Is this normal of this dream?

I had this dream where I was holding hands with the girl I was with and then moved out.

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Fell asleep before finishing the post.

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  • Boojum

    How very, very peculiar - dreaming about someone you knew well.

    Dreams occasionally contain messages from our subconscious, but most often they're just the random wittering of our brains when they're allowed to freewheel. I obviously have no idea why you dreamed of doing that particular thing with that particular person on that particular night, but the odds are that you had some passing thought about her during the day and your sleeping brain decided to come back and think about her again for a few moments.

    Of course, if you wish, you can believe that it's a message from the cosmos that you should get back together, or that there's a psychic link between you and she was dreaming of you. Or you could go all Freudian and say that the girl symbolised your mother, and her holding your hand was symbolic of how you wanted to return to the safety of the womb or some such shit.

    Personally, I'd go with the simplest explanation.

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