Jay-z and male companion, beyonce are alien sequestrial forms...iin?
Part I: Jay-Z and his male companion, Beyonce are the closest species we have to aliens on this Earth. I started this theory when I took an underwater Sequestriatus biological earth forms class in San Diego. We also held a seance in the dorms for the first pre-historic being to come to us and it was a creature in the form of a Jay-Z. We all took notes, but at the moment, our claims are being denied by the American Science Foundation.
Part II: Why do I say male companion? Well, in several pictures (and hospital documents) it is obvious Beyonce has one of the largest genitalia known to man (except for a whale). She was also unable to give live birth to her young (an adopted Sequestriatus creature from Neptune)---one can see the resemblance to the Jay-Z creature.
Part III: Jay-Z has no gender, he is simply alien, thus the reason he was unable to impregnate anyone.
Part IV: They are alien because they do unreasonable things American humans wouldn't think of doing, like vacationing in Cuba (they have no concept of history) and digging holes in their pool to connect to the Earth's core to generate enough heat to last through winter for their alien scales.
Part V: They are close friends with Obama because he is able to keep their secret safe (so he believes).
This is my thesis for biology degree. What do you think? Have you heard this theory before?