Ive always been curious, but why is it that men stare?

How come at times we women are minding our own business just to find some guy we don't know staring at us? Sometimes you guys smile , but other times you stare blankly without looking away or at times we catch you staring and you look away fast. What are you guys thinking when staring? Are you thinking were unattractive,that we may dress eccentric, that we are pretty,or just plainly out of boredom, etc. Anyhow would like to address your opinions in the comments folks?

Out of boredom 14
Other 24
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Comments ( 9 )
  • I don't know if this is the case for most but for many men, myself included, a lot of the time we're just blankly staring in to thin air. I've done this to a few people, male and female, and sometimes they'll notice and stare back and it'll take a while for me to realize it seems like I'm staring at them unintentionally.

    Just need a place to rest our eyes, if that makes sense? Sometimes that results in our eye resting looking in a direction you're in or end up being in.

    I've ended up being irritated by how it seems like I'm staring that I end up having to try find ways to avoid staring in any direction at eye level if I'm resting so that I can avoid the whole instantly but not early enough looking away thing, which gives people the impression I was staring.

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  • Unimportant

    Sometimes they are lost in thought and don't realize they are staring.

    Sometimes they have poor eyesight and try to figure out whether they know you.

    Sometimes they are trying to memorize your appearance, in order to reproduce it later that night, when they are going to be fucking their wives or masturbating.

    Clothes is something I personally don't notice in people, unless it is extreme (like a chain armor). Unattractive people I try not to look at, for it is unpleasant.

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    • despuit

      lol I do the second one a lot, I mistake people for benches and fire hydrants for people.

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  • Arm0se

    It's never one reason all the time. Sometimes it's because they're pretty, sometimes it's because they're doing something strange, sometimes it's because they look familiar.

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    • despuit

      or sometimes those are some killer heels

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  • rltg4711

    Your question answeres itself, if men are looking at you. It is when they stop looking, that you need to ask the question .... "Why have they stopped looking" and again, the answere is so obvious.

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  • Terrik1337

    We certainly aren't staring at you because you're unattractive, nor out of boredom. We are staring at you because we find you attractive.

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  • notaterrorist

    because women look nice

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  • powerhouse

    If I look at a woman it's definitely not out of bordem. If I am looking at you you're.one hell of a beautiful.and sexy woman

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