Kaley cuoco is overrated

I'm a fan of Big Bang but lately I realized that Kaley Cuoco who plays Penny isn't all that attractive. Especially since she cut her hair. Her body is nice but her face is kind of puffy and amorphous. I wouldn't say she's a butterface but her face isn't pretty. I think Bernice is actually much better looking.
She also has a sister in real life who is prettier. IIN?

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68% Normal
Based on 25 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • WalkingHateCrime#4


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  • freshwatermermaid

    Kaley is gorgeous and btw the characters name is bernadette, howard calls her bernie as a nickname. not bernice.

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    • Oh yeah thanks

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  • wigz

    She's a two-face...sometimes ok and sometimes hideous. I'd give her a 5.

    She was in Cosmo a while back and they made her look stunning though.

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  • 53739

    She's aged badly. She's only 30 and tons of 30 year olds look really young, some even look like teenagers, but Kaley Cuoco is showing hard signs of aging. Maybe she does a lot of drugs, smoking, or drinking. Because she looks way too old for her age. See how she used to look when the Big Bang Theory show started compared to now, it's a huge difference. She was actually totally beautiful back then. Not saying that people become less attractive as they get older, often that's not true, but she has lost a lot of her looks, no doubt about it.

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