Is this true of african americans all over the world?

I have notice that african americans in the usa won't move out of the way when a car is coming in a parking lot or if they are are walking in the street. is this the same with african americans who live in other countries like england, the uk, scotland, london and Ireland etc.? How are the african americans like over their and all over the world? Even Uzbekistan?

yes 24
no 36
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Comments ( 118 )
  • howaminotmyself

    You don't really understand the term African American, do you?

    In general, pedestrians are quite stupid. It's getting worse with smart phones too.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      I think the OP just mean "black people living outside of Africa" but was afraid just saying 'black' would be offensive.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Are you seriously defending his ignorance by claiming he was trying to be PC?

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        • wistfulmaiden

          I don't know, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

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    • They not even on phone. african american means a person of any color who has roots in Africa. They are born in america. African Americans can move to others country its not illegal.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Yes, but you make it sound like all Africans born outside the continent are African Americans regardless.

        And how would you know where they were born just by looking at them?

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        • Because I'm living in usa now and can see them.

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          • Hyakume

            You are pretty dense aren't you?

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          • howaminotmyself

            Thank you so much for proving your intelligence.

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            • I will reply again so you will have something else to thumb down.

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  • WTF? Somebody needs geography lessons.

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    • How so?

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      • Because only African people in America are African Americans. Africans in Europe are African European and Uzbekistan is in Asia so they would be African Asians there.

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        • African Americans can move to other countries you know? They can visit too.

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          • Makes sense. I was thinking you were refering to Africans in general. Continental labels can get confusing because of the difference of race and ethnicity. For example African American could really mean many things, but most people will think of a black person in America. It could also mean someone who is mixed black and american indian, or an american native in Africa. It gets confusing. I often have said I am European, even though I am in America, because I am white and I consider the Natives here to be American and everyone else to be immigrants.
            Race is native to Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Oceania, as well as any mix of those.
            Nationality can be labled the same way and is often different than race.
            Maybe they need to come up with a better way to communicate this better to avoid confusion between the two topics instead of blending the 2 entirely different meanings togethers.

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  • pastor_of_muppets

    I live in South Africa and here we call them either black people or kaffirs. They are even worse here. Black people are extremely arrogant. Over here they don't even look before they cross the street. What kind of a fucking idiot with a death wish is so brain dead that he/she doesn't even look before crossing a busy street??? And then you kill them and suddenly you're the bad guy.

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    • Ellenna

      Oh yes we all know how intelligent white south africans are: after all they invented Apartheid so they must be really smart?

      If they're "arrogant" maybe it's because it is their country after all and who controls the wealth of the land? It sounds a lot like the term "cheeky" used against Australian Aboriginals when they started to stand up for their rights.

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    • But if you move to America you'd be african american.

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      • disthing

        He'd be South African American only if he obtained dual citizenship, otherwise he'd still be a South African... Living in America :/

        You don't instantaneously adopt the nationality of whatever country you're in and add it to the end of your previous nationality.

        I'm British. If I moved to America, I wouldn't necessarily be European American or British American...

        If I obtained American citizenship, I'd be American. If I obtained dual citizenship, I would be British American (not European American).

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  • thegypsysailor

    Would people of African decent living in any other country be considered African Americans? Hum.

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    • noid


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    • anti-hero

      If they moved there from America.

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      • thegypsysailor

        I don't think there is an African American stupid enough to move to Uzbekistan, do you?

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        • anti-hero

          What's wrong with Uzbekistan?

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          • wistfulmaiden

            ^well who the hell can spell it, first of all...?

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          • thegypsysailor

            For a black person? Worse than being a jew, I hear.

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  • NyanStrike

    Well, if they don't live in the America, they aren't African-AMERICAN. Just use the term black? Okay?

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  • disthing

    You mean black people?

    I think saying all black people stand in the way of traffic is like saying they all love KFC and watermelon. It's a pretty stupid generalisation. Black people don't have a universal culture.

    So no, haven't noticed this behaviour as some distinct race trait :/

    I'm amazed that the overwhelming impression given by people on this post is that the IIN community consists of mostly racist white assholes...

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    • slings_and_arrows

      I know you are like the voice of reason here but there are some uncomfortable truths that do exist. I am half black (and half white), so I obviously get particularly sensitive about stereotypes about black people. In England I have never seen this particular phenomenon about black people walking in front of cars but a lot of them are saying it here and I don't think the OP is racist or has an there might be some truth in it. Race relations are different in other places, it might be a way black people say 'fuck you' to white people...

      Also there are things I've noticed and I don't like that it happens...but I've seen more black people than white talk in the cinema and talk on their phones, and bustle impatiently past me on the street. I also have been chatted up more aggressively by black men than white... (I don't doubt that if I was white and blonde, then more white men would be chatting me up. ) But when white guys chat me up, it's usually a lot less aggressive and less insistent and more polite.

      I guess you and others here will really hate it that I've said that - but it's what I've experienced. Also Arabic and North African men can be overly persistent, and Italians too. From what I've seen white men (except Italians) in general behave less threateningly to women and probably are less likely to just accost a random woman anyway. So you can all tear me to shreds and say 'well white men don't want you anyway' etc.

      There are differences between groups of people - whether it's women vs men, young vs old, English vs French, black vs white etc. Some differences are nice, some funny, some uncomfortably negative.

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      • disthing

        "I don't think the OP is racist or has an agenda"

        Oh I don't think OP necessarily is, either. Just maybe confused about the terms African American and black. Or at least I'm confused about OP's question - it seems he or she ISN'T talking about black people specifically.

        "Also there are things I've noticed and I don't like that it happens...but I've seen more black people than white talk in the cinema..."

        The thing is, ever country has subcultures, and all subcultures are built on something shared - whether that be taste in music, economic status (rich/poor), nationality, race or a mixture of the aforementioned. Because subcultures can develop around a shared identity, race-specific subcultures can emerge. In the US, black American culture exists as a distinct subculture of wider American culture. So there will be behavioural trends that go with that; language, etiquette, maxims, ideas about gender, sexuality, beauty, race, class, politics etc.

        In this case, I think you're noticing behavioural trends in a distinct subculture built around racial identity.

        It's not racist or wrong to recognise this :)

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        • slings_and_arrows

          Well that was painless : ) I was bracing myself for the worst. I thought you might react badly...

 can dress it up in impressive language and talk about it like you're a social anthropologist, but the reality is these particular behaviours I mentioned are annoying, show little regard for others and are threatening ( the chatting up one). Basically you are circumventing this truth by talking as a phd researcher...and just like a researcher maybe you've observed from you're safe perch, but have never been inside the situation...I have, in Leicester Square, been practically mobbed by black and I think also Asian men.

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          • disthing

            I'm not dressing it up to be anything it's not, and I'm not circumventing the truth - at all. I actually find that insulting.

            And I've been to Rome with a load of girls and experienced first-hand the men there leering, touching, pinching, even following some of them, including my then-girlfriend - which resulted me in having to threaten someone. So yeah, I've seen this kind of behaviour first-hand despite your presumption to the contrary.

            These aren't behaviours because of race, these are cultural behaviours.

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            • slings_and_arrows

              I didn't want to insult you, I'm sorry...obviously we don't see this in the same way. And I specifically mentioned Italian men.

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      • anti-hero

        You would rather delete your comment on the sandy hook poll thann admit you were wrong? I'm losing respect for you.

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        • slings_and_arrows

 wasn't really my place to comment on that thread as it isn't something I know enough about. And what I said was a general thing, that I do feel about legalized guns...but regarding Sandy Hook, my outburst wasn't very helpful or respectful. I was wrong to comment there.

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          • anti-hero

            I accept that.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Im not racist. The OP asked if I have noticed a behavior and I have. If I said 'no' Id be a liar. Not every single black person in the world does this but many do. If youre Englsh you may not have the same black culture problem we have here.

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      • disthing

        Except OP doesn't appear to be referring to black people. They seem to be referring to Africans of any race.. Who have lived in America... and then, moved away I guess? I don't know - their definition of 'African American' seems rather unique, judging by their comments here :/

        Anyway, people have to recognise the distinction between behaviour as a result of upbringing, and behaviour as a result of race (nature vs. nurture). Behaviour like purposely not moving out of the way of cars is the result of how you're brought up, who you hang out with etc. and as such, you're unlikely to see this behaviour as a distinctive trait of one ethnic group, wherever they are in the world.

        Saying things like 'most black people have a problem with ego', 'most black people don't move out of the way of cars' just sounds ignorant to me. As silly as 'most white people can't dance'.

        You just seem to be referring to some black Americans you've met. There are millions and millions around the world you haven't met, so it seems crazy to me to generalise so enormously based on skin colour.

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        • wistfulmaiden

          I kind of see what youre saying.
          I guess I should have said "most black people in my area that I have met".
          btw I cant dance and Im half white half Mexican. and no I DONT smell like burritos.

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          • disthing

            Haha me gusta los burritos.

            Well I can dance and I'm white as snow. And no, I didn't grow up in a nice suburban neighbourhood with rich friends and a fancy car :P

            "Hi, ya, can I have a skinny latté please? Just put that on my credit card!"

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            • wistfulmaiden

              I get lattes all the time. I use my boyfriends credit card... I also wear those fancy hats like English women and I was obsessed with Princess Di. Im a weird one.

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            • slings_and_arrows

              I hope there isn't hard feelings now. I've been racist on both sides so that should cancel out. And I am def not saying all white men can't dance, ah well.

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        • slings_and_arrows

          I think you are missing something hugely significant in your arguments which is shared personality traits within racial groups. There are traits and behaviours seen in certain races wherever they grow up. We are not all the same. Racial groups are like really big families. Just as they have similar hair textures and facial features there are personality traits that are also similar. Studies of twins separated at birth show how much genetics affects personality and behaviour - they have grown up in different countries but have similar habits and lifestyles and partners.

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          • disthing

            So are you suggesting black people are egotistical and rude, as people have said on this post, because they're biologically inclined to be? They're genetically predisposed to being aggressive and arrogant? It's in their biological make-up to risk their lives not moving out of the way for cars so they appear cool and nonchalant, is it?

            I'd love to see your evidence :P

            It's one thing to acknowledge physiological differences between races, and thus the potential for there to be psychological differences between races too. It's another to presume these negative stereotypes are the result of genetics, rather than culture, without solid evidence - there needs to be solid evidence!

            What are white people more genetically predisposed to doing?

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            • slings_and_arrows

              I don't know what you think about this song, but check out 0.17, 0.32 and 0.42.

              <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

              And there's plenty more where that came from. All the black people taking it easy like it just comes naturally, and a white dude who is just embarrassing...The harsh truth is disthing, stereotypes don't come from nowhere, maybe thats why they hurt so much.

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            • slings_and_arrows

              So far, here is something:


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    • I didn't say all. and i didn't say black people. I said african americans. Not all african american are black. you just making excuse to say your racist stuff. Are Egyptians black? Is Egypt in africa?

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      • disthing

        I think I misunderstood you - So... you're asking if every African American who moves abroad behaves in the same way as African Americans who remain in the US?

        And "Not all african american are black" - uh, care to explain? As I understand it, Americans use the term African American to refer to black people who are born and raised in America. So they're all considered 'black', no?

        "Are Egyptians black? Is Egypt in africa?" Egypt is transcontinental, it's partly in Africa and partly in Asia, so saying it's African is half right. And some Egyptians are black, though most aren't.

        And no I'm not making an excuse to say 'racist stuff', I don't even get how you came up with that...

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        • If a white family from south african or anywhere in africa move to usa they are african american. same with any color.

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          • noid

            But driving by and seeing them in the street you wouldn't think they were African American unless they were black would you?

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            • A lot of them have south african flags on their backpacks.

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          • disthing

            Most Americans use the term African American to refer to black Americans born and raised in the USA, not any Africans who move to America :/

            If you say African American to 99% of Americans, they'll assume you're referring to black Americans.

            So you're using it in an unusual way.

            Is your IIN question about Africans, then? i.e. people from the African continent? Is it about Africans who obtain American citizenship? Can you give me the name of someone famous who fits into the group you're referring to?

            I'm honestly confused about who you're specifically asking about in your IIN question :P So are most people here, I think.

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    • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

      But all black people do like KFC and watermelon...

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      • What about black vegans?

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        • wistfulmaiden

          Ive never met one, have you?

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  • green_boogers

    The psyche of black folks revolves around ego. Forcing cars to avoid you makes you cool, I suppose.

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    • slings_and_arrows

      Didn't expect that of you greenboogers. Not all black people are some cool cat, jive talking james brown wannabes you know...

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      • green_boogers

        I know. Not all black people obstruct moving cars in parking lots either. I am careful not to make assumptions about African-Americans in the workplace. Many of them are sincerely committed to the work ethic, and operate with intelligence and good regard to professional standards.

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        • slings_and_arrows

          Whatever greenboogers. You carry on being careful then. Careful that your true feelings or assumptions don't slip out. Why would someone who doesn't have prejudices have to be careful? Well they wouldn't obviously.
          So weird, you think people are alright then you hear their fucked up veiled racist feelings.

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          • iEatZombies_

            Everyone is conditioned to be prejudice. You're taught it, so you have to unteach it yourself. It isn't an easy feat, either. No matter how open and kind, we are born to judge and form opinions based on patterns. Even if those patterns are false.

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          • pastor_of_muppets

            Don't fight with your friend - I thought you were better than that. You think people are alright and then you see this happening. Humph.

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          • wistfulmaiden

            I agree with him(greenboogers) most of the black people I know do have problems with too much ego that's why they get so angry at the drop of a hat. If someone calls me racial slurs(Im half white and half Mexican) I just roll my eyes cause I don't give power to others by giving a fuck what they say about me.
            You wanna see a riot real fast, just insult a black person...

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    • Do thry use the force like a star war?

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  • handsignals

    Yes, they are racist, rude arrogant assholes.

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  • A big YES.

    I live in a country you did not mention,but it is really worse here. Many Blacks are killed because of this behavior.

    The newest they now do, is to stand next to a very busy road and then pretend they`re gonna run across,only to make the cars swerve..WTF ?

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    • slings_and_arrows

      This really made me laugh...Nice post.

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      • Well if you`re a biker like me, then i can tell you the acts itself are not funny,cos cages are dangerous to us all the time and we don`t need this extra bull sh*t.

        thnx for positive feedback.

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        • slings_and_arrows

          Ok well if serious accidents happen then it's not funny. But still it's making me laugh, don't know why. Like why would anyone pretend to cross and then not, to make cars swerve??

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    • Where you living?

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      • South Africa. The country which went downhill since 1994.

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        • Ellenna

          Downhill for whom? The black majority or the white privileged minority?

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  • runningwithscissors

    They move out my husbands way or he will put a gun to there head he gets really pissed he has even tried running them over

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I can only speak from experience and yes, I have noticed this is true. I see white people running across the streets to get out of the way, and black people never move or seem to purposely take their time. Why? I have no idea, but it is a real phenomenon.
    Though once a bum did try to throw himself on my car but he was white.
    Most people are fucked up regardless of race, black people included.

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  • MEaStRO

    Yeah, its true... During the african countries independence you see them.

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    • What you mind by that?

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  • davesumba

    Those are called niggers, not African Americans, learn your terminology.

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    • slings_and_arrows

      As for whoever thumbed this down thinking it's racist, Chris Rock said the same thing.

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      • davesumba

        Precisely. Any non racist black person will tell you, there's black people, then there's niggers.

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  • vaginahouse

    i don't think anyone one would miss them they deserve to get hit in my opinion

    there just ignorant plain and simple

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    • slings_and_arrows

      You said that already!! I take it you dont listen to any blues or jazz, or enjoy any movies with black people or think anything of martin luther king, etc. etc.
      Fuckin dipshit

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      • What about rock?

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        • slings_and_arrows

          Jimi Hendrix for one was influential with rock music. And led zep and rolling stones etc. were influenced by blues music.

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          • Long before. Black people invented rock. chuck berry etc.

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            • slings_and_arrows

              Ah yes chuck berry...well I'm not that clued up about the history of 20th century music. Blues and jazz were just the obvious examples. There is also a lot of African traditional music.

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      • vaginahouse

        don't like music in general serious black movies with some like denzel of the negro from the green mile are awesome don't get me wrong but black comedies are garbage. but im not talking about that stuff im talking about the average everyday day drug dealing, food stamp eating, gun waving monkey man we call black people. i live in a small area that was mostly white ever since the black population went up we have had actual murders a high influx of drugs and every monkey in the god damn grocery store is paying with food stamps and there the loudest rudest most impatient mother fuckers ever and there not even spending there own money they get paid just to be alive and thats the reason why the move to are area because we give so much food stamps for whatever reason that they all come down from the ghettos by the bus load just to mooch of hard working people! sorry for the rant they just make me angry call me a racist or whatever i didn't hate them until i actually got to know a few

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        • wistfulmaiden

          food stamps piss me off. Where I live literally 50% of the people are using them! Fucking bums, get a job.

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          • Ellenna

            But don't you have a very high unemployment rate in the US? Like heaps more unemployed people than there are jobs for them?

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            • wistfulmaiden

              Im talking about people who have been on welfare since they have been born and have never attempted to get a job.

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