Isitnormal that she dont want her son vaccinated?

The lady living next to my house says that she don't want any injections for her son. she said that falling sick will make her son stronger and injecting chemicals will make her sick.
I tried to explain her about nasty diseases but she yelled at me and Dias that she will make sure he gets chicken pox so he will be stronger.
I am worried about the child.
Is there a way I can help him?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • mjultra

    She is crazy and you should be worried.
    Anyone who believes any of the absolute dribble about vaccinations being dangerous is MORE dangerous then any vaccination could ever be. They have absolutely no working knowledge or concept of medicine what so ever and to not vaccinate is just fucking stupid.

    THere is 0, I repeat 0 evidence to suggest otherwise. If you look up the history of the anti-vaccination movement you'll have absolutely no question as to the validity of any anti-vax argument ever. Thankfully, educated governments like ours do not let children go to school nor get social welfare if their children are not vaccinated. If you have an questions, go to any neo-natal ward and ask to see a child with pertussis. Let that sight be burned into your memory forever, and go look up some images of polio epidemics.

    Burn those into your memories too. Fucking stupid people. Why do doctors even try and save them is beyond me. They want anti-biotics, surgery, anti-cancer drugs and viagra, birth control, make up, anti-acne creams, pain relief and prozac, but shit don't protect your children! Remember the time you got polio or small pox? No?! Cause you were fucking vaccinated. And if you weren't, you didn't get it cause everyone else was and you're a fuckwit.
    Rant over.

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    • Ellenna

      Great rant and I agree with you totally! EXCEPT for the comment about why do doctors try and save them? It's not the fault of the unvaccinated children that they have stupid parents!

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  • Fugazi,again

    The whole point of a vaccine is that they inject you with a small amount of the infection in order to get your immune system used to it.

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  • Fenrirr

    no, it's not illegal to refuse vaccinations. if the mother doesn't want her son getting one you can't really do anything about it.

    tell her to enjoy herself when her son gets a terrible disease that could possibly kill him as well as infecting other children around him. this is why schools don't allow non vaccinated children to attend.

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  • bucketfullofbuttholes

    There is a common myth that vaccines give autism, maybe that's what she's trying to talk about, either way, she is really stupid.

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  • sugartits

    it can make them go retarded

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    • Ellenna

      That is utter garbage. If you're thinking of autism that myth was exposed decades back and the doctor who made it up with dodgy research on a very small number of kids totally discredited.

      Stop spreading dangerous bullshit: kids die from diseases that can be prevented by vaccination

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      • sugartits

        survival of the fittest if they're strong enough to fight the disease tbey deserve to live we could use a little population control anyway

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  • Ellenna

    Unfortunately if she's so stupid there's probably not much you can do and if the kid is homeschooled the education system won't find out h/she hasn't been vaccinated.

    Here in Australia there have recently been outbreaks of measles in an area which had a lower than normal vaccination rate. The same thing happened in Wales last year and kids died. I just hope that one day the kids left deaf or blind or with other permanent disabilities sue their parents for not vaccinating them.

    Do these fuckwits not realise the childhood death rate used to be enormous before vaccination? I feel very strongly about this because I can remember my little sister almost dying of whooping cough, which has almost been eradicated due to vaccination.

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  • GreyWulfen

    Report her to the authorities, she's endangering the life of her child.

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    • Ellenna

      And babies too young to be vaccinated. But what can the authorities do? I don't think there's anywhere in the world where the government does forcible vaccinations.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • sandnigga

    Some if not all vaccines these days have mercury in them.

    Vaccines these days in america have been poisoned. So she is doing a good thing

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