Is torture justifiable?

On December 29, 2014, the U.S. Senate released part of a 6,000 page report on abusive interrogation techniques used by the CIA in the post-9/11 War on Terror. For some, this report is evidence of immoral and illegal torture by the CIA. But others say its a more complicated question than is torture right or wrong. Did the torture program produce useful information? Does it serve as a deterrent to terrorists? Is there any justification for torture?

yes 11
no 12
depends 16
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Unimportant

    Extremely rarely, but it can be justifiable.

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  • KingTermite

    It's complicated. Aggressive interrogation can produce useful intel, and it can also produce useless dreck. The most effective way is to already know the answers to most of the questions and compare what they say. Even this is more complicated, because you don't always ask directly, you ask them to confirm something that is incorrect and see how they answer that. It can be very instructive.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Fear of torture is much more productive than outright torture. A person tortured beyond their limits will say anything their interrogators wish to hear to get the torture to stop.
    However, I honestly do not believe we can effectively fight these terrorists by adhering to civilized 'rules' of engagement.
    Fortunately, for all too many of those with ISIS and Al Qaeda it's really all about money. In a world where it is virtually impossible to provide for their loved ones, these organizations offer some financial stability. Even those who die believe their family will be provided for.
    Therefore, targeting the family members of these recruits would take away the whole incentive for being members of these 'gangs'. It may sound horrific, but these maniacs are targeting OUR loved ones, perhaps indiscriminately, but none the less they can become casualties, so why shouldn't we do the same, only directly and intentionally? Their ranks would shrink so fast that most of these organizations would implode.
    We fight fire with fire, why shouldn't we fight terror with terror, on a very personal level not with indiscriminate bombing that kills more innocents than enemies?
    Time to change our tactics if we want this all to end. But that would put so many of the coalition 'merchants of war' out of business, and they are not going to let that happen, are they?

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    • Ellenna

      What do you mean by "targeting" the family members of terrorists?

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  • donuthell45

    no. they tried that during the inquisition and the martyrs became saints , and large pockets of people fled to other places and started their own countries.

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  • GreenEyedDuelist

    It can be in theory.


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