do something about how we have fucked up the earth.
    did you know that the apparent reason why bees are all dying off is because of global warming and if they all die, the whole planet will be dead within a few years? thats scary as fuck to me. that is worse than a big rock hitting the planet or this 2012 crap, which really is crap, the world isnt going to end in 2012. this planet that humans rape is more sensitive that what anyone realises and the assholes who fly into space looking for planets that humans could populate are even worse because they are purposely looking for another planet to fuck up because they know earth isnt going to sustain life for much longer. so instead of fixing the problem that we humans have caused, they would much rather think "fuck it, whats the point because we would have to go back to the olden days where there were no cars and electricity, lets just find another planet".
    i would love to go back to riding horses instead of cars and planting our own crops, which is what i plan to do anyway. hunt animals only for food and not breeding them in the thousands. go back to the simple days where you could shoot someone for being an asshole because there are way too many assholes out there who need to be picked off.

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    • SweetAdeline

      It all depends on where the testing is done. In cities, scientists have discovered that more than 30% of the pollutants in water are from dog excrement.

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    • Moonbow

      Yeah, let's talk about how animals treat each other. Put two strange dogs together and they will kill each other. Put a dog in a pen full of chickens and the fucker will kill every last one just for the hell of it. Put the average dog in a pasture full of animals and the fucker will chase down, maim and kill every one it can. Bring a strange intact male dog around puppies and the fucker will kill every one of them. Then there are pit bulls and they will kill anything if given half a chance -- just about every day, there's a story in the news about a pit bull killing another dog. That's how animals treat each other!

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      • So your saying, in your blithering idiotic way, that all animals are bad?

        What happens if you put 2 tigers together, they share stories of days gone by over a cup of tea?? Whats a mountain lion gonna do in a pasture full of animals, give em all back rubs??

        I can speak from experience my dog (a pit bull by the way) would most certainly not kill another dog, how do I know? I bring him to a dog park all the time, all kinds of dogs, no killings have occured yet.

        A pit bull killing anything if given half a chance. Thats not even laughable its so ignorant.

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  • kellstar

    Go aussiewolf !!!!!!

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  • I love your point of view on this Aussie and I would do the same thing :)

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  • aussiewolf

    sweetadeline - i did answer his question but i guess there is a delay in it showing. so i will say it again. you ask how i propose to feed them and care for them. well the thing is, i would feed them with food and to buy food i would pay for it, do you know what money is? and when it comes to vet care well i would pay for the vet to check the animals with the same thing, money. its pretty easy to have figured that out if you thought about it. do you honestly think i am stupid enough to set up an animal shelter i if i didnt have money to support it? wow you people really are naive. and dont you appreciate the fact that we want to help make the world a better place for people and animals or are you all just haters like the majorities? its not about being a vegan or whatever, its about caring for sick and mistreated animals who have been abused and finding them loving homes. if i was to explain all of my plans to you then i would be here all day and you would have something hateful to say anyway. when was the last time that you did something nice for someone or something? i guess that is the difference between australia and america. you seem to only care about yourselves, we actually care about the WHOLE WORLD. do you get that?

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    • Moonbow

      Plans are one thing, pipe dreams are another. Both Klondike and adeline were asking WHERE you are going to get all that money but you are too ignorant to figure that out.

      It DOES make a difference whether you are vegan because as others have said, unless you are, you are saying that one animal is superior to another and that makes you a fuc*ing hypocrite!

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      • Being vegan has nothing to do with the discussion you stupid moron. The animals (meat) that people eat are being breed for that specific purpose.

        People dont keep cows, chickens, or other FEED animals as companions.

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  • kellstar

    ^ I meant WARS (not ears)*

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  • kellstar

    KlondikeSam, what have u got against animals? U r always spitting out your dislike for them on here. Maybe it's u who needs to reevaluate your priorities. Animals where on earth before we were. They are not destroying the world with rubbish/ buildings/ fighting/ ears etc. No they don't communicate like humans do but they DO deserve to be treated with respect and love. HUMANS are also ANIMALS. I'm not telling u to like them, you have a right to YOUR opinion but so do we

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    • SweetAdeline

      Rather than spewing hate, why don't you just get aussiewolf to answer KlondikeSam's question? I'd also like to know how he/she proposes to feed and care for all those animals.

      You cannot say animals are equal to humans or even that animals are equal to each other. If you are saying all animals are equal, then the life of that cow that was butchered to make your or your friend's hamburger is just as important as that of a white rhinoceros, which is an endangered species. BTW, are you vegetarian? Because if you're not, you're a hypocrite. And please don't tell me you wear leather shoes or wear or use any article containing glue.

      Also, the original question does not concern animals, in general, but rather animals in shelters, most of which are unwanted dogs and cats. The operative word here is "unwanted." If anyone (and that includes you and aussiewolf) wanted any of these animals, they wouldn't be in shelters awaiting euthansia. There is NO MONEY TO CARE FOR EVERY UNWANTED ANIMAL IN THE WORLD!!!! What part of that do you not understand?

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      • Ryuhei

        There is also not enough money to care for unwanted children and we don't kill them. Animals have every right to live. There are FOSTER HOMES for animals. Putting down perfectally good animals because of the bullshit excuse that there isn't enough homes is just fucking lazy. There are disabled people all over the world who could use service animals: police dogs, therepy animals (cats dogs ect) seeing eye dogs, hearing dogs (yes there is such a thing, my dogs brother became one) ect... Shelter animals are so greatfull to be adopted and probably the most loyal. I adopted a 10 year old Shar Pei from the shelter and she was the sweetest dog til the end and it inrages me to think that a shelter would put her down because there wasn't enough space. I adopted my pit bull from the shelter not only is she sweet she is an exelent guard dog and would give her life for me. One of my cats I've had since I was 5 she is 18 now, she was one day away from being gassed, and she is so sweet and loyal. Now think of the animals with the same personality who die every damn day and tell me it's ok. There is only 1 reason that animal should be put down and that is if they are sick and in pain and there is nothing you can do for them. So instead of murdering animals we need to help the get a home.

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    • Moonbow

      kellstar, you need to look a little farther than the end of your freakin' dog's tail: Animals, specifically large dogs, ARE destroying the world. A study showed that a large dog has a bigger carbon footprint (that is, does more harm to the earth) than a large SUV. This includes all the animal products and the processing that turns it into dog food that goes into feeding them and all the excrement that they produce that pollutes the ground and water.

      If you were concerned about animals as you CLAIM (Not!), you would be concerned about all those animals that have to die to feed dogs; all the fish that are killed by the poisons produced in dog excrement that gets into water; all the wildlife, including little deer fawns, that dogs chase and kill, or separate from their mothers; and all the animals that dogs maim and kill just for the hell of it. You are a HYPOCRITE, kellstar!

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      • The information you are referring to from the book Save the Planet Eat a Dog, is meant to encourage more keeping of non-carnivorous pets instead of bashing owning dogs and cats.

        That being said cant the argument be that SUVs should be banned as well since dogs are creating as much of a carbon footprint as that? The carbon footprint is not larger then an SUV the book states its similar not larger.

        You people are hilarious, its like every single argument that can be made is being made against dogs. How about this one, if dogs are really sending us into ecological doom, wouldnt it be man's ultimate responsibility since we created dog ?

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      • Ryuhei

        Dogs are decended from wolves. Just because people have been able to domesticate them doesn't mean we have been able to weed out their instinct; they still have a prey drive.

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        • SweetAdeline

          Dogs are NOT "descended" from wolves. Dogs are breeds, that is, they were created by man from animals such as wolves and jackals for specific purposes. Dogs were NEVER wild so they were never "domesticated." I would have thought "dog experts" like you and aussiewolf would have known that!

          It is because they are creations of man that dogs kill just for the fun of it. Felines will sometimes kill and "play with" their prey, but no other animal except dogs will enter a pen or pasture and kill every single chicken, calf, goat, sheep, or whatever, just for the pleasure of killing. Dogs are mass murderers and anyone who loves other animals CANNOT LOVE DOGS!

          Dogs are also the only animals on earth, except hogs, that will eat human excrement and vomit. Even hogs won't eat it unless they are starving, but dogs lap it up like ice cream.

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          • Dogs are directly "descended" from wolves. The genome of the dog was one of the first to be completely mapped out.

            It was proven, unapproachably, that dogs have been descended from ancient wolves in Asia, Europe, and ultimately America.

            Again your arguments are flawed and contain more opinion then fact. I so love pointing that out.

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  • Exactly how I feel I don't think that we are better than any other animal on this planet we may be the most intelectual but this planet wasent just made for us it was made or all life even tho it wasent made and I am catholic but still :) sry for spelling mistakes.

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  • KlondikeSam

    No, animals do NOT have the same "right to live" as humans because they are ANIMALS! If you cannot understand that, then there is something seriously wrong with you. You need to seriously reevaluate your priorities.

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    • Ryuhei

      Humans are also animals too.

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  • aussiewolf

    Ryuhei - yeah and the most deadly. if you go camping here out bush, never leave your shoes out in the open because you dont know what you will find in them the next morning lol

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    • Ryuhei

      yea i can only imagine. i live in the desert and its not such a good idea to do that here but your animal species is much more dangerous thenn in the usa

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  • aussiewolf

    hey kellstar. sorry i live in adelaide but i am looking at getting 100 acres only 5 mins from the beach. so there will be plenty of room if you would want to visit :) my sister lives in lismore and she is looking at buying acerage too but because she has 5 dogs. the problem with me setting up an animal shelter is i dont think i will ever end up adopting any of the animals out because i would want to check out the peoples house, ask them a million questions and i dont think they will ever been good enough to take the animals lol

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    • KlondikeSam

      You know what I like about Australia? Those Dead Dog Fences and Trees where dead dogs are killed and hung there for all to see. The friggin' dogs (dingos and mixes) kill sheep, cattle and anything else that moves if given half a chance. A few years ago, a freakin' dingo even grabbed an infant out of a tent and killed it! And you're talking about establishing a freakin' animal shelter to rescue these monsters? Dream on AussiePUSS!

      Some Australia bleeding hearts proposed a “more humane” solution to the wild dog problem. They suggested to a meeting of ranchers and farmers that instead of shooting and poisoning the dingos, they capture the males alive, neuter them and release them back into the wild. The farmers in attendance were dumbfounded by this amazing idea and for a couple minutes, everyone was speechless. Finally, one of the old boys in the back of the conference room stood up, tipped his hat back and said, “Sir, I don't think you understand our problem. The dingos ain’t fuckin’ our sheep, they’re killin’ ‘em!”

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      • Moonbow

        Thanks for the joke, Klondike! I'm sharing it with every site I'm on. LOL!

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    • KlondikeSam

      Assumming you set up that animal shelter, how do you propose to feed, clean up after, and provide vet care for all those unwanted animals?

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      • aussiewolf

        have you heard of food? have you also heard of money? see what you do is, you pay for the vet to check the animal and do any neccessary ops or give them any meds and then what you do is, put food in a bowl and feed it to the animal. wow i didnt think it was rocket science. and with cleaning up after the animal, what you do is....get a shovel and pick up the crap, put it in a wheel barrow and then bury it or put it in a compost heap. didnt think that was rocket science either.

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        • Moonbow

          He was asking where you're going to get the money to buy all that FOOD, pay for all that VET CARE, and pay for someone to care for all those freakin' dogs! Sheesh! People as ignorant as you are should not be allowed access to a computer!

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  • kellstar

    Aussie wolf, I don't know where u live but I'm guessing it's in Australia. I live in Sydney and I'd totally want to volunteer at your shelter if it was close enough!
    Its normal that it's makes u so angry! Any kind of abuse or neglect makes me mad too!!

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    • Ryuhei

      I live in the usa i wish i lived in australia, you have the most facinating and unique animals on the planet

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  • lol_bamf

    You're the person who hates the BSL right?

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    • Ryuhei


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    euthanize?.. ANIMALS ARE AWESOME!

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  • CraneyCrow

    themanofmwz, theytookthisone & ladymantolove, it is soooo obvious that all 3 of you are the same person. Can't you come up with more original names?

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