Is this shit normal lmao

When i was a little kid i would hug my pillows tight and smell them while suck on my thumb, i'd prefer that the pillow was old, worn out, and stained rather than a clean and new pillow. I grew out of that but sometimes when i'm in bed i just hug my pillows tight and just smell the ever living fuck out of them like a cocaine addict.

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60% Normal
Based on 10 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Boojum

    If it's your pillow, then the only thing it can smell of is you (and whatever smells are given off by the bacteria living in the pillow and surviving on the moisture from your breath and sweat).

    I don't think there's anything unhealthy or totally weird about your habit. Some people are oddly comforted by the smell of their own body. Or perhaps it's a smell that has positive associations from your childhood, or you subconsciously associate the scent with being relaxed and asleep.

    Bottom line is that it's not harming or disturbing anyone else and you enjoy it, so why shouldn't you do it? Whether other people find it disgusting or childish or whatever is completely irrelevant.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's not really normal to like the smell of dirty things, but you're not hurting anyone, so you do you.

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  • WeirdManFromTheSouth

    Never heard that one

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  • yuck

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