Itn that i would get fears about overpopulation/global warming?

There is not one day in my life where I look around, whether I'm driving or outside sitting down, that I would get sudden feelings or urges of fear about the world becoming more and more over populated with humans that I glance around every car I see and notice that there's such a huge amount of cars and or people that I tend to grip the steering wheel more tightly. Or when I notice how hot it is in the summer that I look up articles of facts on global warming and feel very helpless to the notion of people just breeding without a limit...

Is this normal or can anyone diagnosis me with anything? Any feedback would really help me out

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79% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Anxiety. Don't worry about things you can't control. It's a waste of your time. The world has always been in crisis. It will be fine, at least for our lifetimes. If you want to do your part and limit the number of children you have and cut down on the amount of greenhouse gases your household produces, that's a good thing. Or, get involved in government or become an activist or something. That's about all you can do, as I see it.

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  • loopiesoupie

    Don't think for a second that this is abnormal. It's actually abnormal that most people don't care about these issues. It's become increasingly obvious over the years that global warming isn't a joke and the earth is seriously overpopulated yet I know so many people that can't stop popping out babies. I understand that they really want children but at this point, I think it's super selfish and dumb of them. I can't help but feel this way. It's super scary because it makes me think about that movie Soylent Green. It's set in 2022 and the story is that the earth is severely overpopulated, the environment is totally destroyed and no more real food exists so the people are secretly being fed liquefied dead people. It's fucking disgusting. I wish people would wake up and stop doing stupid things like buying chemically loaded crap and having babies.

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  • thegypsysailor

    No reason to fear the inevitable. Just like dying, one can waste a lifetime worrying about it, or accept that it is going to happen and get the most out of what time you do have.
    The only thing that could stop overpopulation and climate change is the eradication of the pestilence known as human beings.

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  • Legless

    I fear the same thing, but as another user mentioned above, trm-nj, there's nothing you can do about it so try and not worry. I guess I need to take this advice too, but oh well.

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