It it normal to think satanism is hilariously pathetic?
Is it normal to think that Satanism is kinda faggy, stupid, and hilariously pathetic?
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Is it normal to think that Satanism is kinda faggy, stupid, and hilariously pathetic?
"Those entities cause people psychological issues and other bad luck..." I can relate.
I have an uncle who for years dabbled in black magic, turns out all except one of his children are living fucked up lives highlighted by debauchery, his sons and daughters alike.
My grandfather (mother's side) was a Freemason. (Freemasonry is demonic) His family tree was basically doomed because all of his other grandchildren and my mother were sterile. It was only when my mother went for coumcelling and broke off the freemasonry curses that she was able to have children.
Yeah that. I'm sure those teens will grow out of that edgelord mentality.
What's funny is that teens don't even know what satanism is. They don't know the difference between devil worshipping and santanism.
That whole edge-lord thing is exactly why it's hilarious, and yet simultaneously pathetic.
Then you havent read into the deep lore of the bible. It gets pretty crazy badass
I was raised Lutheran I dont see the difference besides being just a lot more relaxed version.
I'm talking about the angels with 6 rings and a hundred eyes. Not the heavily commercialized versions of angels we now see. The bible is wild with a pretty kickass position humanity is in.
But let's not forget that there are some pastors who surmon demons to possess some members of their pentecostal church congregations so they can use it as a pretext to carry out "artificial" exorcisms to pull crowds to their churches.
I couldn't agree more. Take this as an example of failure on his part. Long before I was born, my father gave him one of his (my father) plots land, free of charge, for my uncle to develop. Instead of grabbing that opportunity to use the land to develop himself, my uncle gradually, and then eventually sold it all out to feed his addiction to alcohol.
Most satanists don't actually believe in Satan, they just believe in what he stood for. They think the idea of an all powerful god that demands to be worshipped is wrong, and that it's hilariously pathetic to bow down to anyone like that. They're not actually evil at all, they believe in things like compassion and justice.
It's still a bit retarded to protest said god worshiping by worshiping the icon of sin. Could of just been normal and be spiteful atheists but no they have to be edgy.
They don't worship Satan though, they regard the worshipping of anyone to be stupid and pathetic. They really just use Satan as a symbol to make a point about religion. Besides, they don't think Satan is all that bad anyway. Sure he's the icon of sin, but a lot of those sins are things that they consider to be normal human behaviour anyway, such as lust, coveting, worshipping other gods, etc. They're not trying to be edgy, they might be trying to be a little controversial in order to strike up public debate about religion in the modern world, but it's not to look cool (well maybe apart from edgy teenagers who don't understand what Satanism is actually all about).
There is both theist (religious) satanism, and atheist (philosophical and not religious) satanism. The atheistic one actually sounds pretty reasonable when you look into what they stand for
Yes it's normal to think that, Satanism's evil but there's good in the evil. There's also Setianism and Luciferianism, the latter I agreed with for the most part. There are different sects and different devil cults. The Temple of Set is real Satanism, it's literally worshipping the devil, Setians are individuals and probably believe in the devil's power.
If you don’t like satanic users, block them. That’s what the block feature is for. There is a creepy lady that is terribly perverted here at IIN. I block her. She should punish herself by wearing a tight bra.
Could be, maybe you're just projecting your imagination onto it, which is deficiency cognition, I learned that stuff on an actualized video. Why do you think the devil's an asshole? I admit he knows how to party.
do you even know what satanism is? there's different sects, some are religious and actually worship satan and some are atheists who just like him as a symbol of freedom and rebellion.
i instead think christianity is absolutely pathetic, for one.