Isn't it normal to, "come as you are" ?

My wife's parent's have been staying with us the past two weeks for the holidays. We have a large house and 4 young children who adore their grandparents. These yearly visits always go well and it makes my wife exceptionally happy. My one pet peeve is my wife's and in-laws expectation that I attend church clad in coat and tie. They are all of the old school where men and women must get all gussied up for church. Did HE not say, Come as you are. My wife had begun to see my point just prior to her parents arrival this year, but, as they say, there is strength in numbers. Is it normal these days to dress casually for church service? With our church, by the way, about half do and half come in coats and ties.

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 28 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Myghoul2099


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  • gloryholeflasher

    "Come as you are" refers to our condition as sinners, not our attire.

    There are different ways to look at our dress. In the days of the early Christian church people normally had one set of clothes, a robe, which they wore everywhere for every event. When Jesus sent His Apostles out to preach the Good News to the world He instructed then to take nothing with them, not even an extra shirt, or jacket, or change of clothes. That implies that they wore their Levi's, or jeans, or whatever, in and out of the synagogues or wherever they went.

    The other way of looking at it was presented to me by my Mom. She felt that going to church was equal to going to visit the King of the universe. She said if you had an invitation to visit the president at the White House, or the Queen of England, wouldn't you show your respect by wearing the best that you have? Shouldn't we show the same respect to the King of the universe when we visit Him in His house?

    I feel like it's a personal issue, that each of us should decide for ourselves.

    I sometimes dress casual just to make a statement to new members and visitors so they feel comfortable even if they don't have fancy clothes.

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    • Myghoul2099

      while i always appropriate lots of details, church is just a stupid fad. religion is supposed to be between you and your mistranslated and extremely outdated bible 99 percent authored by satan himself to confuse people and make god look bad. jesus said "when you pray, dont make a big show of it like the hypocrites in the churches."

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  • LMFAO_1

    I'd say its 50/50. Some churches frown upon it. Some don't really mind what you wear.

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  • benvigil

    what gypsy said, is not normal! lol!

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  • deepdankstickygoo

    Sometimes you have just got to go along with some of the harmless BS sometimes in order to keep the peace with the relatives and in laws. It is still probably annoying though.

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  • thegypsysailor

    From what I've been reading about church attendance figures, going to church is barely normal these days, so it would follow that the church wouldn't care what you wore, as long as you went.

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    • When is the last time you went to a Christian church, Sailor? Just curious.

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