Keep a revolver in glovebox

Im thinking about buying a 357 revolver to keep in the glovebox of my truck. Just to have when I go to work and do not have my conceal carry on me. Is it unethical and stupid to leave it in there at all times with the doors locked? How do other gun people feel about this? I dont live in a area where there is much theft but things have been stolen from cars at my work before. But if someone does bust my windows and steal it that makes me a victim of the crime and I shouldn't be liable for a thiefs decision to commit crime.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • LloydAsher

    Depends on what state you are in. In some that's a concealed carry and will land you in prison for 5 years. In others your car counts under the castle doctrine.

    Please be responsible and put it in a gun container. Preferably with the ammo in another container (I would use a speed loader in that case)

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    • Its not illegal in my state. We have contitutional carry and castle doctrine.

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      • LloydAsher

        Alright then.

        Why a revolver though? 5-6 shots? I'd trust a semiautomatic pistol more than a revolver. Revolvers are also so much work to reload in a jiffy.

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        • It will be a last resort gun. Like I said I usually carry anyway. I like how your finger print littered bullets dont fly out into the street. If I get in a weird situation where I have to defend myself Id rather have options and not have evidence everywhere. I also like that thr trigger on double action revolvers is hard to pull so it kind of works as a safety.

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          • LloydAsher

            Because it's so hard to file your gun after the fact. Also why do you need to kill someone so covertly if you are already in a state where you can defend yourself freely?

            That's kinda sus.

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  • Anonnet

    Not sure I'd be concerned about them stealing your gun, unless they know you have a gun in your car or it's very easy to find if they open the glove compartment... frankly in that case, I would be more concerned about any normal person you have in your passenger seat. Don't pick up any strangers!

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  • Orphan

    Just don't leave it in the glove box.

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  • litelander8


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  • Normalmember

    I have guns in my house, I feel like keeping them home is better then keeping them in a car, as far as theft is concerned. But I know people who keep guns in their trucks, especially during deer season. 🦌

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    • I have them at home too. I just want to have one always in my car. So many crazies out there Id rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

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