Is this normal to be afraid of dying

I'm afraid of dying is this normal

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 75 votes (66 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Steve02

    If you haven't yet realised that the world is a shithole and humanity is completely abhorrent, then yes.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Why be afraid of something which is a certainty? Take chances and live on the edge and you won't regret all those things you didn't do, when you do go.

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    • Steve02

      Some scientists predict that due to increasing medical advances, the first person who will live for 1000 years has already been born.

      Who knows, maybe in the future death will not be a certainty. However, even if immortality can be achieved by humans, the chances of humanity as a whole surviving to the next century are slim.

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  • myrealthoughts

    I'm scared too! :(

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  • Bungy

    I am more afraid of the WAY I die than dieing itself. I have Jesus in my heart, so, I know I have eternal's just getting there without having my head cut off, or being burned in a cage, or being blown up....dieing in a plane crash...stuff like that. I am not afriad of death...just the manner of death.

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    • JustADreamer

      I'm the same way! I'm more afraid of the pain associated with death than the actual death itself

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  • fawnygggg

    it doesn't matter if it's pointless to fear death; every animal on earth fears death, unless you have a specific mental health problem. it's in our DNA. It doesn't help that humans have the ability to contemplate religion, death, and the afterlife. it breeds fear in lots of people, some people can find comfort in it eventually. but it's completely normal and you aren't alone. it's jarring to imagine the end of your own consciousness, your loved ones no longer physically existing, burning in hell, eternal nothingness, or whatever you believe. nobody living on earth knows what happens or doesn't happen after death. non nocturnal animals, including humans, avoid going into the dark because they don't know what could be lurking in there. death is scary for the same reason. the unknown is meant to be feared

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  • Crusades__

    Are you an atheist?

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