It it normal to fight christian sins and temptations?

I spent years sinning: playing cards, playing dice, playing horse-racing on my phone, playing cock-fighting and ball sports other than stoolball, lawn bowls and football on my phone, smoking in public which is extremely difficult to avoid, masturbating, but now I have none of these temptations, no more sinning, and for a little while when you stop for the first time in years it's a little difficult but it becomes easy. Is that normal?

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • techpc

    I'm Christian, but I don't know that masturbation is a sin. I definitely believe that viewing pornography is a sin, easily leading to addiction, but I don't recall any verses detailing masturbation itself as a sin.

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    • normal-rebellious

      The Christian church makes masturbation a sin, rather than the holy texts, most Christianity even makes sucking your dick a sin.

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      • techpc

        Adding meaning where there isn't any is a sin, though overlooked by many it seems.

        Also, many obey just the word of the Law(which has been translated how many times, and can be difficult to understand fully) and not the spirit.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Good for you dude 😊🤟

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    • normal-rebellious

      And a salute to you too! A Christian whom "God gives strength" is one who can endure hardship and a humble person without temptation.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I've never been much of a gambler.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Gambling should be on top of your black list.

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