It is normal that my only have a few hobbies?

Is it normal that I only have two real hobbies? I enjoy watching TV and movies, and I also enjoy hanging out at a local truck stop, and at the Emergency Room waiting room of my local hospital. Overall I really like these hobbies, but feel I should find a couple of other things to do? Is it normal to only like a few things?

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 37 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Freedom_

    Hey, I remember you... Still at it, huh?

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    • ScreechPowers

      Hey Freedom. Yep! I still pop in from time to time. Otherwise not much has changed in my life and I like it that way.

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  • Short4Words

    Why are you hanging out in the emergency room?

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    • mypenisinyourmouth

      Because he/she watches soft porn on the tv and then goes to the truck stop to work on the practical aspects of the theory and then gets rushed off to the E.R after being beat up by truck stop hoes.

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    • ScreechPowers

      For something to do. It's a really interesting place. There is always something going on and I make sure to stay out of everyone's way. The desk staff and nurses are very friendly.

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  • Rick_Bawls

    I personally find emergency rooms to be depressing. I prefer to hang out in the food court at the mall so I can people-watch. I used to hang out at a Taco Bell near me, but the manager got upset because he said I was drinking too many refills of Mountain Dew.

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    • ScreechPowers

      The food court at the mall sounds pretty interesting but they close by 9 most nights. I'm a night owl.

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