It's not that men are less faithful than women, it's..

I went on one of those internet rabbit-hole journeys yesterday that started with an article about a woman who convinced her would-be lover into murdering her husband before they got together. I probably read dozens an dozens of articles of women either killing their partners, manipulating a romantic interest into killing their current partner, or hiring hitmen to kill their partner

It's not that men are less faithful than women, it's just that women tend to murder their partners before cheating, which is pretty considerate of them

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Tommythecaty

    “It's not that men are less faithful than women, it's just that women tend to murder their partners before cheating”

    Op is disturbingly bad at interpreting statistics.

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  • Wow3986

    So misogyny doesn't exist?

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    • Nope. Only hilarity

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      • Wow3986

        By saying that men aren't less faithful, you're ignoring the fact misogyny exists.

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        • By ignoring that misogyny is hilarious, you're oppressing everyone who doesn't have a stick shoved up their butt

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          • Wow3986

            So you think raping, beating, abusing, and killing women is okay? So you want ALL women to DIE?

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  • allialli

    I'm not sure what the point of this post is because you didn't really make any statements, but contrary to the title men are statistically less faithful than women. You can just look up "which gender is most likely to cheat". It's only by a few numbers, but maybe it's big in the grand scheme of things, I dunno. I don't really care either way, everyone should just stop cheating on their partners like little assholes.

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    • It's a joke. It was surprising to see how many instances of it have taken place but those are still extremely rare. Obviously much less common than men cheating

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