Isit normal 4a gay mother 2 disapprove son 4 liking a guy
This younger guy who I would say could take me on a fight meaning seems tougher than me One day asked me if I was by I said no but now I realize I am because he asked me for a back massage and I enjoyed it too much when I told my mom about this she freaked out on me and said it was gross but she’s been in a 20 relationship with another woman so why is the pot calling the kettle black ? Open till this point no one ever knew I ever had feelings for a guy ever . What’s her problem ??
deep down your mom thinks 2 girls is ok but 2 guys isn’t the macho thing to do | 4 | |
Your mom prefers you be straight. PERIOD. | 3 | |
Yes, most lesbians find men disgusting that’s why they’re lesbians | 2 | |
Your mom prolly doesn’t mind gay guys, just not her son being one or bi | 3 | |
Your mom is a hypocrite to the 3rd degree | 11 |