Is this normal behavior; does it make me a bad person?

Okay so as a man I know that its perfectly natural to be attracted and at times curious about the female body. My fellow men know what I mean. It excites us, we fantasize about women and all. So yeah it all cool until, well, I lately have had bad thoughts or got aroused by younger girls. From ages 13-18. I still have the same powerful attraction for matured, adult women; but this attraction, taking in consideration the taboo attacked to it, its really bothering me. I once even fantasized about a girl i know for some years. We used to visit them every once in a while. I never had any sort of attraction, but when I saw her after two years I just could help but notice how "hot" and sexy she had gotten. She is 14 and well for now is only that one time fantasizing i had. But well that left me wondering if it meant that she would not be the only one; or will it just go away, becuase she will get to a legal age and by them I will know it was just her that i liked, meaning that it was not the fact that i was becoming a sort of sick people who will do it with young people

Not normal. Try to avoid it 14
Its normal but weird 15
I don't know 5
Normal thing, will go away 15
Get help 12
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Isabella80s

    13-15 not ok. 16-18 ok. Also depends how old you are as well. The fact that you're questioning it suggests you don't think it's quite right. Teenage girls do seem to be physically maturing generally quicker than they used to. I say physically maturing, as you are talking about the physical here. You're not fantasizing about a full on relationship with them, I'm guessing (which they're probably not emotionally and mentally mature enough for anyway.)

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  • Traebear

    Unfortunately, alot of men fantasize about teenaged girls. I find it disgusting but sadly, I do think it's normal....for men.

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  • True, good points everyone. Well is just her I think. So far no other girl around that age really has that attention from my sexual perspective. But i just feel wrong, i will go ahead and say she os sexy, attractive, smart and respectful and well that sort of contributes to the whole thing as well. Anyway I only had thoughs I have been alone with her and did not feel like trying anything so that has calmed me down a bit. I guess my mind has this picture of her but when she is there is like if she was someone else or something. Idk its getting more confusing than it originally was. Anyway its cool now, today i we met by her request, she wanted help with a Comp assigment i went, i was really afraid to do something stuped but it when better than expected. So for now it looks like it was a first sight impression thing that fades with time.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Attractive is attractive. If she has all of the necessary secondary sexual characteristics and we're not talking about a prepubescent girl then yes, it's normal to feel those sexual urges. That is why women have secondary sexual characteristics, to attract mates and most of us don't have the built in age sensor to block us from having those thoughts. The 18 years of age rule is a rule constructed by man, not evolution. It's what we deem to be the age at which your average person is capable of making their own decisions with knowledge of their consequences

    Just keep those thoughts thoughts. No matter how mature she is, it's always safe to assume that being a peddy can lead you into deep shit.

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  • VioletTrees

    Keep those thoughts inside your head, and you should be ok. If they're really distressing you, you might consider talking to a therapist about them.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Be careful.

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