It's hard being smart in a dumb world!!

It's so hard being smart in such a dumb world! I feel assaulted at every turn....

Smacked with horrible spelling and writing, punched with dumbed-down entertainment, ads and culture, kicked by people talking to me as if I'm one of these idiots that needs to be talked to like a simpleton....

It's unbearable sometimes!

is it normal to feel this way so much?

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80% Normal
Based on 123 votes (99 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's even harder to be humble in a world full of pretentious people who are thoroughly convinced that they are somehow more intelligent than or unique from their fellow citizens.

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    • disthing


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    • IrishPotato


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  • I'm smarter than you, and i don't have this problem.

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  • nAt2017

    You're taking yourself too seriously. It's not your job to say who's "smart" and who isn't. Take your ego down a notch, and live and let live.

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  • Allistalla

    I do have to agree with this. I always had things tossed at me and was yelled at for answering the teachers questions. My classes were always very rude. I never thought I was that smart either but when I did something smart in school I was usually messed with for it. Also being the only one to want to participate pisses everyone off too.

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  • I see dumb people. They walk around pretending they're smart.

    *looks at the OP*


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  • theaverageatheist

    not alone

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  • disthing

    Are you calling all of us dumb? :/

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    • Allistalla

      I think OP is more aimed at humans as a whole. That is usually what is meant by things like this.

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  • bananaface

    I guess it is normal. I especially agree with the dumbed down entertainment, I hate stuff like that. The sort of thing which is so in your face and is attention seeking and ugh, I hate it! I hate how impatient people are with entertainment. It's like shows have to throw dramatic music and even more dramatic images in your face from the first second. God, I can't stand stuff like that.

    There are a lot of clever things out there, though. It's not all bad. In fact, in some ways I think the world is becoming more intelligent.

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  • Shnaz

    Strange because you are a fucking moron. Perception is a funny thing.

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  • Shy_Tiger

    its also hard being dumb!

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  • BundleLoop

    Its hard being dumb in a smart world....

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  • VioletTrees

    Tell me more about how bad spelling persecutes you.

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  • Mmmpfh

    Hey. I have a suggestion. IT COULD BE that you are really dumb and everyone else is really smart. But you're so dumb that you've trapped yourself in a pretentious illusion, unaware of your own creation, whereas everyone else sees past the illusion and thinks, "Maybe I should slow down. He doesn't seem capable of understanding the human language at moderate speeds".

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  • I think you are taking it too seriously. If you are unable to lighten up about it, you should isolate yourself from the rest of society because you will never be happy around other people, unless they are just like you.

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  • dappled

    The problem is, to make entertainment most profitable it needs to appeal to as many people as possible and this includes the lowest common denominator.

    Trying telling a production company to make *less* profitable shows and films for people with more discerning tastes.

    Although, by sheer good luck, it does happen here (of a fashion). Everyone with a TV pays a "license fee" which goes directly to the BBC. It comes to something like four billion pounds. The BBC then spends that money how it sees fit (and there are no adverts on the BBC so the only people it has to pander to is us, the license payer).

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    • DaemonWolf

      Definitely have to look to the BBC if you want something the sharpens the mind. Although some of the economics/historical documentaries on 4od are pretty good.
      I think my favourite program the BBC have made recently has to be Sherlock. The first episode of the second series was amazing.

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      • dappled

        Channel 4 is my favourite channel outside of the BBC channels. They made a six-part documentary last year about World War II because they realised the generation that served are dying fast and it might be the last time to tell the story not from the perspective of an armchair historian, a politician, or a general, but from the perspective of the English, American and Canadian soldiers who served in mainland Europe.

        I have family who served (and died). I thought I knew what it was like. From this retelling, I realise I knew very little. Channel 4 is beholden to its advertisers and does have to be "profitable". How it manages to produce such quality TV at the same time can only be a credit to it.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Exactly. The only way to make media "smarter" would be to vastly increase the intelligence of the common man so that he would have smarter tastes.

      By the way, I am the common man, so the OP can shizzle my nizzle.

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      • dappled

        Hmm, I don't know. I was more saying that we have to cater for minorities and not just think of entertainment in terms of revenue. It's a rule I apply to a lot of things and it's one of the failings of capitalism. Capitalism makes things cheaper, not better.

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