Istg my mother is the worst thing that has ever happened to me

In other words, the level of injustice with which he controls me is simply stupid and exaggerated. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have the right to constantly ruin your children's day; even though I'm not the best daughter, I consider myself a good one. I don't leave the house, I help with chores, I do my chores, I do her chores when she can't, I help my THREE younger siblings with their homework and take care of them, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't have a partner nor have I ever had one, I don't complain, yet she always finds a way to make me feel like shit in front of others.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • litelander8

    Start saying snickers every time she’s being negative for no reason so she starts to think about it.

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  • Perhaps when I posted this I exaggerated a bit about the feelings I have for my mother. While she doesn't behave in the right way, I do love her. I love her because she is my mother, but nothing more, if you can understand what I am trying to say.

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  • srv_nt

    Sometimes I also feel that way. Compared to you, I would be the worst child that my mom could ever have. I really admire you for staying strong. I think that your mom might just be tired with everything. Have you tried talking to her?

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  • Tommythecaty

    “Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you have the right to constantly ruin your children's day”

    Actually, it does. So stop your whining.

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    • BubaBoo

      No, a parent doesn't have that right (which more than a right is a power or an authority); playing with your children's mental stability only makes you a bad parent, making them doubt themselves makes you a bad parent, giving them all the responsibilities that are yours is an abuse and so on.
      You know, I knew someone was going to comment on something like that, after all there is always someone with a fucked up view on some things that happen all the time (but that doesn't make them any less important). It's really strange to me how someone can ignore and even justify the harm others receive because, according to them, that's the way things should be.
      And just to clarify, you don't have to go around saying things like that so freely, as it takes all the courage for some of us to say it and that's why we chose an anonymous website, where there are no friends or acquaintances, and although I don't expect support from everyone on this site (because of the huge difference in mentalities out there), respect and validation is always welcome.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Yes, you are correct if true.

        But more often than not it’s the delusional teenager, with poo brain, thinking the parent is the problem.

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        • BubaBoo

          I'm late, sorry. Well, yeah, I agree with you. In fact, I tend to overanalyze every reaction of my own 'cause I'm scared I'm just overreacting. But, in moments like this, I'm pretty sure I'm not: she just told me that, unless she breaks my mouth, I will never learn how to not say bullshit. The reason: I didn't do her essay. She's taking virtual college, and I am the one who's doing ALL her homework, plus mine, and mi lil' brothers. I'm failing high school because of that, and she has the audacity to tell me she's disappointed in me, 'cause I'm making people talk bad about her. She told me like ten minutes ago that my stepfather is right, that she should beat me up so I can understand how to behave.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Well in that case yes, she’s quite a nasty piece of work, sorry to hear that. I’m sure you’ll be much better off further down the road without them.

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  • LloydAsher

    Well to be honest you wouldnt exist without her so that garners some respect.

    But sure if shes trash she brought down that hate on herself. Hope you can find a better life without her bud.

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