Is this the best q&a site ever or what?
Why go on reddit? When you can party over here!
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Why go on reddit? When you can party over here!
Because so may accounts are shadow banned here :( (I do like the site though).
Yeah. Except from the shadowbanning, like someone already pointed out. I have several shadowbanned accounts and I didn't even do anything to deserve it. Most people troll on here from time to time, makes it more fun right? As long as one isn't a straight up asshole.
Pretty strange how some people on here are consistently rude and unhinged though and doesn't get banned... But like most sites the admins are probably rather based. They do what they feel like.
That's gotta be expected to some extent.
Better to be stuck in an asylum with 30 people you recognize than an entire nation of lunatics.
Meh..people hardly want to discuss about serious topics here unless they’re about trolling, relationship, sex-related or fucking.
It's funny when you read certain comments or replies to a post then look at who said it.
Your first thought with certain people is, Oh it's them again, press ignore and move on.
Too onesided. Here there is few enough people that it's not absurdly biased in one direction or another.
Plus besides the occasional shadowbanning from making posts you can still comment on what you want.
I do like and prefer this site in most cases. I like the smaller community (even if it can get a bit crazy here at times), like the fact that it's much easier to navigate and there don't tend to be a million petty rules for making a simple post, and also that there tends to overall be much less of a hivemind here vs. most subs.