Let's talk about coffee

When I drink coffee there's a certain variety I have to drink, custom-made for the average consumer, to keep me awake all night so I get to sleep in the day.
That's Turkish-style coffee. And if I drink other types of coffee from the packet, jar or canister or can I will fall asleep, I was thinking "oh no, I have to drink my regular coffee as the cure for drowsiness". Honk honk, bang bang, aroooooota! That's the bloody way it bloody well is!
The coffee has to be real, tasty, carefully roasted coffee so I can taste it, that other fancy stuff and jars/packets of gourmet coffee doesn't get me going, plunger coffee's what I need also, I can chat all day about coffee while drinking coffee, right now it's 5:25 very late at night, an hour later, at 8:00 in the morning, I hafta haff my breakfast and a mugful of hot real coffee.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • LloydAsher

    I'm an energy drink guy. Coffee is still to bitter for me so I'll take mine with cream, sugar, milk and all that crap.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Hey, don't ever talk that way about coffee, nothing of coffee's crap. Milk, cream, and sugar is quality things that go in a coffee. Boob squeeze!

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