Ladies, would you date an attractive man that is a sperm donor?

I'm thinking about becoming a sperm donor. This is a big step for me, and it may have unforeseen consequences. So, before I decide to do it, I'll ask you ladies what you think.

Please vote on the choices below.

Yes, who cares 17
No. Selling your sperm is callous and cheap. 4
Depends. I'll comment. 4
I'm a guy and I just wanted to vote. 7
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Comments ( 25 )
  • KholatKhult

    There’s no point in becoming a sperm donor unless you have a remarkable bill of health. There’s no money in it either.
    “I’m attractive”, I doubt that actually matters to women looking for a donor. My sister and my sister-in-law have both looked into it deeply, and required interviews with potential donors. You don’t just jack it and get out, women will want to know everything about you.

    It’s the same as breeding animals, the first thing you look at is health and what both parents are a genetic carrier of what genes that may make them more susceptible to certain disorders.
    Both parents must be a proven performer, for animals that means competition/sport/work history, for humans that probably means social/work success.

    Nobody wants bred to a bimbo/himbo

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  • sweetone89

    Are you going to be comfortable with people coming to find their dad in 20 years or so? Are you comfortable knowing you could have 20, 30, or more children (with an egg donor, it's usually just 1-2). What about inbreeding? Say a half sister and half brother don't know because of the privacy and get married, have sex, and children?

    What if one day, you want to meet your sperm donor children and wonder who they are?

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      You realize they will never find the sperm donor because it's kept private.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Thats kind of sad Id want to meet them one day.

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    • 1. Meeting sperm donor children is an invasion of privacy.

      2. The probability of inbreeding is statistically close to zero.

      3. If I show up in someone's DNA report, I'll tell them
      I masturbated for the money, and it's nothing personal.

      4. Having 20 or 30 children is a privilege reserved for royalty centuries ago.

      Do you think I should reconsider my views?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Can you fill out on the form that its ok for them to find out your identity so your kids could some day meet you?

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  • ChrissySnow

    My husband was a sperm donor when I met him and it didn't make me less attracted to him. Actually, it was quite the opposite.

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    • He sounds like a prize bull. Lucky you.

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  • idolomantis

    Doesn’t matter to me, it’s positive if anything. I’d probably be an egg donor if I could, though I suspect that my genetics might be a tad too risky for most people lol. Oh well, that’s why I like donating plasma instead when I can.

    Anyway, that wouldn’t bother me at all. Money is money, and jerking it into a test tube sounds like a pretty harmless way to acquire money.

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    • You are convincing.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I wouldn't care but would be thinking some jokes about it n whst not

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    No, I wouldn't and that's all I'm prepared to say.

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  • SwickDinging

    I would be fine with it just for dating, but if I was looking to settle down and have children with someone then it would bother me.

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    • Interesting viewpoint. Thanks for responding.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    This is a very personal decision and something for you to research throughly and come to your own conclusions on - our views and the views of hypothetical women shouldn’t be your deciding factor.

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    • The views of actual women are a contributing factor. Who said anything about hypothetical?

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Perhaps hypothetical was the wrong word, I meant your future relationship prospects who you are yet to meet.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'd say go for it. Any decent Lady will not be bothered by that (and how many Ladies have you ejaculated your sperm into before you meet "the one"; those could come back legally if there was a pregnancy that you did not know about). Most Ladies worry more about that if they worry at all as it could financially affect them; and I've not met a one of them who was bothered by the concept that I might have a child out there because of my past sexual behavior with GF's (there is only 1 case where I don't know if there was a resulting pregnancy and child).

    Decades from now you might get a chance to meet some children of yours. You would have the option to say no to that; but, some sperm donors have agreed to be identified to the resulting children and have enjoyed meeting them. There is no legal obligations to worry about with using a normal sperm donation center.

    I wish you the best with this...

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Its a good thing imo, sounds like youre trying to give people trying to have children a chance 😊

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    • Thank you for the encouragement.

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  • fatok

    Don't tell her!

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Why would it have consequences? It's no different than egg donor.. and you never see or know the people who use the sperm or egg since that's private information so it's irrelevant to dating

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    • But maybe you feel exclusively entitled to my sperm. And, maybe you don't like the idea that I masturbated into a test tube for money. Please share your feelings on this.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Do you feel exclusively entitled to a woman's eggs? That should answer your own question

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        • Many women feel they are exclusively entitled to both sperm and eggs. Especially strict Catholic girls that think birth control is immoral.

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