Just please read below. i need help

Okay. So the thing with me is, that I have all my submissions due and not much time left. I still have to complete them and also I don't want to like really don't want to fail this year, because of my family and some other reasons. I'm under a lot of pressure and keep hyperventilating, but seriously just not do anything to make my situation even a little better. It's like I do care about the consequences and at the same time just not give a fuck to do something to make it all better. I'm even scared but at the same time I'm bored of all of it. Just doesn't make sense to me, why I'm being this way and I really need some help and advice. I just can't talk to anyone in my family because everything will get even more fucked up and nobody likes me here, also I don't have any friends that would give me the support I need. I really need help. I'm just so stupid idk wtf am I supposed to do and just why I am being this way. FUCK!

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Comments ( 6 )
  • lordofopinions

    Good info above. I would suggest doing it.

    Next time leave yourself plenty of time to get assignments done on time. You say they are boring but it's the price to pay to get those grades and diploma. If prospective employers find you don't have at least a high school diploma all I can say is have fun at McD's. Where I live you have to have a high school diploma to be a garbage man or as they are referred to these days Sanitary Engineers or Technicians.

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    • 69Donger

      The point where you said, that it's the price to pay to get those grades and diploma, I'm completely aware of that and actually that is the thing which is troubling me the most. I know all of this, I want to be successful, I want to put in hard work, and it's not like I'm studying something that I don't like, but there comes the problem. I'm just not doing anything. I start doing things, taking initiative but enD up on a bad note and at a stage where I know that I have to get this particular thing done, but I just don't care at that moment. Idk, I'm just not getting that push you need, I'm just not finding any motivation to continue and move ahead :(
      Although, Thank you for trying to help me friend. I wish everyone around me to be that helpful but it's all just a dream.

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  • paramore93

    Silly thing to say but just try not to freak out. Take a step back, make yourself a plan and dedicate each day to a specific task. Make sure you're getting enough sleep so you can focus and things may not seem so daunting :)
    If there is anybody at all you can talk to, I would try. Where I went to uni, our lecturers were always happy to give out advice and reassurance.
    It'll all be worth it when you get that pass :)

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    • 69Donger

      Yes, I will try to do so. My faculty is not that good tbh and I'll have to sacrifice my sleep to get the job done. I know all of this and I have that thing in my mind, that I just HAVE to get my work completed certainly, but still I just can't find enough will inside me to do so. I just keep wandering off and thinking about things like what is life and all.... which I guess is a good thing to wonder about at times but not at such moments where I am just required to put all my attention to my work. Actually tbh I'm pretty much fucked ( please excuse my language). It's just that, I don't know what's happening anymore and am completely not in control over the situation. :"(
      btw Thank You friend for taking out your time and trying to help me. It is really appreciated :)

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      • paramore93

        No problemo I've been there myself and the little sister is doing the same right now. I stayed up for five days and lost the plot so if you get a chance to have a nap, take it :P

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  • Nickvey

    i do my best work under pressure. could be you are the same way.

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