Ladies! don't fake an orgasm!
Let that man know he ain't shit! If he bad then he bad! Don't boost his ego!
is it normal I think this?
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Let that man know he ain't shit! If he bad then he bad! Don't boost his ego!
is it normal I think this?
Why is this exclusive to women? I have had to fake pleasure aswell when it came to sex. That being said, maybe making their partners feeling good about themselves is more important than humiliating them?
You seem like an annoying person...
I think it's generally considered more difficult for men to fake it. Reason being that if we're not turned on, we're (generally) flaccid.
No, actually. You can become errect and not be turned on merely by having it touched and so on regardless of being turned on. How do you think men have been raped by females?
I said "generally considered," not always.
I never said that it was impossible for a man to be erect if not turned on. Under 'normal' circumstances however, this simply just isn't the case. What you mentioned is the exception to the rule.
For a female, she can act like she's turned on and there's not really any dead giveaway for visual evidence. The only thing I could think of that might give some clue is how wet she is/isn't, but this isn't nearly the same as what men go through. For that reason, it is 'generally' easier for women to be able to fake orgasms than it is for men.
I Think I'd rather know, sex is important in a relationship, if someone iisn't satisfied but doesn't tell me or fakes it then I won't know otherwise, I'll think everything is cool so nothing will change, that could cause problems down the line
It's not my opinion I think your right and real cool, almost as cool as me.
So, making your partner feel humiliated is more important than their feelings? You honestly think that every sexual partner you have had has not thought "My God, this is terrible" and not said it to spare your feelings?
I wouldn't fake, but I wouldn't make the guy feel bad. I also don't think an orgasm is necessary for the sex to be okay. Haven't you heard this before: sex is like pizza: when it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, it's still pretty good. If the guy is trying, I think it's impossible for me to have bad sex. Worst sex I had: the guy was texting while I went down on him. That's being bad at sex!
Yeah, I never understood the purpose of faking. In the end, you both are pretty left unsatisfied. If you can have sex with a person than why be embarrassed about telling you what you enjoy, or not enjoy?
I faked it once, because the woman was insane and I just wanted her to leave.
A woman's sexual response is like a musical instrument. If you hear fake music the guy will lose his erotic sexual touch.
I think that there are many varying reasons as to why people lie about having orgasms. On one hand, there is probably a tone of pressure going both ways. The person who is receiving may not want to be perceived being seen in a negative lighting for not being about to produce an orgasm. So, they fake it to avoid this. Another thing, is that they probably don't want to hurt the feelings of their partner or make them feel insecure and somehow less than their gender.
I'm a man and fake orgasms are my worst fear. This is why I haven't had sex yet
Neither partner should fake anything, nor should they do the opposite and degrade the other for not being better.
Instead, why don't you be OPEN with each other? Take the time to communicate and learn for each other to make the experience better for both of you.
I can't speak for other people, but I know that I would much rather know the truth and learn what my partner likes than be given an attempt at a pseudo "ego boost". Seriously, if you're not satisfied with your partner's technique, tell him/her/whatever about it! Don't be a jerk about it, of course -- if you know they're sensitive, be a bit more polite about it, maybe say something like "That was wonderful, but I think we could both do even better if we discussed about it and learn more about each other's likes."
If either or both of you don't know, you could experiment with yourself and masturbate in your own time, or ask your partner if you could both try new techniques, 'kinks', etc. and experiment with each other to discover your interests and preferences.
But please, above all, you should always try to be open with one another when in a relationship. Never keep things secret or hidden, it'll only lead to a caustic relationship.
Abso fucking lutely! Kick that dog to the curb if he can't do the job! Why would any real woman keep a male around that can't satisfy her? Isn't that what female liberation is really about? NO MORE FAKE ORGASMS, ladies!
I am pretty sure faking it is as close as I'll ever get haha. But sure, it's normal to want to know the truth.. I also gotta agree with itduz
I take it someone faked their orgasm with you, told you later on they faked it, and your ego got crushed?
I'll fake it to get it over with as soon as possible!!! Then tell his other friends I eventually fuck that I didn't and that his penis is smaller than his, because his is the biggest penis I've ever seen.
It makes him finish faster and get it over with
The times we arent in the mood
sometimes girls fake it not because of him, but because for some reason they can't get there at that given moment, and the problem is in themselves. I see why trying to explain that can be a drag.
I personally don't fake it. I try to explain why it's not happening, as hard as it is...
I didn't take this scenario into consideration, it's a good point!
Even so, I find the amount of ignorance and misinformation present in relationships disheartening. Sometimes men aren't able to get an erection, and sometimes (a lot of the times?) women can't reach orgasm during intercourse; but neither partner should take it personally or negatively. There are literally hundreds of possible causes, and you shouldn't be afraid of making your partner aware of it.
Maybe the problem is that you're anxious or worried? Or perhaps there's something else bothering you? No matter what, discussing it with each other is the best way to help and learn about what can be done. There is no shame in natural or uncontrollable things such as this.