It sucks being a minority

Is it normal? I fucking hate being a minority for a long list of reasons. First off is if you have any grievances or complaints the majority group will say "if you don't like it here then leave to a place where you wouldn't be a minority", I ask where would I go? even if I took their stupid advice I would still be a minority and I don't have to fucking go anywhere. Secondly, it's clear that the majority group has an issue with a minority having a well-paying job even if I worked hard to get said job the majority would constantly question if I got the spot legitimately or if I had to use affirmative action stealing it from a more deserving person from the majority group. Thirdly and this one really pisses me off the most as a minority you're treated as a pest or a problem that is running everything if things go wrong the leaders will blame the minority group for the problems and the braindead masses fall for it, throughout history minorities have been killed by bloodthirsty retarded majority groups who believe that by kill or oppressing them will somehow fix things. If you mention this you are seen as delusional even most minorities will agree with the majority either because they have a deep self-loathing for themselves or they are too scared to offend the majority's feelings. It's insane how some people from majority groups have no idea how good they have it yet they act like it's the minorities who have it so good. It makes me sick that every waking moment that I have to live in this hell and I wish that I could swap places with the majority group I don't care what anyone says if people from the majority groups had to deal with the stress that minorities had to deal with they wouldn't last one day. Minorities don't get free handouts minorities don't fucking have more rights than those from the majority. I wish that was the case but it isn't but for some reason, assholes keep acting like it is.

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Comments ( 128 )
  • rocketdave

    Stop whining you wimp. I'm an expat in Thailand and thus a minority, because I make money I pay tax and do not get franchise. I don't really care about Thai politics so I just think get on with it, do the same.

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    • Bazinga

      Good point. As a minority, having promiscuous sex with almost anyone would make you feel like the king of the world.

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      • rocketdave

        It doesn't hurt!

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  • KholatKhult

    If you actually care for effective answers you need to explain what you are and where you are.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    No but its let's you play victim. Kinda like you just did with this long ass sob story post.

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    • This is what I'm talking about if I so much as voice a complaint I'm basically told to shut the fuck up. I DONT FUCKING WANT TO BE A VICTIM! Nobody wants to be a fucking victim that's a bullshit talking point that majorites made because they get butthurt at any kind of criticism. Everywhere I look I fucking see majorities who basically have a huge fucking advantage bitching and moaning how minorities are a problem and blah blah blah while at the same time shitting on them.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Haha you just proved my point so good lol

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        • Haha you just proved my point fuck off.

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          • TheBlindInquisitor

            Dude you are kinda proving his point.

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            • How am I proving his point? When he is the one being a asshole.

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          • GaelicPotato

            You're definitely proving his point.

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          • Clunk42

            Are you triggered again? The best way to not sound triggered is to not use curse words in every other sentence. Also, don't use caps lock or shift for more than one letter, ever.

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            • What are you my fucking grandma I will say whatever the fuck I want.

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        • Clunk42

          They did indeed. Now they're playing victim about their playing victim. "I'm a victim of making myself a victim, so I blame everyone else for it!"

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          • Who wants to be a victim you stupid cunt.

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            • Clunk42

              You made yourself the victim where there was no victim. Clearly, the answer is you.

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        • Clunk42

          Hey doesnormalmatter, can you respond to these people near the bottom of this comment thread? I grow tired of it.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            Bottom of this post? Nahh bro I ain't got time fo dat

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            • Clunk42

              Okay, I'm just trying to warn you. LornaMae and Charli.m think you're molesting LornaMae.

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      • Clunk42

        It would definitely help if you told us which country you exist in and what your particular ethnicity is. No one is going to track you down in real life and shoot you or anything. Just tell us so we can judge you properly. It's like we're judging a murder case, but we're not told where the murder took place, who the defendant is, or who was murdered in the first place.

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        • d0esnormalmatter

          Quite taking this mouth breather seriously lol

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          • It must feel good being an asshole.

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  • LornaMae

    What the hell kind of minority group are you??

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    • I'd rather no say.

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      • LornaMae

        I'll assume you're the same guy who hated and was embarrassed by his country a while ago and also said he'd rather not say.

        Very hard to take your post seriously. If you're talking gay minority, for instance, it's one thing living in Holland and a completely different one if you live in Nigeria.

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        • No, I just found this site and no it's the same everywhere some areas are slightly better than others but it's still shit. But worldwide minorities are being blamed for things they don't have power over. Minorities are blamed for piety things like too much political correctness when even that is the fault of the majority. Let's be honest if you're from a majority group you wouldn't understand or care because you don't have to deal with the problems that comes with being born into a minority group. Let me tell you it's the worse thing that could happen when I became aware of my standing in society I woke me up to a lot of unfortunate truths.

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          • SwickDinging

            Minorities are the majorities in some places. Majorities are minorities in some places. That's how humans work. It is impossible to be a minority in absolutely every situation everywhere. Unless you are some sort of weird mythical creature of which there are no others.

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          • LornaMae

            No, it is NOT the same everywhere. Do you honestly think that not going to trial or being executed for being gay is "slightly better" than being left alone and being able to get married and conceive or adopt children?

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            • Clunk42

              This guy is completely nonsensical. Just look at their other replies. I assure you that you'll just get some mad ramblings as your answer.

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          • Clunk42

            How about you give us some actual examples of ways you're disadvantaged, then?

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        • Clunk42


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  • cupcake_wants

    Yes, it's normal to feel like that. I'll agree with you that is sure has got to feel like you get the short end of the stick, being a minority. I am not a minority group; however, I've really thought about what it'd be like to have been born black in USA. I would think I would be a SLAVE to the white man if I'd been born a hundred or more years ago. That's horrible. For what it's worth, things are going in the right direction. We did have a black president, which was awesome. Nowadays women are less oppressed than they were, gays are more accepted, blacks have an easier time getting ahead.

    When it comes to people being racist against you, just remember this. Don't let somebody else's character flaw make you feel bad about Yourself.

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    • You have no idea how maddening it is I know for a fact that I'm not the only one to feel this way. But most minorities depending on where they live are either too scared because the majority group will flip the fuck out and kill them or the majority simply at like they want to be the victim and ignore them while acting like it's the poor majority that faces much more stress and oppression. I see it everywhere and it's insane but I guess it's strength in numbers because if the shoe was on the other foot the majority groups would be in the same boat.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    Where are your from? I'll agree it sucks sometimes but depending on where you live it could be ok or worse.

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    • I'd rather not say and I agree it does depend on where you live but it's insane that everyone just bends over and takes it. Minorities have to be politically correct or you will offend the majority if you're in Africa or Asia and you're a minority voting your opinion you will possibly get killed. If you're in Europe or America people tell you to shut the fuck up it's not that bad. I'm going insane from this the worst part is the majorities have the balls to act like they are somehow worse off then the people they are fucking over.

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      • TheBlindInquisitor

        Dude chill I honest to god feel that you should calm down.

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      • Clunk42

        Minorities have to be politically correct? No. It's the people like you in the minorities pushing political correctness, not the majority. The majority disagrees with political correctness.

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        • How? Minorities have little to no power we can't control shit. This what I'm talking about minorities are blamed for EVERYTHING. Ask yourself if minorities had as much power as you claim then why is it that in every FUCKING country the majority group holds all the power. Everywhere I look its the same you majority types rule and you somehow find a way to blame the minorities. I ask again you stupid asshole how is it that minorities are ruining everything or have it better than the majority group? Assholes like you are fucking sociopaths I'm not surprised most of those in a majority tends to have those traits. Go fuck yourself!

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          • Clunk42

            Hold on a second. Who ever said that minorities are ruining everything? It seems that the only who's implying that something is ruining something is you. Claiming that minorities have no power, and the plurality is corrupt; it sounds to me like you are blaming pluralities for ruining everything. I ask you once again: "in which country do you live in, and which minority are you a part of?" The thing is, here in America, the minorities have more power than the plurality for a while. They have started to lose said power, however, because there are too many people people in the minorities like you.

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            • Fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU! Minorities in America never had power to begin with. What because they let a black person be their president. The only reason why he got in is because the majority allowed it. Majorities are like this in my country if a minority is elected and it is rare in talking mayor nothing higher it's the same thing. MINORITY VOTES don't count you stupid moronic waste of oxygen minorities only have their rights because the majority allows it which is beyond FUCK. Thanks for proving to me that your the kind of trash that I'm talking about. And from my understanding things didn't get better for your minorities in the states under Obama hell you assholes so👏👏👏wow the minorities really fucked your majority over. You fucking snowflake.

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          • TheBlindInquisitor

            For real chill dude your sound like your losing it.

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    • bigbudchonga

      He's from America

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      • RoseIsabella

        I can't stand it when people are ashamed of being from America! They have no idea how much worse it is for people in other parts of the world.

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        • bigbudchonga

          Couldn't agree more. Number one economy, high GDP per capita, and freedoms that even first world countries are jealous of

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          • RoseIsabella

            Now I just want weed legalized for recreational use in Delaware. 🤠

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      • RoseIsabella

        OP's above response to Clunk42 with the 👏👏👏just kinda speaks for itself. 🤣

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  • bigbudchonga

    Affirmative action is just racism against the majority.

    Certain minority groups massively, disproportionately commit violent crimes, complain that the cops are racist when they come to deal with them for these crimes, have lower IQs so can't get as good jobs (which of course they can't help, and legitimately isn't their fault), but then they persistently call the majority population racist because they think that they're being persecuted.

    Certain other minority groups commit way less proportionate crime, have higher IQ than the majority population, have higher paid jobs than the majority population, get involved with police far less, and don't shout racism at the majority group for any woes they have.

    "Minorities don't get free handouts minorities don't fucking have more rights than those from the majority. I wish that was the case" Firstly, it's absurd, and indicative of how far we've devolved from rationality that you think you deserve free handouts and more rights than the majority. Secondly, certain minority groups literally get more proportionate welfare than others. They also get jobs/ places in higher education with lower grades and capabilities purely because they have the right colour skin.

    You know what? In the modern age, most people would put up with all of that injustice, but you guys have to harp on every 5 minutes and blame the majority group for your fucks up, you call them racist, and some people like you straight up come out and say you want free handouts and more rights than the majority. The absolute cheek of it.

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    • Cry me a river the majority is the one that constantly bitches and moans. You guys act like the minorities have it so good i know for a fact you wouldn't last a day having to put up with the crap the minorities put up with. Just shut the fuck up!

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      • bigbudchonga

        "Minorities don't get free handouts minorities don't fucking have more rights than those from the majority. I wish that was the case but it isn't", dude, you openly want special treatment and hands out for minorities.

        This tactic of playing a perpetual victim is scummy, and people are tired of it. Honestly, don't you eventually feel pathetic using pity as your only successful evolutionary tactic? There are minorities in the states that outperform that majority ethnicity, don't commit so much violent crime, live longer, have higher wages, and don't bitch for a second. You're riding the dying wave of victimhood.

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        • OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm fucking sick and tired of assholes like you assuming that I want to a victim how your acting right now is what I'm talking about! It must feel great not caring or understanding what I fucking mean you deranged lunatic. evolutionary tactic are you insane did your fucking mother drink when she was pregnant? Just shut up you will never understand where I'm coming from because you think it's a joke fuck YOU!

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          • bigbudchonga

            I understand what you're saying. I just think it's pathetic to try and thrive by begging for pity and pretending you're persecuted.

            Oh no! How dare I not bend over and say please, have those special privileges and handouts you straight up said you thought minorities should have. Learn a trade, dude. Being a fake victim isn't going to get you that far.

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  • jethro

    Well then just imagine what it's like to be a woman. In any country. Women are in the majority basically everywhere but they have been oppressed since the beginning of time. They get raped and it's their fault. Their genitals are mutilated because some cultures feel that if they enjoy sex that they won't be faithful to their husbands. They get paid less for the same work. If they get beat by their husband they obviously deserved it. So just because you were triggered by someone or something you feel that it's your position in life and everyone else's fault. If you allow yourself to be the victim you will be.

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    • You have a point only adding more to the sea of shit that is humanity.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Amen to that, Jethro!

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    You sound girly as hell. No daddy?

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    • Shut the fuck up you don't know my personal life i bet your just a wannabe tough guy but in real life your life is empty. Like most people from the majority group all of you are losers so you need to find someone lesser on the social ladder to shit on.

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  • LornaMae

    Hey, trolly-troll, are you having fun with this?

    I'm tired already, is Clunk42 beyond repair? Or maybe not? SAVE HIM!!!

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  • EchoMaster

    Everyone is a minority. Quit feeling sorry for yourself.

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    • What a load of shit the majority and minority exist in all nations if I was a part of the majority I would most likely be an asshole to because I would have the privilege of shitting on a minority group.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You're talk here sounds just as prejudiced as the people you hate, and maybe even more so. If you hate white people who happen to be racist that's one thing, but if you hate white people just, because they're white that's something entirely different.

    ... and what about Hispanic people, huh? Hispanic people can be Black, White, Native American, and Asian, or any mix thereof. Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race. There are people who like to stereotype Hispanics, but this view only serves two groups, the left wing people who want to label themselves as Brown, and expect all Hispanics in the United States to follow their left wing political agenda, and the racists. Hispanics, and Latinos are much more diverse than any stereotypes.

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    • Hispanics are very bigoted towards each other and hate none Hispanic blacks and whites. I don't hate any particular group i fucking hate majority groups and their treatments and actions towards minorities. Somebody brought up south Africa and i pointed out how the white minority is blamed for the countries problems even though fucking blacks who are the majority controls it. Jews are constantly blamed for shit or that theres a plot to take over the world even though that's not the case. Fucking Blacks and Hispanics in America are blamed when things aren't economically good. The middle east don't even get me fucking started what they do to their minorities the list is endless. Of course the fucking majority doesn't care because it does not effect them or they just want to scapegoat. I can't suppress this anymore its insane and it makes me wish that humanity as a whole stopped existing.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, by these comments any of us can be minorities depending on where we are, and by whom we are surrounded. It really does seem like you're on the brink of something, and that you've reached a saturation point. I guess I can't help but to wonder what all of this rumination on racial issues is doing to you. Surely there must be some good people of different races who know you, like you, and accept you for who are regardless of whatever your race is.

        Have you had a lot of bad experiences that lead you where you are now?

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  • BleedingPain

    You are not alone! At all! My boyfriend is currently in Japan and wont stop about how nice it is to not have his actions judged by his skin color. He is seriously contemplating not coming back to the states in 2 years.

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    • Is he Japanese because Japan is very xenophobic towards non-Japanese people?

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      • Clunk42

        What in the world are you talking about? The majority of the large cities in Japan are extremely kind to people, no matter what their skin color is.

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        • You're very annoying fucking Japan is very xenophobic towards none Japanese people. As I said majority groups are insane.

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          • BleedingPain

            Only when they are run by people who have the best interest in for themselves.

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          • Clunk42

            Not in Tokyo.

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      • BleedingPain

        No. He is american on one of the Japanese Air-Force bases.

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        • BleedingPain

          But he was stationed in Dubai as well and the response was the same. White Americans (with power) just suck.

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  • Clunk42

    Where in the world do you live, and what minority are you?

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    • I'd rather not say but I'm saying that being a minority in general sucks look at places like Asia or Africa they have little to no minority rights. Or the history of Europe which is a clusterfuck of abuses aimed at minority groups the Americas with its nasty history of treatment towards those who aren't apart of the cool kids club. It's the same thing everywhere and it sucks.

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      • cupcake_wants

        You are anonymous, so disclosing your location wouldn't hurt you.

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      • Clunk42

        You sound like one of those idiotic self-hating white men. Either that or one of the idiots telling the idiotic self-hating white men to hate themselves.

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        • Your one of those triggered majority fucks I'm talking about. I'm not promoting self-hatred of anything I hate the fact that I'm a fucking minority. I'm not just talking about whites you idiot I'm talking about all majority groups. Assholes like to tell me "if you don't like it leave" but that wouldn't change the fact that I'm a minority even if I go to a country that has people that look similar to me I would still get treated like shit because of its a global problem. When your apart of the majority you go power-mad it's like a mental illness. I'm done being politically correct with assholes like you the majority don't know how good they have it and don't have to put up with half the shit that minorities have to deal with.

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          • Clunk42

            "Triggered," ha. At least I'm not cursing over here, pal. It appears that the problem is your attitude. You think you're special because you're a minority. You're not special because of that one simple fact, and you're not treated any differently.

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            • bigbudchonga

              Him calling you "triggered" is proper funny. I think that those kind of insults are always used on him (no wonder), so he's throwing them out there before someone inevitably points out that he is legitimately triggered.

              He called someone else a snowflake earlier, looooooooool.

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            • Just shut the fuck up then. Am I not allowed to express myself? I'm not a fucking robot I'm a human being and I am beyond pissed I'm done suppressing how I feel. I don't feel that I'm special you nutjob if anything I was given the worse status anyone on this planet could have.

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      • Clunk42

        And, you know, it's funny you bring up Africa, because 79% of South Africans are Black Africans, while only 9% are caucasian. The whites actually earn, on average, 5 times more than the blacks, despite being the minority. This just shows you have no clue what you're talking about.

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        • From my understanding the black majority still blames the white minorities for the corruption and shit going on in south Africa. another case of the majority blaming the minority when its fucking clear that the majority has full control.

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