Is this transation normal?
When I was a senior in high school, I was in statistics class. My algebra 1 class was in 8th grade. When I was in 9th grade, I was in geometry, then algebra 2 in 10th, then precalculus, then statistics. Then, before I started college the school year after I was in 12th grade, I took a math placement test to see how good at math I was. I only got into beginning algebra. In algebra 1 in 8th grade, I didn't pay attention much. I had an easy time the first semester, but in the second semester, I didn't understand it at all anymore and since the teacher didn't check our homework and I didn't understand it, I just didn't do it. On the tests of the second semester, I don't know how, but I got Cs. I think I just wrote down random things to make it seem like I was trying and was given partial credit. This was five years ago, though, so maybe I understood how to do half of the parts of the equations and that's why I got Cs instead of Fs. On my college algebra placement test, I only got 29 points out of 100.