Is world of warcraft geeky or am i worrying too much?

Hello, I am having some trouble with the well known game, World of Warcraft ... I play on it in periods wondering if I should, what would happen if the people at my school found out, for instence the only person I have knowlodge of that plays on it gets isolated an alienated because of the fact he is always talking about it. I only ever told 1 person about it, my best friend...he reacted badly even though I have known him since I was born... Now I still play on it, yet I pretend that I stopped when I told him. I need tok now whether I should be worried, whether ishould play on it, should I tell anyone...

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Just_wanted_to_post

    dude it's not geeky however people can get geeky about it. it's just a game like any other witht the exception that it is set in a fantasy world and it is on computer. it is what you enjoy and simply your prefered source of entertainment.
    In addition, hot totally not geky chicks play that damn game and at your age it should be all about what the chicks like right?

    also some things that you might think are geeky can actually come off as cool. it all depends on how to play it. My last 2 girlfriend, one a vice-captain of cheerleading squad and was with her for a year, and the other puerto rican art student babe who i also dated a year, both knew i was into d&d and magic and you know what? they didn't give a fuck? why? because my behaviour is totally not considered geeky and i let everyone know that hey this is my thing, i think it's cool and i love it.

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  • Therawyn

    It's not geeky, it's just a normal game, something to do for fun. It's there to entertain you, why care about what others say? It's your own thoughts that matter. Your friends are jerks if they can't undestand that WoW is what you do for fun.

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    • Kai'Layah

      EVERY SINGLE MALE that i know plays world of warcraft. it enertains them. they like call of duty better but they still play WOW

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  • Point12

    idk I've played for about two years now, got a geared 80 pally. I still have a social life, a fiancee who plays Dark Age of Camelot and I can honestly say it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, just remember that whatever anyone thinks about you is on them not on you, it's thier head, thier thoughts but it's your life dude. Do what you want and apologize for your actions only if you think it's the right move. Feel better dude.


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  • Durani

    Sounds like your friends irl are pretty much dicks :), it's a hobby like any other okay maybe it's like a hobby crack at the same time but i mean what is rock and roll all about?

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  • afleyx

    haha, i don't think it's geeky to play it once in a while... now i DID break up with a boyfriend because all he did was play it in his free time and that's all he ever talked about, and it got fucking annoying as hell. yes, that's geeky, but screw everyone who thinks it's lame, it's really not... it's an online game, that's all. if you like it, play it. if you don't like it, don't play it. it's that simple.

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  • Hostil

    Well it Depends i think, I play wow But im not on it 24/7. If your not on it Much Then its Not Realy Geeky =)

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  • OrcWarlord5556

    Now i freely admit, I can go overboard on WoW, mainly in the lore, and is that a bit geeky? probably, but is that bad??? no, I see it as a way of utilizing my imagination and enjoying another world full of adventure, look at the very popular game Skyrim, it is very similar to WoW in the base material but it is not considered geeky so much and why? likely because it is on the Xbox instead of the computer and it isn't so worldwide, people like to pick on World of Warcraft because there are many people who waste their lives away, in many ways i feel like a hypocrite for saying that much as WoW is probably my top interest, hence why I was curious how others felt in the same situation, anyway without turning this post into a full fledged novel I would just like to say, if a well put together world is your interest, then just enjoy it and don't let the idea of "geeky" get ya down.

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  • Elliemental

    I'm a hot girl that plays wow! I've met a lot of good friends through the game :) that said everything in moderation!

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  • willis94

    Ive been playing WoW for like 5 years and not once have i been afraid to tell ppl that i play, and i have alot of friends who dont play, u just dont talk about it if they dont play :P

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  • Eatmylegs

    If you think about it anyone who plays a video game is calssified as a geek, that how it was at first and thats how it will remain for a while, but the main thing you will need to learn is that you need to learn to have a break go out with friends it will do you good also you will need to start prioritising what is the most important thing in your life that comes first.

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  • Nigger_Butt

    WOW is sooo cooool but yet quite gay aswell. Honestly never played it, thank god. It looks very addictive and time consuming. But if you question yourself then yes there is a problem with insecurities. Do whatever you want and if people want to judge you tell them to eat a dick.

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  • I played it for 12 hrs a day for a month geek is good no worrys

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  • quidnick1

    lol, try a pvp server, people are much less geeky and more raunchy on those. Really, the online community in wow has been lacking good-old geekiness since the last expansion. People act like retards on the trading channels in-game, and say nasty stuff on them. The game producers blizzard entertainment has a special "ignore" feature. Add names of people who bug you to the list and you'll never have to hear from the again. A common harassment method that the company doesn't do a thing about is players make fun of gear rankings and in-game achievements you haven't completed. Just laugh at them, the true geeks are the ones who snicker as if they actually care about the game. (tip: try horde faction, and see if tht makes a difference :)

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  • chezzer

    no1 is a geek
    just something bullies made up :)

    u enjoy playing WOW then go ahead and be proud of it

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  • crazyman143

    You should stop playing the game if it's really causing you this much worry. I've never played it, but everybody I know seems to be a addicted and plays it way too much.

    I think you should ask yourself why a video game is causing you to lie to your best friend and hide what your doing. Doesn't make much sense does it? If it puts that much pressure on you now, then it will only get worse and you should stop playing it.

    God Bless.

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    • casualcrow

      i dont know how old your comment is but i just want to say this.. You're basically telling him to stop playing a game because of what people think. The reason he lied to his friend is not because the "game" is making him lie, its because he's too self conscious to stop caring about what other people think.

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    • OrcWarlord5556

      a respectable view and I don't mean to challenge your advice, but i wanted to clarify any possible messages this might have sent, peer pressure can be a serious problem and you shouldn't give up on something you enjoy because of how people may view it, be happy and supportive with yourself because in the end, you are your own person and not a mindless drone who follows the herd, and perhaps people can be too black and white with the concept of addiction, instead of looking at the problem why not ponder what the addictive material invokes in the user, what causes them to become addicted? it isn't like nicotine or major drugs where there is a defined need to keep using, this addiction is more mental, WoW may fill a void in your life that when taken away leaves you feeling a sense of loss, i am not saying addiction to a game is healthy, far from it, just that just because someone is heavily devoted doesn't instantly make it a reason to withdraw from the devotion.

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