Just a test i think i lost my ability to post
This is just a test my post are gliching, and I don't know why.
I think I followed all the rules but I am not sure.
But if you are reading this it means my account is back to normal
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This is just a test my post are gliching, and I don't know why.
I think I followed all the rules but I am not sure.
But if you are reading this it means my account is back to normal
You arent the only one. Found that out months ago. I dont wanna make a new account but this is bullshit.
That being said maybe posting the entire script of shrek as a comment wasnt the best idea.
I was once told that people tend to lose it when they either post controversial stuff, llegal stuff, banned topics, the same thing over and over, or they have too many accounts. Idk if its true though. XD
Tested it out before. Contained zero naughty words. Very vanilla stuff. Zero comments. Still banned -_-