It's that simple although society makes it seem complicated

You should just eat mainly healthy food, it's got nothing to do with whether I'm losing weight, I think you should eat squash, and especially pumpkins, and also cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, greens, fish, oysters, mussels, clams, plums, strawberries, onions, potatoes, corn, stews, chicken, plum jam sandwiches on dark rye, and cheese sandwiches on dark rye, you should eat lettuce, citrus, herbs, spices, etc, these would be healthy foods, it should be simple foods, there's nothing like dad making a vegetable stew to which I can scoop it up with buttered dark rye bread.

I also think these supplements are to add to your diet and isn't a diet itself, you should be drinking powdered amino acid and doing cardio exercises, and you should be taking St. John's wort and reducing your depression, these things do help when contrariwise if you don't have the money, don't buy them, and although it's simple the traditional way, which is simplicity, often gets overlooked as simplistic, as if it's something that can't possibly work. There's only one thing to life, real life, real health, that's it, it's not complicated.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Kermitthehog

    I like most of this stuff but cauliflower and especially rye bread taste like shit.

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    • normal-rebellious

      You're up for healthy food, it tastes great (except for cauliflower and rye bread to you), there's a variety you can choose from. Cauliflower's an acquired taste, you get used to it when it's with a cheese sauce the third time you eat cauliflower.

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  • Ligeia

    ⭐ preach

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  • kelili

    I really enjoy broccoli and it's normal here to eat fish several times a week. When I was younger we could eat fish almost everyday.

    There are people who do not eat healthily because they neither have time to cook nor to buy healthy meals. Some junk food are so affordable that's it's the only food some people can afford. Just imagine finishing work at 5, arriving home at 630, being tired and having to cook veegies and all.

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    • normal-rebellious

      I think I should cook veggies, and I should be you know what, eating healthy food, it's all good.

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    • Ligeia

      The affordability factor is true, but it's annoying when well-off people complain eating healthy is inconvenient. Learn to meal prep! You can set aside time once a week to make a meal and then heat up the leftovers other days. You only get one body, why not make taking care of it a priority? It will literally extend your lifespan. /Rantover

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      • normal-rebellious

        Yes that's a good idea haunting your head, something you couldn't help but act upon, godforsaken, but I think I should meal prep, and I should be well off eating healthy food, it's redundant because everyone gives this advice.

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        • Ligeia

          Yeah and I'll keep saying it until people do it.
          Don't have time or want to cook a fresh meal every night? MEAL PREP!

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          • normal-rebellious

            Yeah, it's a tiny amount on my mind. I'll be going shopping.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes I understand, sometimes a man can't afford healthy food so they buy junk food.

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