Licking hentai chicks

Ok so I know that licking a hentai girl is kind of impossible, but I have had sexual lucid dreams of hentai. In these dreams, I tend to lick the girls body. and I don't mean a little lick, I mean licking her stomach like it's fucking ice-cream. Is that normal?

Dude, hentai is fucked up. So is the licking. 5
Licking is fine, hentai is weird. 2
Hentai is great, licking is cancer. 5
Yeah its perfectly normal. 21
Kill yourself faggot. 13
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Comments ( 2 )
  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I take it from the options that you think it's really bad. Don't beat yourself up, mate. Nobody can control their dreams. If you ask me hentai isn't any more weird than other porn. Maybe it's even better because no real people are being sexually abused and exploited (Not to say that's always the case, but it sure happens).
    The licking thing is also a perfectly normal sexual urge, don't be ashamed.
    I will say though, it can damage your thought patterns when you watch too much porn (any porn really). Especially when you're young. Because of the unrealistic expectations it can produce. Like, if you only fantasise about cartoon girls, maybe it's time to take a break and see how long you can make it. That can also help to feel better about yourself and have some more energy.

    It's fine, okay :)

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  • mysistersshadow

    Are you the tentacle monster in the dreams?

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