Life makes no sense. what do you think?

Why do cultured, mature, intelligent, beautiful people sometimes get turned down or go unnoticed by shallow, unintelligent, ordinary people? I've seen this happen a lot and I'm curious to know your experiences with this and opinions.

Because either way, the two are on different wave lengths 5
They could never be compatible, not meant to be 0
Maybe the "shallow" people look for others like them 2
Maybe the "shallow" type don't realize that they are that way 7
Maybe the "shallow" type, view the "special" type as weird instead 14
Because "standards" and how the media portray human behaviour..Tbc 7
Isn't always accurate in real life. 5
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Freakman

    I think that people tend to like people that are confident in their own skin.I don't think people really care too much how attractive some-one is but rather how they act.Also,a lot of people are morons and therefore not worth worrying about.

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  • bananaface

    Because not everybody wants and thinks the same things. Just because they don't have the same taste as you, that doesn't make them shallow or ordinary. It means they have their own opinion, you should respect that.

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  • It's happened to me too,so I don't give a fuck anymore.

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  • TerryVie

    Maybe because the "cultured, mature, intelligent, beautiful people" come across as elitist narcisstic snobs to the "shallow, unintelligent, ordinary people"?

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  • I'm shallow and intelligent so that turns your whole world upside down.

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    • Not really, because I'm not talking about shallow, intelligent people.

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      • Are you talking about people?

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  • VioletTrees

    Maybe it's not your job to police other people's relationship decisions.

    If you're talking about yourself, though, the problem is probably that you think you're deeper and more attractive than your peers.

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    • bravo, saved me a comment! lol

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