It's normal to be antitheist/antireligious like christopher hitchens
Think about how normal it would be if Christopher Hitchens was our role model. I now hate religion as I hated it years ago, because it's telling me what to do and I get too much telling me what to do. Induction and rational arguments are what's the key to replacing religion, I'm spiritual, not religious anymore, but yeah OK like Christopher Hitchens I reject vindictive (all) religions, in having a boss I have been for years a GermanenOrden, the anti-Semitism of Theodor Fritsch, and care for my soul/spirit in three ways: GermanenOrden, meditation, and bring soul/body/spirit back into focus, it's how intelligent you are that you a wise man is spiritual, but not an anti-religious atheist, when they say eliminate all religions in wisdom, they don't mean be secular or anti-religious about it. However my wisdom tells me to drink Scotch and have a cigarette, but also to believe in a philosophy of happiness, which, apart from riches, honour, health, and friendship, is gained for its own sake, but riches, health, and honours aren't gained only for their own sake, but to make you happy. Christopher Hitchens as he said he didn't want to be happy, but satisfied. However it's normal to pursue antireligiousness and disgust over religion and adopt moral values because Christopher Hitchens does. The difference being that he's against theism, I'm opposed to God.