Let's not redefine normal, please
I have a simple and very high standard and definition of what normal is, according to the Macquarie dictionary "normal", whatever that is, is "conforming to the standard or the common type; usual, regular, natural, or not abnormal", so simplifying the definition my normal is conforming to the standard and therefore acceptable type and is usual in the sense that it's commonly observed in experience and commonly met with, and habitual, that's one of the ways this particular dictionary defines normal, in other words I'm of the standard type and usual.
I don't believe this is natural, I'm naturally downright bizarre, it's an effort.
Therefore lots of people have observed and done what I observed and done, my normality's conformity, but the definition allows individuality.
The person who wrote the dictionary intended people to understand that it's very difficult and complicated to be normal like everybody else and intended you to understand how complicated a definition normal is.
Most normal people are usual and therefore regular, doing things habitually but my normal isn't this definition but is conforming to a standard, usual, regular, typical, I have a consistent, harmonious and systematic way of doing things and I'm current, ordinary, customary, and wonted.
That's normal I suppose but it's too evasive to define, I prefer usual, which is leading to my principles, getting with the times, and habitual, consistent, harmonious and systematic since usual is synonymous with normal.
I don't know what people are calling "normal" but they would undoubtedly call it usual.
In any case it's very conventional behaviour, stick to your definition of normal, the one that works for you.
My definition of normal in my mid-twenties was "mimicking everybody else, no less than 94% normal, typical, regular, average, mundane, not weird".
The original definition I had was "being identical to everybody else, unoriginal".
My definition is simply "usual, assimilating with everyone else, regular, very average, averaging yourself down, being the most average you can be".