Is this normal or is there a name for it?

does any other mom think its not normal for her 30yr old son to be dating a woman who sleeps with up to20 other men a month,then calls my son when she is bored & alone also swears she loves him!,im i old fashioned or is this a new trend if it is its making me sick!,she also tells him when she has slept around!! she thinks this is ok,at times he has ended it then gone bk to her after 2 or 3 wks this behaviour of my son is making me ill and he swears he aint turned on by her long lists of sexual partners,recently he got an STI i worry about the likes of aids ay helpful advice most welcome as im begging to think my son has to be mad in the head to put up with this & im looking at him in a different light ,i also am aware that this so called g friend works in the red light district against my son wishes she is also an alcaholic who drinks a 70cl of vodka for breakfast,then she continues her drinking during the day!this is not normal behaviour if is i must be be from a different planet! please if there, is a name for this please let me know as i know in the nxt 2or3 wks he will be bk with her again ,any advice is very welcome many thanks for reading this a worried mom xxx

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Comments ( 9 )
  • equanimity

    You son is old enough for his sex-life to be none of your business.

    Be concerned, but unless he's asking for your help, keep your nose out of it. Make him feel like he always has a place to turn if things fall apart. That's all you can do.

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  • KacyWatson

    You are doing the right thing.

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  • carol58

    thank you so much for all your replies it has helped me a lot esp 44294 julious,if possible can you get bk in touch with me again i realy found your advice very helpful & passes it on to my son ,who is sadly still at this female,s beck n call!! i really dont get it atall,the part i hate most is her calling me & telling me all what she has been up to behind my son,s bk,this torture is affecting me realy bad i recently had a nervous btk down i was in hosp for 12 day,s,in ans to those who say keep out of it trust me when i say i have tried my hardest to no avail,i truly believe they both get a kick out of hurting my family!they both involve the family in different ways be it he or she has been picked up by police while drunk,then she thinks its ok to tell him the men she has been with & so on it contiues!,my fear is 1 or both of them will end up dead!!,no amount of listning to my son then helping him get bk on his feet seems to help him ,he throws it bk on my face as soon as she comes on the scene again i just pray that 2012 will start afresh my son is home at this time for how long i dont know,thank you all for your replies & a happy 2012 to you all best wishes CBM

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  • TareBear20

    He got an STI? Lmfao!!

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  • OttawaGuy

    Maybe I am reading it wrong but it seems your son would rather love a slut then be alone. He needs to fix himself up (shower, shave or trim hair and facial hair if any), put on some clean clothes, call a couple of friends and go play pool, swim or something. Just get out of the routine he is. He will see that if she loved him, she would not have more miles on her then the mailman.

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  • tell him yr sad for him she is a drunken girl who sleeps around, tell him youll always be there for him, your'e his mother and love him always , then keep out of it

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  • kyanviado

    Wtf he needs to dump that girl badly

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  • JuliusE

    He's co-dependent, and from the sounds of it, so are you. I would strongly suggest going to Al-Anon or Coda (I think that's how it's spelled). They are more or less the same thing.

    Anyway, your son is co-dependent but also seems to be suffering from serious other problems (such as very low self-esteem). No one stays with someone like that unless they are emotionally/mentally messed up in one form or another.

    It is normal for you as a mother to want the best for your son, but you need to understand that he is outside of your control. You cannot fix him. Only he can fix himself. You can offer to help him help himself by going to CODA/Al-Anon meetings. If he starts working one of those programs he would have a very high chance of leaving her. Basically, working the 12 steps (despite my having some irrelevant personal disagreements) is a healing process that helps straighten your life out. For Al-Anons/CODA's your "drug of choice" is people.

    I wish you the best. If you have any other questions comment again and I'll do my best to help.

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    Obviously he needs to knock her on the head but it's his life, he's choosing to let a woman walk all over him and you have to let him make his own mistakes.
    As for her, yes there is a name for it, I think it's called "being a slut".

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