It's an itch

I'm like obsessed with writing. It's like every time I see a blank piece of paper, I have this sudden itch to start writing and I get very emotional when I can't seem to think of anything to write or use to write with. I want to be a writer but is it normal to always want to write and get really emotional when you can't?

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60% Normal
Based on 35 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • smuffle

    It's called hypergraphia. Van Gogh had it. I write all the time too, something about that blank page staring up at you demanding to be filled... but don't kick yourself if you can't think of anything, there's no sense in writing if there's nothing to be written.

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  • I have the same feeling, all the time!

    Except, when I see paper, I need to draw something! So bad!

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  • Mastersash

    Seems like ur anxious to get something off your chest. *in due time, lil flower. The words will flow through you.

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  • mtnw

    ok, i've got to ask. i was thinking you meant to be an author. do you want to be a writer, such as novels etc., or do you just want to write and scribble on a peice of paper?

    if you want to be an author, first of all, there are writing classes, which probably you won't see till you are of college age. these classes don't just tell you how to get ideas down on paper, they actually teach you how to formulate them.

    if you want to start a writing career earlier, then head down to the library, there's going to be plenty of stuff to read on the subject. if you don't know how to find the right reference material, the librarian can help you.

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  • joghie483

    Actually, I don't just jot down my ideas. Sure that sometimes happen but most of the time I write stories, sensible ones, mind you. That's the reason why I get frustrated and depressed. If I can't think of a sensible idea for a story, I get pissed off at myself.

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  • mtnw

    it is not normal to obsess about anything. wanting to write with nothing to write about sounds like wanting to be a rock star but not learning the chords.

    writers don't just write, they research first. you don't think all the great books and stories out there just come off the tops of authors heads, do you? if you want to write, then work on putting something together and write something interesting. no one is interested in the musings of your mind.

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    • ComboBreaker


      The musings of someones mind could infact be very very interesting. Though it would depend on the mind.

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      • mtnw

        ok, i stand corrected.

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