Liar liar pants on fire?

Are you a liar, stinking liar, bold faced liar, habitual liar, or never lied like Honest Abe or George Washington?

Take the Poll!

I lie less than most people (At least I think so!). 18
If it further's my goals I will almost always lie! 9
I lie so much I BELIEVE my own lies!! 8
I lie so much I cannot remember my own lies! 9
Lying is a hobby! Every day is April Fools damned if it annoys people! 6
I ONLY lie to people I know well. Why lie to a stranger? 6
Like Abe and George I have NEVER EVER told a lie-EVER! 2
I lie no more or less than the average person (I hope so!). 17
Why are you asking this question? Are you the CIA or something? 8
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Comments ( 19 )
  • Moralman

    I love to lie in the most outrageous manner to see if people catch it or realize what I'm doing.

    It cracks me up that people who I know will say the craziest things will constantly fall for my lie until they catch themselves....I swear I don't know how many times of used the line "Hey, it's a flying saucer!" or "Back on Mars, we...." LOL.

    Then again maybe I wasn't lying.... :p

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    • Quiblum

      Haha, you're good. I do that too.

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  • wigsplitz

    I don't lie, except to cops. They deserve it, and it benefits me. Cops lie more than anyone on earth. Give 'em a dose of their own medicine.

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    • StrawberryTurtle

      i can telk by your 3rd sentance your a lier.Cops dont lie as much as normal-living humans do.without cops,the world would go crazy,everyone would do drugs and women would be raped everyday theyed expect it & if you want the world to end right after humans got on it,keep calm and respect cops!

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  • IIN is the only place I don't lie.

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  • SoccerStud88

    lying is awesome

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  • MissDethstar

    I lie to avoid conflict but that's most likely the only reason, i am also very bad at lying. A part of me want to tell the truth, even when it makes the situation worse. I've been surrounded by liars my whole life, I do not want to be a part of them.

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  • Quiblum

    I lie a lot. But I guess it's fine if people close to you see through it. For example, I lie consistently and my close friend sees it so he trusts me because I always invent a story that portrays me the worst. Mental problems.
    It's also easy to control a conversation for me so when people ask me questions that i don't want to answer then i just veer them away from the topic.
    It`s funny when you lie using the most outrageous lies ever, random stuff. Or when the truth is actually more outrageous than the lie, you can just say the truth and smile so people assume you`re lying when you actually are not.

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  • its been worrying me for a while because i have lost a friend due to it and her noticing that i always lie, to everyone. i lied to her dad and to my parents and my siblings when i was with her. in an argument my brother recently told me that i was just a bare faced liar, its what i do. i had never really thought much about it until recently.. when i realised that i DO lie quite alot... everyday i tell atleast one lie. i lie to makemyself feel better, i lie to get out of trouble, i lie to avoid conflict, i lie about something i may have done that has ashamed me or something, etc. :/

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  • ariannel

    I hate lying but I do it when necessary. Usually to avoid conflict and/or embarrassment.

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  • Sweetz

    I don't like to lie.

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  • mizeka

    I lie to avoid causing embarrassment to me or others. However, of course if I have for example broken something, I will take responsibility. Since lying in that situation would cause trouble to others.

    Oh, and I mostly lie about my personal life. There's no need for others to get too close.

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  • oops sorry i forget this choice
    * i even lie in my dreams

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  • zchristian

    I lie so much i cannot remember when i last told a lie:P

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  • Eudoxia

    I have too many tells to be a convincing liar... I don't do things I'm not good at. :)

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  • randomguy111

    I would not call it lying - I would call it making stuff up (which I suppose is lying) and exaggerating a lot!

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  • Saycheese

    I try to never lie. If I lie I truely regret it, I feel awful normally. It's better to be honest in life than lieing your way through things. People could find out and never trust you. It's best to be a good trustworthy person!

    But I can't say that I've never lied. I use to be a really bad liar when I was little.

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  • dom180

    I lie all the time if I feel uncomfortable about something. I feel safer lying even if the lie is more weird than the truth. No real reason, and white lies only (no racist).

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  • howaminotmyself

    I rarely lie. Can't say that I never do it, that would be a lie. I'm just really bad at it. It's so much easier to be honest.

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