It's very complicated
I have this life from my mid-twenties, it's enough and it's complete in itself.
But it's not as simple as that, my life is that identity I developed say at 26.
From there I've been an ascetic, I was a pessimist, I was safeguarding the environment, I was a Christian at that point, and my life from then is about my sageness, and exercises from Dr Zest, and what it's really about is moving on with my life, conformity, preserving my identity no matter how false it seems and therefore believing in heaven and God, because I wasn't irreligious before, and it's about my responsibilities, norms, sanity, coolness and maturity to set myself with this identity, it's about subjectivity, thus believing in consciousness and not matter, this is accurate, for I believed this was the matrix.
Thus it's normal to believe in the imagination and it's OK to believe these things, that's how it was in the first place, except the pessimism, things just got worse and worse thus I couldn't find optimism true. Since these beliefs are my identity, untainted by a challenge from anyone.