Keeping track of my girlfriend's toilet use

Our water bill's really high so I started keeping track of our water use. I installed a secret camera in the bathroom to keep track of her flushes since she won't listen to reason or cooperate. I will of course delete the footage later. I just need to count the flushes and number of seconds she uses the shower and sink. I also have a camera in the kitchen.

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Comments ( 26 )
  • Marshmall0wie

    You can afford surveillance equipment, but want to save on something cheap, like water? :)

    Please don't monitor people in the bathroom. Everyone has rights to their own privacy.

    If your GF use a lot of water, why not let her help out with the bill?

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  • That’s creepy and fucked up I hope she finds it.

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  • paramore93

    What exactly are you planning to do with your data? When she finds out and dumps you your water bill will go down.

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  • mauzi

    fake but appreciate the attempted humor

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  • Boojum

    Yeah, people should be mindful of their water use and try to reduce it. But your girlfriend isn't the only one being irrational here, and it sounds like you're obsessing over some pretty trivial shit.

    Do you also weigh your dinner plates to make sure she doesn't get more than her fair share? Mark breakfast cereal boxes and juice containers to track her consumption of those things? Follow her around the house switching off lights when she leaves a room for a moment?

    Is this _really_ about her water usage? Or is it actually about the fact that she doesn't bow down and do what you tell her to do?

    If you're sharing the household expenses 50/50, then you have no right at all to bitch about her water use. Odds are that you eat more than her, so probably what you lose on the water bill, you gain on the grocery bill.

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  • SwickDinging

    If she finds out you could go to prison

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  • nikkiclaire

    My water bill is really high. $700 a month. But I wouldn't perv on my gf for it. You're creepy af

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    • megadriver

      Over 700? How'd you manage that? Do you bathe in an olympic sized swimming pool? Only way you'd do that is if you had a farm and had to irrigate crops.

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      • nikkiclaire

        I have a farm hehe

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    • Boojum

      Damn, Nikki, that's a helluva lot.

      Where to do you live? In the middle of the Mojave desert?

      $700 is roughly the equivalent of the average annual water bill in the UK, and around half the houses in the country don't have water meters.

      We lived in Italy for several years on a farm with a septic tank system, so we didn't pay sewerage charges. Family of three with pretty normal hygienic habits, and our typical bill was the equivalent of $10 or so.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Goats drink like it's free hehe

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      • nikkiclaire

        But animals drink a ton of water

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      • nikkiclaire

        Hi live in D.C

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    thats absurdly irrational

    a normal person would install a timer on the bathroom lights and a water meter

    maybe an explodin terlet seat if thangs git outta hand

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  • I hope she dumps your sorry ass!

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    • mauzi

      how about dumps on, to save water of course

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  • trexagireve

    The only way to save water when you have a female roommate is to let her use you as her human toilet!!

    This way you will not need any water beside her natural golden nectar and she will not need any sort of white porcelain toilet or water to flush her waste!!

    You will be recycling every last drop that comes out of her divine body!! Think about it!!

    Also because females are superior in any way to males you will become a better person if you daily consume something that is made by her superior body!! Because it contains her divine DNA!!

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    • curious-bunny

      See I can fully support that. I'm that way with men, happy to consume there fluids

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    • EnglishLad

      You sound like a modern wave feminist dominatrix...

      There is nothing hot or sexy about putting the opposite sex down for their shortcomings.

      And you wonder why the vast majority of people who commit suicide are male...

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  • megadriver

    Do explain how she "doesn't listen to reason"... Is she supposed to not flush, or not use the bathroom? Also how many "seconds" she needs showering?! How many seconds do you shower? 25, 30, 15?! This is fucking retarded!

    What sort of muppet has money for spying tech and time to count seconds and flushes, instead of paying the damn bill... If you want to save money on water, get toilets that flush with less water and tell her to take quicker showers, if she showers for half an hour... Or just talk to her about sharing the water bill.

    But this, this is idiotic! Not to mention creepy af. If your girlfriend has any common sense, she'll spot the camera and then smash you over the head with it.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    This is absolutely normal for this weird place

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  • BlindSpot


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  • Sacksize

    Lol that’s fucked up.

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    • Sacksize

      I’ve been in situations where money has been tight but damn... monitor flushing?? We flush for a reason, dear. You would be much more upset to see what was left in the toilet if we didn’t get to flush when we wanted to.

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  • brutus


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  • IrishPotato

    Tell her.

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