It makes me mad when people do this (explanation below)

When people say something that is not true because it's just an assumption, it's not "directly true". I don't really know how to explain it so I'll give you an example.
People: "Diet soda and artificial sweeteners make you gain weight".
No. They don't. They make you crave more sweets and food, so if you give in to your craving you get fat. That's not the sweeteners making you fat. It's you, not having enough self control, that's making you fat.
The same goes with sleep. "Lack of sleep makes you fat". No, lack of sleep makes you hungrier, not fatter...
I don't mean this only on weightloss, I hear people say stuff like this on every possible subject. I just can't think of any other case right now.
What do you think? Is it annoying to you too?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Ijustknowimweird

    Exactly! You are a genious!

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  • coolio75650932

    lol actualy what diet soda lacks for in calories it makes up for in suger and such and since suger has a ton of extra ingredients in it it fills you up quicker and all the "food" that your body doesnt need it stores dont go around saying that food is bad cuz if you dont eat than your body will actualy (literally) eat itself. :3

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  • lmh

    Im guilty of this sometimes but I dont mind if people correct me. After being corrected i usually stop spreading the ignorance so best medicine is correcting people i guess...

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Normal, especially when those claims are being made to guilt you or try to convince you to do something you don't think you need to do.

    I think people need to realize that when they make scientific claims to someone, often enough, that person will believe them and take their word for it without doing their research because there's just so much information out there to take into account! When it comes to scientific claims, gotta be careful what you're saying and who you're saying it to...

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  • howaminotmyself

    There are a lot of misconceptions about diet and nutrition, this is nothing new. And I find a lot of it very frustrating because it really only encourages ignorance. Fat isn't bad for you either but it gets a bad rep. Salt isn't bad either, unless of course you eat too much of these things, as true with most food. Real food, that is.

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    • Thank you! I eat a lot of fatty foods (eggs, cheese, meat, coconut milk...) and people always ask why I don't get fat if I eat so many "bad foods". I'm tired of explaining fat doesn't make you fat. Lol.

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      • howaminotmyself

        ugh, and people try to feed you margarine as if it's better than butter....

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        • thanksforthefreecar

          I read in an email that margarine is one atom away from being plastic

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          • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja


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      • RomeoDeMontague

        That was not the explanation for diet soda I heard. The explanation I heard was it messes up how your body reads sugar and so you gain excess weight. Not that it makes you crave more sugar. That has to do with how you digest sugar and how your body produces sugar not how much sugar you eat. So under that explanation it would mean the diet sugar DID MAKE YOU GAIN EXTRA WEIGHT.

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  • bananaface

    I'm not entirely sure. Maybe it's like that slippery slope argument type thing. By that I mean, going from one point and taking it to the end result, without mentioning or maybe not even thinking about all the things in between. Maybe people just feel like it's a bit of a faff on writing every little detail to make a simple point. If their point is wrong, then it's understandable you'd get annoyed. I don't know, maybe some people just don't make the distinction between cause and correlation, although maybe that's not the problem here.

    It does annoy me when people go from one point and then assume that it leads to another point, without thinking about all the other ways it could go. It usually leads to ridiculous statements. Fair enough if you say (or meant) that it *might* end up with that specific result. I'm probably guilty of doing this here and there, and I would have thought most people are. I don't tend to notice it that much unless it comes across as being far-fetched. I can be really picky about what people say though, which I guess makes me a bit of a hypocrite, because I'm certainly guilty of slipping up. Tis a slippery slope indeed.:P

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