Killing my libedo

I've posted on here before about my dead bedroom situation, well it's now been about 5 years with no more sex than about twice a year. Even then it's just a physical relief thing or to satisfy her so she can say we had sex three months ago, what are you complaining about!

Anyway without getting in to a lot of details. I still have a high desire for sex. Not a here let's just do this then go to sleep. She on the other hand doesn't seem to really ever want it, or if she does, it's like duty sex. " Let's get this over with".

After talking, counseling, trying everything I know, or that has been suggested, I'm now considering how can I just kill my libedo. I don't want to cheat, don't want a divorce, and physically she has already killed the physical part. I still want to play with her body, we are not spring chickens so we both have a few extra pounds and a few extra wrinkles, but I still want to play. Even when I'm hard and up all I have to do is start flirting and her response instantly deflates things.

So double question: is it normal to just want to kill my desires and imagination of what could be, and how do I kill the desire?

Sorry so long!

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Your wife sounds mean. Why are you with her?

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  • ospry

    Go to your doctor and tell them you've been having really bad anxiety. Ask to be prescribed 100-200mg of Clomipramine. I was on that medication for a few months at that dosage and it completely killed my interest in sex along with my ability to orgasm. If you're really intent on killing your libido, I'd say that's your safest course of action

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Why would you do that...?

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      • ospry

        Debilitating anxiety and OCD. When you feel convinced your only options are to end your own life because you can't bear the thought of a lifetime of being sucked into severe obsessive loops every few days or to take meds that kill your boner, suddenly sex doesn't seem so important

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        • Millie_the_evil_saint

          Seems to me more like sex itself makes me appreciate life more, and removes any interest in ending anyone's life. I don't know what sort of sex you were having before. But sex is not supposed to make you feel bad or anxious. It's really life affirming and relaxing. Helps you chill and enjoy your evening.

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          • ospry

            'sides, meaningless sex doesn't affirm anything for me or help me relax. If I'm going to get anything from it, sex has to be with someone I care for

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          • ospry

            I took the meds to treat the anxiety and OCD. The death of my sex drive was a side effect, not the reason I took them

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    • Wow, someone who actually takes the time to answer seriously. Thank you!

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      • ospry

        I can be a snarky asshole when responding to people's posts or comments. Something about your post didn't sound like a joke post or a troll. I think I remember your previous posts about this

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        • Millie_the_evil_saint

          Sometimes snark is just what people need. Leave your asshole at home though. OP already got a submissive partner.

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        • Thanks

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Hey, castration is always an option!

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    • Thanks

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