Is this normal or do i have some sort of complex?

Okay, ever since I could remember I've done this. It hard to explain what it is exactly, but I'll try. I know it's stupid.

I suppose one way to put it is that I try to seduce males? I don't mean it normally though. It's not really seducing, since I am extremely subtle. I just sort of open myself up more (not literally), and become more prone to affection.

The twisted part is that I usually do it to family members (not old ones or kids- gross). I really don't want them to like me. I just (not really flirt, I think) become more comfortable around them. By that, I mean I hug and play with them more.

It's like I'm testing them, though. If they do get... aroused, I guess (not really. That's too strong of a word)... I become uncomfortable and back away from them. If they remain unaffected, my opinion of them skyrockets and I do it even more (which just sets me up for failure, I know). I feel that if they really look at me like family and not a girl, then they are absolutely awesome.

Most of the time, this fails and I can tell that they see me as a girl instead of a cousin or something. The few times they pass, I feel like they're fantastic people and usually favor them over the others.

*I don't think they like me. They just see me as a girl. You know, that difference between family and friends? That's it.

I know it's stupid and pointless. It's almost as if I like the chase (though it's not really a chase). I call this a complex because I feel admittedly disappointed when they pass, and do it more. On the other hand, I become angry when they fail and back away from them. It's unfair to them (I don't treat them badly, though), and I don't want to do this anymore. What if they really, REALLY fail and become a little too aware of me? I'd hate that.

I hope it doesn't sound like I have an ego because I don't. I just thought it was the best way of putting it without half-assing it. Does anyone else do this? Do you have an idea as to why I do it?

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29% Normal
Based on 62 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Alison89

    This is what's called being a tease. Be very careful because some guys have no sense of boundaries and you really shouldn't lead someone to believe you have an interest when you don't.

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  • Faceless


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    • Train.Wreck

      I couldn't have worded that better myself.

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  • 1776

    Thats cool I do that with my brother and cousin.
    Surprise butt sex happens.

    You're weird.

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  • Avant-Garde


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  • Ningelle

    You just sound young. It's normal when you're just finding out you have t & a to see if they really work.

    You might want to be careful, though. Just because rape is wrong doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

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  • Allistalla

    It is common

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  • MrPedobeard

    Spaghetti?? Yum!! Don't forget lasagna! And Mac n cheese... And oat meal...

    And yeah, your a tease. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.

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  • I did this to my dad once and he got really horny and fingered me.

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    • Rainynights67

      Lol every reply ive seen from you has you being fingered...

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  • emilydoll

    ... Uhhh

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