Lets just conclude that all women want bad boys, right?

It's the truth! They do, and all girls that say they want a sweet loving guy who buys them roses and chocolate all the time, give them teddy's, their favorite hoodies and sweaters, are LYING!

Lets be honest, nice guys DO finish last and girls may not consciously admit it (being the confused creatures they are) want the dude's that are capable of screwing them over and sending them home in tears.
Just think about it before you flame me.

i) How many girls cry about guys being the dogs when all the clues were there that he was a total a** to begin with?
ii) How many *good* guys have you seen being shot down by a girl who later grabs herself a @#$*% for a boyfriend?
iii) How many girls right now are with a guy that treats them like (censored) and she still "loves" him?
iv) How many loveable guys does the mentioned girl have as "just friends?"

Oh yeah and for the *good guys out there:

i)How many girlfriends have you had?
ii) been cheated on? how many times?
iii) How many time's have you heard the infamous "its not you, its me" line?

Now if you answered all three honestly the number should be the same for each.

Face it... The only reason they claim guys are dogs is because those are the ones they are constantly looking for!!!
Nice guys are all over but no-one wants them. Even if they get hit by a stroke of luck, it will all end in tears because she found herself a "bad boy".

Girls are MESSED UP!!! 16
Screw the female species... 6
Good guys 90% of the time end up in the friend zone. 57
not my girl, she's perfect (I AM BRAINWASHED) 6
Girls are angels. Good guys just don't exist. 9
none of the above. (Yeah go ahead, prove me wrong) 60
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Comments ( 98 )
  • charli.m

    I don't want a 'bad boy'. Nor do I want someone who 'buys them roses and chocolate all the time, give them teddy's, their favorite hoodies and sweaters'.

    I'd like a normal person, please.

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    • VioletTrees

      Yes, yes. I dated a guy named Joseph who got me gifts of jewellery and chocolate (and other romantic things) all the time, and it made me uncomfortable. I felt like he was constantly struggling for my approval, and that's not what I want. I don't want to be put on a pedestal, I want an equal. It put so much pressure on me to react "correctly". And honestly, I just don't like chocolate that much.

      My husband went to the bookstore yesterday, and he bought me a book as a surprise. It was a small gift, and it was appropriate. You can give gifts without being all weird about it.

      Also, that nerdy, sweet, awkward boyfriend who gave me all those gifts? He also pushed me down the stairs. None of the traits that the OP named are magic anti-abuse guarantees. If I'd turned down Joseph and the OP had seen it, he probably would've thought "That bitch just doesn't want a good guy!"

      My husband, on the other hand, is a 6'6 metalhead with tattoos and gauges. He's loud and confident. The OP would probably think he's a "bad boy". But he's my best friend. He listens to me, he doesn't try to control me, and if he finds a spider in the house, he very carefully carries it outside.

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      • nelly96

        This lady has hit the nail on the head.

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        • VioletTrees


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      • "Also, that nerdy, sweet, awkward boyfriend who gave me all those gifts? He also pushed me down the stairs."

        That is the funniest thing I've ever heard. I guess that pedestal was at the bottom of the stairs?

        "My husband, on the other hand, is a 6'6 metalhead with tattoos and gauges. He's loud and confident. The OP would probably think he's a "bad boy". But he's my best friend. He listens to me, he doesn't try to control me, and if he finds a spider in the house, he very carefully carries it outside."

        It's called a "poser". Gauges are an especially telling sign.


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        • OswaldCobblepot

          Did you just unironically use the word poser? Are you 12?

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          • "Hate" = "think"

            So think, think, think, think about it.

            You are a penguin, I know english isn't within your grasp but you can do better. Tim may have made you a talking one but it was just weird.

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            • Charmo

              The guy that equates "hate" to "think", calls people "penguins", doesn't realize that English is a proper noun, and refers to the elusive "Tim" as one's maker is saying that somone ELSE doesn't have a good grasp of the English language?

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        • VioletTrees

          Wait, wait, wait. The fact that my ex boyfriend pushed me down the stairs is the funniest thing you ever heard? Is it somehow inconceivable to you that there could be more than one thing happening in a relationship, or that a relationship might change over time? Are you fucking new?


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          • "Wait, wait, wait. The fact that my ex boyfriend pushed me down the stairs is the funniest thing you ever heard?"

            Maybe not the funniest but it's up there. And it's just the image of someone named Joseph being like,

            "I love you so I got you a present"

            "oh how sweet, where is it?"

            "it's at the bottom of the stairs..."


            "Is it somehow inconceivable to you that there could be more than one thing happening in a relationship, or that a relationship might change over time? Are you fucking new?"

            Very conceivable, doesn't make it less funny in any way. I've been through several volatile relationships, and looking back at the way I acted has lost it's seriousness. Life, good or bad, is the infernal comedy.

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      • Ozzy

        well shit that joseph guy was trying to buy your love and that shit never ends.

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      • OswaldCobblepot

        I'm a bit more of an industrialist now…

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    • Wtf is a normal person and where can I get one?

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      • 1776

        Sorry... I dont think it exists 8|
        And thats awesome cause I think it could be boring as fuck.

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        • True.

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      • charli.m

        Bunnings? They got shitloads of stuff there.

        It was late at night. Forgive my lack of good-wordiness-using-descripty-shit.

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    • greatyodais

      Normal people suck. Being normal is not something people should live up to.

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    • I'm far from normal :D

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      • charli.m

        I love you anyway ;)

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    • KeddersPrincess

      ^Exactly what she said. Best answer!

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  • Corleone

    Charli.m already gave the perfect answer. But you're not the only person with this opinion about 'nice guys' and women. I think there are several reasons for this misconception.

    1. When a girl turns a guy down, for whatever reason, she'll usually say things like: "But you're a really good guy, really nice and you'll definitely find someone and bladibladibla."

    If a girl says something like that, she's not turning you down because you're too nice. She's just trying to spare your feelings.

    2. When a woman says she likes a 'bad boy', she doesn't mean she likes jerks. 'Bad boy' is more of an image thing. Some women love it if a guy acts like a bit of a macho, others detest it. These women want a guy with a tough exterior but with a soft side.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting that in a man, but personally, I don't find the women who are into the whole 'bad boy' thing very interesting.

    3. Some men confuse 'niceness' with self-imposed slavery. There's nothing wrong with being there for your girlfriend, but don't become her personal butler. That's not the kind of life you want to have, and it's highly unattractive.

    4. Sometimes, you'll see a girl with a guy and you'll think "I can't believe she's dating that's jerk."
    I admit I think this as well. But if a girl is dating a guy who treats her like crap, she probably has some severe emotional issues. Just like I think that men who let themselves be bossed around by their girlfriend (see 3) are emotionally imbalanced.

    Now, for your questions. I've been cheated on, like a lot of people. I've also been on plenty of dates. The reason why those relationships end have varying reasons. But let me tell you this. If a girl doesn't want to be in a relationship with me, it has nothing to do with my niceness. Being nice, polite and respectful are all good qualities. If I get dumped, it's usually because of my personality flaws.

    For example, I know that I can be very flaky, and I sometimes suffer from heavy moodswings, partly governed by chronic pains. I try not to make my bad qualities have too much of an impact on my relationship, but sometimes I mess up. And that's the kind of stuff that can break a relationship.

    Most of the times a relationships turn sour because of mistakes both of the parties make. Sometimes though, it's a 100% my fault. I admit that, and I try to avoid these mistakes in the future. I think you need to admit sometimes, you mess up too. You're not perfect. It's ridiculous to blame a good quality like niceness for getting dumped.

    TL;DR: Whether or not a woman wants to date a guy is decided by many factors. Being nice, polite and respectful to those around you is not a bad quality. Women do not want to be in a relationship with an abusive jerk.

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    • nelly96

      Tell 'em how it is girl! It looks to me that men just want a reason to hate us.

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      • Saycheese

        Not all men. Just the insecure ones that think less of themselves so they want to put the opposite sex down because of their relationship issues they've had.

        They need to learn to move on and to be more optimistic. Be happy don't worry... life moves on.... :)

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        • nelly96

          Yes I agree. I must correct myself here as I have met a few decent men.

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    • disfunkshinal

      This. ^

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  • bananaface

    I think the only thing I concluded from this is that you're a complete tosser. Ugh.

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  • ProseAthlete

    OP, you're a raging misogynist.

    As other wiser people have said, women are not vending machines that you fill up with kindness coins until sex comes out. The "nice guy" stereotype is usually anything but.

    Why would a nice guy assume that women were too stupid or shallow to know what was good for them -- and then presume to tell them as though they were ignorant children who needed his guidance?

    Why would a nice guy assume that a woman's friendship was meaningless if it didn't eventually lead to sex?

    Why would a nice guy feel so insecure that he constantly compared himself to other men in some kind of ridiculous penis-measuring contest to see who was "nicer?"

    Here's a clue: Women don't sleep with men because they're nice any more than men sleep with women because they're nice. They go out with them because they *like* them. There's something there to like, some spark of personality that goes beyond just managing opening doors for her and managing not to date-rape her even if she gets a little tipsy. Oh, and let's not forget that the guys who have the best success with women are the ones who are friendly and confident with ALL women, not just ones they're trying to bed.

    Learn how to be interesting. You don't have to be an ass to be interesting; you just have to have something in your life beyond the stink of desperation and misogyny that clings to most so-called "nice guys."

    Grow up. There's no such thing as the friendzone unless you're the kind of mealy-mouthed cephalopod that no self-respecting woman would find interesting anyway.

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    • I think that first line is the best insult I've seen all thread.

      I'm afraid to say the people you just described are the minority (5% or so). Look I'm not talking about the elderly matured, maybe married people here. I trust them to have their ish sorted out. I'm talking about natural selection within a said age group; old enough to date, young enough to be validly single on avg.

      Genuinely speaking. If it quacks like a duck, moves like a duck, looks like a duck chances are...

      If you see good people constantly getting turned down, see the girls they like with someone they're in tears over, and see the guy she's into constantly making an ass of himself... what does that imply? This is the more dominant love story over your typical fairy-tail ending.

      Please note I mentioned nothing about sleeping with the opposite sex... or being some Shepard... or even being the nice guy for that matter. I mean simply getting with the girl.

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      • LadySimplicia

        Maybe you shouldn't seem so insecure and self-conscious. I could never want someone who has less confidence and more insecurities than a thirteen year old girl. Yuck.

        Who really wants to have to comfort and reassure some marshmellow who's unsure of himself? Strong and confident men win in the end. Not just the "bad ones".

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I really don't like these "All women/men/blacks/whites/asians/muslims... are like that"-posts.

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  • nelly96

    Also! Turn your question around. There's a lot of girls out there that you men will never date because you don't find her attractive. It's about playing in your own league. I've seen it so much; guys whining because they can't have the pretty girl bit they won't date the girls that actually like them because those boys don't think those girls are attractive. Lower your bloody standards and you'll have a girlfriend in a week.

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    • dude_Jones

      Pretty girl? They want a girl that projects sexuality. Lower these standards and you'll get "Friend Zoned" in bed.

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    • You are on some roll today...

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  • PapzBSlim

    I understand what you mean but this is not true for all girls. I just believe a good majority of young girls fall into this category. How old are you, by the way? Usually girls who are first year college and younger fall in love with a guy because of looks and other unimportant traits. When you start dating a woman, not a girl, they tend to make the right choices.

    My father once told me that in order to consider having a serious relationship with a woman, you have to consider something very important. He told me, What do you have to offer her and what does she have to offer in return?" Of course there are tons of little factors that can determine the health of a relationship and longevity of one. Two compatible personalities, understanding, and common goal are important in a successful relationship.

    I suggest that you stop going for young girls, if that is what you are doing. If this is not it, do not get with a girl who is not all about fun only but is serious about her life. I am not a relationship expert but after years of failed relationships, I am starting to choose the right traits in a woman such as my girlfriend. I wish you luck in the future.

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  • nelly96

    Nice guys are only trying to do the same thing bad boys are; sleep with you.
    They just think that buying us things will get us naked. Then they get pissed off when the girl doesn't think being bought everything is a good enough reason to get naked.
    Bottom line, girls want someone who genuinely cares about us not our pink bits.

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    • nelly96

      Also, there is no such god damn thing as the friend zone. If we like you, we will go out with you. Most of the best relationships started as friendships.

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      • Matt2222

        There might not be a "friend zone" but there is almost always a friend you would never consider or want to date, for diffrent reasons. I know this is not common, and guys a girls both have this.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    The reason why the "good guys" don't get the girl is because most of them lack the confidence it takes to get a decent girl. They're over there wallowing in self pity when all they have to do is stop being such a wuss and man up. Girls like the "bad boys" because they have the confidence to get a girl. They don't necessarily deserve a girl, but because it's hard to find a confident guy these days, they take what they can get.

    I've had "good guys" like me. They don't try. They sit there and act like your best friend waiting for divine intervention before they ask for a date. The "bad boys" at least flirt and show you that they care about how you look and/or feel. They make a move. They're not too much of a chicken to show a girl what they want.

    Girls don't like games, guys!! I for one prefer someone who is straight up with me; someone willing to tell me how beautiful I am, how smart I am, and how great of a personality I have. Not someone who lacks the confidence to even mention their feelings to me.

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  • VioletTrees

    Pro tip: You're not nice.

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  • SangoNyappy

    Oh look another boy whining on internet about friend zone. Let me just tell you there is no such a thing as friend zone. You can be niceas much as you want but that doesn't make you person I'd want as a boyfriend. Girls don't want "nice" or "bad" boys they want someone with same interests who treats them nicely but doesn't act like some gentleman everyday. If girl says she wants to be friends it means you're just not attractive to her. You guys think how pitiful you are but you don't date every female friend you have too right? Women have every right to say "no" so stop whining.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Here we go again!

    Oh, for Pete’s sake all you “nice guys” who complain about how no girl wants you because girls only date douche bags and bad boys. Get real! It’s not that she doesn’t want a nice guy. It’s that she just doesn’t want you. Get over yourselves. I swear you’re pathetic!

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    • This wasn't inspired by receiving getting a red card or being turned down but rather by watching a girl I know being routinely publicly humiliated, mildly hurt by her man and jumping into bed with him all in the same night like she didn't have better options. She hasn't been the first either.

      It's not about me.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        As someone who's been in an abusive relationship, I can try to offer a bit of perspective.

        People who stay in relationships like that have a lot of issues, self esteem, depression, dysmorphia.... many others would make sense as well. Because of these issues (especially in regards to self esteem) they may not trust their own beliefs or judgements, and so they are conflicted about whether or not their SO is as bad as they think they are.

        In addition to that, there's the duality that most people seem to struggle with. They'll look back over their relationship history and see lots of good, happy memories interspersed with his occasional outburts (depends on how good at acting the douche in question is) and think it's not that bad, every couple has problems he just needs help. blah blah and so on.

        Sometimes people like that just have a complex about saving people. They see this guy, see that he's flawed and that invokes some weird ass instinct that some people have to want to "fix" him. They believe it'll work because you see it on TV all the time, don't you?

        My situation was especially uncomfortable because he was manipulative, and very good at it, and I was innocent. It was my first BDSM relationship and he convinced me that a lot of the shit he did was "part of the arrangement that I agreed to". I don't even know how to begin to explain it really, some people just have this talent at getting in your head... fucking with what I thought and believed so subtly that I didn't notice at first.

        It's also made more difficult by the fact that during the first phase of a relationship where so much of the bonding happens, the guy will usually be on his best behavior, and so the girl will constantly be trying to put the relationship back where it was at the beginning when he was just so good to her...

        Other people have done a good job answering why girls choose guys like this, but I feel like it's more important to know why so many people stay in abusive relationships.

        Personally, I know a lot better now and any guy trying to fuck with me like that again is going to be on the curb faster than you can say 'cocksmear' but I'm not most people either. (God that sounds douchey, I'm really not trying to brag. I do however look around on many a day and wonder how in the hell people got so stupid ._.) Without knowing about that individual, their opportunities and influences, I can't make an accurate judgement. As a psych major it's going to be my job to understand these people and help them improve. Everyone has some kind of issues, everyones been through some shit in their life. We can't know how we wouldve turned out in a different situation, so I try not to judge or bear ill will toward people unless there's very good cause.

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      • Mazlow

        This is something I've never been able to figure out either. It seems like its a naturally born instinct for them to go where there's more potential for damage when the safe option is right there! The funny part is they'll always have a contingency plan of who's shoulder is available to cry on every time something goes south. Do they think its enjoyable tolerating their tears?

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      • Charmo

        "It's not about me."
        Really? Because the way I see it, this is all about you putting your own personal opinion, supported only by anecdotes and bullshit statistics that you pulled out of your ass, out there as if it were an indisputable fact (as evidenced by the poll option that implies if you've experienced otherwise, you must be crazy) when, in fact, it is nothing but generalized, misogynistic conjecture and borderline hate speech.

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        • Like it or not its what it is. Have you looked around? This isn't just my opinion, everyone's thinking it and for something "pulled outta my ass" I'd say a lotta people agree judging by the votes. Call it whatever you want. Truth normally pisses off people anyways but calling it bullshit doesn't make it any less of a fact.

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          • Charmo

            "everyone's thinking it"
            Are we looking at the same poll? 'Cause it seems to me less than half agree with you. Of course, it's difficult to tell when you purposely made the poll options biased in your favour. As well, the majority of the commenters disagree with you and have explained their reasoning far better than you have.
            "Truth normally pisses off people anyways but calling it bullshit doesn't make it any less of a fact."
            Please present the evidence you have to support this. I assume you can cite where you got your "5% or so" statistic and have more than anecdotes to back up your assertions, right? Because you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to think you can accurately judge an entire section of the population based entirely on shit you made up.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        My mother is in a relationship with a man that treats her well. My sister is in a relationship with a man that treats her well. Each one of my friends that are in a relationship are in a relationship with men who treat them well, and I'll be damned if I got into a relationshiped with someone who mistreats me.

        Here's the thing. Yeah. You've got some dumb girls out there, who go after guys who treat them like shit, just like you've got some guys who go after girls who only want them for money. Just like you've got some guys who go after girls who cheat on them. Just like you have guys that go after girls that abuse them, but to say that all girls go after guys that abuse them because you've seen it happen once or a few times is bull shit. Pure bull shit! I've seen more girls that are with decent guys far more than I've seen girls that are in relationship with abusers. No. Most girls are not into the romantic, flowers by day, chocolate by night, walk through the park bullcrap. Sorry that romantic comedies have been telling you lies but we're not. However, most of us are not after a guy that treats us like crap. That's bull shit. Clear, straight and to the point. Most of us just want a good guy. He doesn't need to be drooling over us-romantic-nice, but we just want a decent guy. That's it. And if the guy isn't your oh so nice friend or that shy boy next door that has never done an awful thing to anyone in his life or who ever the hell you THINK girls should be into to, well, tough luck but that's how the world rolls. Sometimes we're into you and sometimes we're not. Being nice has nothing to do with it. But you can't take one or a few incidents and base that for all women.

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        • Gallieon

          Its hard to argue with the polls. Like it or not, fact of the matter is that's how girls were tuned. Majority of girls i know really are with jack asses but are just too naive to see it. He got a point.

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  • Kiddles9

    Most people who say 'Nice guys finish last' are not nice guys, they think they are but they aren't. You certainly are not a nice guy. As well there is a difference between a nice guy and a push over. I want someone who is nice to me and cares about me, but I don't want a pushover, or someone who will follow me and do everything I say, they need to be assertive and have confidence. Just because you've been screwed over by girls doesn't mean every girl is like that.

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    • nelly96

      ^ this.

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  • Littlebadgirl

    I'm pretty sure the guys who get the girls don't get them because they're good or bad. They get them because they're hot. In fact I believe *most* of the "bad boys" are the way they are BECAUSE they know they're hot and women want them, so they can do whatever they want and still get girls.

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    • best answer yet. And very true. Good looking people always tend to be mean and arrogant. They don't value relationships and friendships because they know they can always get someone else since people are so superficial and values are always based on appearance. It's pretty sad but it's true.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    This is why you're single. Why do you even go after women if you think this about all of us? No, seriously.

    Let me also say that just being "nice" isn't enough. Good for you, you're nice. You're sweet. But what do you have to offer? Kindness? That's it? Kindness won't pay the bills, kindness won't take care of me when I am sick and kindness certainly won't feed any kids you might want to have. You can't be as nice of a guy as you might think if your attitude is "screw the female species" and you can't be that smart either, because female is a sex, not a species.

    My husband is about as far from the "bad boy" stereotype as you can get. The only thing bad about him is his old, beat up junker. He's also very intelligent, he works, he has mechanical skills, he has career goals that he is pursuing, he has practical, real world skills and work experience. He's useful as fuck around the house, makes a great husband and will someday make a great father. That's what INTELLIGENT women look for in a husband. These girls that like jerks don't start looking for it until they realize that good looks and good dick alone won't pay child support.

    Just about every other married woman I know married a man who isn't "the bad boy". In addition, most of the girls I know don't date those assholes. Because I don't hang around stupid bitches. I know the difference and most women aren't those stupid bitches. You only think they are because they're the women that men like you enjoy going for. Maybe we should change the "nice guys finish last" to "intelligent women who have self-respect finish last".

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    • nelly96

      "intelligent women who have self respect finish last"
      Damn straight! I don't want to lower myself to being as sexist as the OP but gee this is proof that men are idiots.

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  • foxyk

    I think the options on here are sickening. Screw the female species? We bring you into this world and carry you for 9 months! LOL! It's some of you men or should I say "Boys" That are messed up. First of all, you are not looking for the right girls!!! I am with a nice guy, I ACTUALLY HATE "BAD BOYS"...and I know many other women who are the same. It's just some bullshit you hear about. Some girls do like bad boys, but it goes the other way around. There are also guys that like "bad girls" as well as good girls.

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    • NightmareGirl

      i REALLY agree with you.

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    • nelly96

      I agree too. This OP makes my blood boil.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm not interested in bad boys.

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  • Gallieon

    It would be nice to have a bit more male opinions here. Its all girls commenting for the most part so the thread is mainly gonna be bias. Pity.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      This. And notice how generalisations on women get heavily thumbed down while generalisations on men get thumbed up.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Because certainly the reason you can't find a girl isn't because of your attitudes towards women or your general doucheyness.

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    • VioletTrees

      Why on Earth would any woman pass up a date a guy who spends his time posting angry rants about how women don't know what's good for them online?

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        A hush falls over the internet as redditors everywhere await the long sought after answer to the question that has plagued their kind for generations...

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  • Imsupernormal

    Based on these poll results I would say IIN is full of a bunch of smug feminazi duchebag cunts!

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    • Yeah don't you just love them?

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  • 1776

    ''Girls'' want a man.

    Our definition of a real man is:
    - He must be nice and care for me.
    - He must love me back as much as I do.
    - He must show confidence and protect me whatever happens
    - He must fuck the heck outta me, desire me and make me crazy in bed.

    You are talking about ''nice guys'' but what do you mean exactly?... By nice guys I think you meant shy and not confident. And I am sorry but those are 2 completely different things. And yes we get fucked over because our instinct chose the one we are most attracted to sexually. We see the strong and bestial side which is shown by the man's confidence directly. We might hate ourselves for it, but its the very truth.

    We just need the man who will fullfil our fantasies like you need a woman who'll do the same. And theres different fantasies, different men and different women. Perfect, isnt it?

    If you are in high school and you are more of the shy guy, well you will have a harder time since girls dont know how it is to be hurt, or even to love. They just want to discover the man... Strong, handsome and fun.

    It will change over the years.

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    • Saycheese

      I truely was never that way. I never had liked the popular obnoxious guy in grade school. I liked the goofy and out of the ordinary guys. :) Nothing ever happened between us either... I most certainly knew I wasn't ready for any sorta relationship.

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  • Saycheese

    Well... apparently you need to get over yourself and move on...

    You apparently hangout with the WRONG women. I most certainly wouldn't date the "bad boy" neither would I date the so called "good guy". I want a guy that respects himself and others. Never would I want to be with a guy that has so many insecuities. I respect myself and others. My guy needs to independant and not rely on me, also to not think that I need reassurance all the time. I must trust him, which I would of course know he loves me for who I am.

    Insecure people go for insecure people (You). I've seen a lot of so called nice guys go for bitches more so than the other way around too.

    Sooo.... the answer is "No"... not all girls go for "bad guys".

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  • dude_Jones

    LADIES! Bad boys are delicious female junk food. Suck on 'em, taste 'em, feel them with your passionate teeth. Afterward in a demure voice say, "I would never do that." Guilty pleasures for your inner sex kitten.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I agree. The good guys are where girls left them... In the friendzone.

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    • nelly96

      No such thing as a friend zone.

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      • You wouldn't agree until you're in it.

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    • VioletTrees

      I don't get the whole "friendzone" thing. I understand that being turned down is difficult, but why the fixation on the friendship aspect? Why do people act like being friends with somebody you think is really awesome is some kind of punishment?

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      • Saycheese

        I don't get it myself. I guess they just want to have sex with that person. lol. Who knows...

        I know it does hurt to not be with someone. But for me it really doesn't hurt me a whole lot when a guy does it to me. I guess feelings eventually just kind of fade away into friendship feelings.

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        • Saycheese

          Also I didn't put maybe they do that to the guy, just because, that it is too fast for the woman herself. You have to be comfortable enough to move further. Which it's best to get to know each other well, that's what a lot of times guys don't get. But instead these guys just whine around I'm in the friendzone and it screws things up or maybe the woman just doesn't like you that way. There isn't one person the same.

          It's like the saying "opposites attract". Yes they can but guess what it never ends up being good because it ends up being more of a pain. So why not just be friends. Move on... :D

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        • shuggy-chan

          Agreed, but then how can anyone friend zone u?? Ur sweeter then the desserts u make

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          • Saycheese

            Awe thanks Shuggy. Glad you think so. :)

            Nobody is perfect. Plus I use to be more insecure than I am now. I kind of backed away some too because I knew I wasn't ready for anything to happen; I wasn't comfortable. I know I can still be that way considering I haven't had the experience of being with a guy so I can get uncomfortable but if I "really do" like the guy I won't back away and will let it happen. :)

            I am happy that I am that way though because I know that I am going to make the right choice.

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            • shuggy-chan

              That's great, I know it not always easy to be comfortable in ur own skin, let alone in from of others, I was the quiet shy kid growing up, always eager to impress

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        Of course it's a punishment.
        They don't friendzone us because we'd make such great friends but because they believe it's less harsh to say than "I think you are too ugly".
        And of course we wanted sex. Duh. The handsome badass male you do date wanted it too (and gets it) so way to try to guilt us into having 'bad' motives.

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        • Saycheese

          Explain to me why it's happened to me.

          Plus women are worth more than a freakin fuck. I've never gone after a hot masculine dumb-ass.

          And besides the hottest guy that I did go for he ended up always being with bitches. But I'm happy for him because it seems like he is in a good relationship now.

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  • cigs

    I am in the friend zone. my sister was going to hook me up with her friend but thats not going to happen because her friend is a bit to heavyset for me.

    The ones my age don't like me for who i am my self im not going to dress with saggy pants on poor looking just to satisfy them and make my self look like a jackass in-front of other people i don't know in public.

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  • suckonthis9

    I agree mostly with what you had written.
    I did not vote, however, because none of the options provided were an apt representation of my concurrence. (Girls are not spirits, this option is Unenlightened.)
    Females often select a mate based mostly on height, appearance, social status and dick size.
    How superficial.

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    • Corleone

      We're all a little superficial. But here are some things you need to consider.

      Height: somewhat true, just like most men want a woman who's shorter. Then again, look at Peter Dinklage and his wife. That's a severe height difference, but I think a lot of women find him attractive.

      Appearance: Yes, it matters, but I think men care more about this than women. Dressing well is half the battle for most girls I know.

      Social status: Yep, definitely matters. For women, it matters way more than appearance, even. But the good news is, this is something you can work on. So I don't think it's that superficial.

      Dick size: Women want to have a satisfying sex life. I'm convinced that the vast majority of men have the 'goods' to give that to them. You don't need to be hung like a horse to be a good lover. In fact, a friend of mine complains that her boyfriend's penis is too big, which hurts.

      But lastly, women want a guy who they find interesting. Someone who suits their personality. You don't want a girl who doesn't suit your interests, right?

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    • nelly96

      .... And men select a mate based on cup size.
      How superficial.

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      • suckonthis9

        Some men, not all.

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        • 1776

          Cupsize was an example here I think. Men are way more superficial.

          Being a woman sucks mostly because of all those fucking standards.

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          • Gallieon

            Men are honest about it. It gets really hypocritical when it comes to most girls. they say they want one thing....

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  • Tinybird

    No, I hate them :(
    I'm into the sweet, shy, quiet kind of guys :) the innocent type. I find them really cute ^_^

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  • Juicedrink

    "bad boys" piss me off. I don't want the nice guy that you described of. Just someone nice. But not "creepy" nice.

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  • shakalaka

    I've had enough of bad boys.
    I want a nice guy. Not someone who will buy me roses and chocolate all the time. Just a normal guy, someone that can make me feel at ease whenever we're apart because I can trust him. Someone that loves me just the way I am.

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  • Mazlow

    This does come off as a rant at first glance I'll admit but looking at the bottom lines. The guy has a point. The better people are generally overlooked for the more unrefined person. God knows why.

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  • Elli

    I want a normal person!

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  • ccjigsaw

    I'm not going to prove you wrong. I'm sure you have a reason for your rant.. or atleast I hope you have a reason aside from what you saw it on T.V. and hear about from other people. I'd like to speak for myself though and say that I do actually like nice guys. If a guy is an ass to me I become unresponsive and lose interest. I'm more of an emotionally turned on type. I need the connection and someone being genuinely nice to be interested.. There are a lot of fickle women these days though. I wouldn't say they go for bad boys, but I've noticed a trend in american women especially. For some reason of other, women are messed up. I've seen segments on girls who WANT to be strippers and prostitutes and actively search out pimps... What the hell?!?! Some men are seriously irked by this, but there are also the men who are living it up with these stupid women.. It's give and take. I visited america and have seen a lot of this first hand.. It's not just women.. it's society..

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  • Audrina

    Bad boys were fun when I was young. When I started thinking about marriage and family it was bye bye to them.... no looking back!

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